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To: Judith Anne; Twink

Judirh Anne and Twink...I agree completely with what the two of you have said...I have always enjoyed many of the Catholic threads, as I find many of the Catholic posters, well informed, and knowledgeable, and civil...

Really, I have rarely heard the Catholic posters, become vile or vicious...I have seen them go out of their way, to help others understand their religion, understand their history as a church, and understand where they are coming from...and they are always willing to help, repeatedly...

On the other hand, I have heard Catholics viciously called cannibals, because of their belief in transubstantiation, I have repeatedly heard how the Catholic church is just jammed packed full of priests who are pedophiles(in spite of the fact, that non-Catholic Christian churches have their own problems, with pedophilia, within their own ministers), I have heard the Catholics called ‘idol’ worshippers, because of the statues in their churches, I have heard Catholics called ‘Mary worshippers’, because of their special view of Mary, and on and on...true, this does not go on all of the time, but it certainly has happened enough times, for me and I am sure, for others, both posters and lurkers alike, to note, that Catholics are often the butt of the most vile attacks....

As are the Mormons, whose threads get quite out of control at times...

I am not a Catholic, I am not a Mormon, in fact, at this point in my life, I belong to no organized religion...I try to view this back and forth that goes on between the different religious factions here at FR, and try to see what they are stating as their beliefs, and how they back it up with Biblical references...

Each group, in its turn, seems to be the group that feels it is being unfairly targeted...

But my own view is, as I am coming from no organized religion, that the Catholic posters on FR, have indeed, shown themselves to be fine representatives of their religion, and I have very much enjoyed reading what they have to say, and have taken what they have to my heart, and tried to incorporate what they have said, into my daily Bible readings...I will just have to say, what the Catholic posters on FR have posted, have helped me immensely...

And on top of all of that, the Catholics, just seem very happy, delighted, and have a great joy in life, which to me, seems to come straight from their religious beliefs...

Take what I say, however you chose...I am just noting, how I have view these various religious threads over time...

145 posted on 03/02/2008 7:55:51 PM PST by andysandmikesmom
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To: andysandmikesmom; Twink; TradicalRC

Thanks folks, just for being here. God bless.

146 posted on 03/02/2008 7:58:39 PM PST by Judith Anne (I have no idea what to put here. Not a clue.)
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To: andysandmikesmom

Thank you for that post.

My Mom was devoted to the Blessed Mother, said the Rosary daily. I know some don’t understand that, how the Rosary is such an important daily prayer or the devotion to the Blessed Mother, even me at times, but because of my mom, it holds special meaning and I now understand it. She’s Jesus’ mother. She’s not God, and we know that. But she is Jesus’ mother. We don’t pray to her in place of Jesus/God but as an intercession, and yes not necessary but a vital part of our history and the history of the church. Moreso, a part of our ethnic history maybe. At least mine. She’s His mother. Same with the 7 fishes dinner on Christmas Eve. I know may Catholics who don’t follow that, even Italian Catholics from a different region in Italy. I was raised to follow it, it’s a feast, a family get together and each fish stands for one of the Sacraments (shellfish not included but we have those too). It’s a wonderful tradition for the family and for honoring our Faith/Jesus. And all the kids complain, as I did, about eating fish, and only fish, but in a few years they’ll like it, lol, and understand the symbolism. It’s a tradition for certain Italian Catholics (not all) and tradition is good sometimes. It reminds everyone at the table, and in our house it’s 30+ and growing, that Jesus is the season, the focal point of the Christmas season because we can forget that.

The traditions, symbols, statues, are there to remind us, rich in history but not the only part. My husband, before he converted, always talked about the “tradition” things in the Catholic church. And how unimportant they were. He’s seen they’re important, just not the way the outside world thinks they are. They’re a reminder but not the focus. Catholics know that.

I don’t necessarily think that catholics are targeted here or anywhere else. But I do know we don’t fight back or use the “victim mentality” so readily used in our society. I hate the victim mentality, can’t understand why anyone wants to be a part of it, like it’s a good thing. I’m just surprised a conservative site has so many non conservatives.

I’ve been in a bible study group for over a year now and I’m learning tons. We had bible study in my grade and high school but until now I really didn’t know much about it. Or at least not as much as I wanted to and learning now.

One of my problems is, I don’t think much of the evangelical movement in my church or any church. I have my faith, not trying to convert anyone, but we’re taught to spread the gospel. I don’t care what anyone is, what church they belong to or what they believe as long as they don’t try to convert me or diss my faith.

Now with the threat of Islam so close, far closer than the average American realizes, we have to be vocal. We have to fight this.

I usually don’t read or post in religion threads other than those which are Catholic for prayers or Mass readings. Not sure how I got into this thread, lol, but I’m blaming it on the change. I hate computer change things. It’s probably PEBKAC.

I’ll regret this probably but will get over it with a beer ;)

Thank you. It was a nice post exchange.

148 posted on 03/02/2008 9:03:57 PM PST by Twink
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