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The bodies of the saints are buried in peace:
and their names live unto generation and generation.

10 September 2006 A.D.

Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, Confessor
Born in the year 1245 at Sant'Angelo, March of Ancona, diocese of Fermo. His middle-aged parents, Compagnonus de Guarutti and Amata de Guidiani, were childless until a prayerful visit to a shrine of the original Saint Nicholas at Bari, Italy. In gratitude, they named their son Nicholas. At the age of 18, young Nicholas became an Augustinian friar, and a student with Blessed Angelus de Scarpetti. Monk at Recanati and Macerata. Ordained at age 25. Canon of Saint Saviour's. Had visions of angels reciting "to Tolentino"; he took this as a sign to move to that city in 1274, where he lived the rest of his life.
Worked as a peacemaker in a city torn by civil war. Preached every day, wonder-worker and healer, and visited prisoners. He always told those he helped, "Say nothing of this." Received visions, including images of Purgatory, which friends ascribed to his lengthy fasts. Had a great devotion to the recently dead, praying for the souls in Purgatory as he travelled around his parish, and often late into the night.
Once, when severely ill, he had a vision of Mary, Augustine and Monica. They told him to eat a certain type of roll that had been dipped in water. Cured, he began healing others by administering bread over which he recited Marian prayers. The rolls became known as Saint Nicholas Bread, and are still distributed at his shrine.
Reported to have resurrected over one hundred dead children, including several who had drowned together. Legend says that the devil once beat Nicholas with a stick; the stick was displayed for years in the his church. A vegetarian, Nicholas was once served a roasted fowl; he made the sign of the cross over it, and it flew out a window. Nine passengers on ship going down at sea once asked Nicholas' aid; he appeared in the sky, wearing the black Augustinian habit, radiating golden light, holding a lily in his left hand; with his right hand he quelled the storm. An apparition of the saint once saved the burning palace of the Doge of Venice by throwing a piece of blessed bread on the flames.
Nicholas of Tolentino died 10 September 1305 at Tolentino, Italy following a long illness; relics rediscovered at Tolentino in 1926; in previous times they were known exude blood when the Church was in danger. This blessed holy priest was canonized on 5 June (Pentecost) 1446 by Pope Eugene IV; over 300 miracles attributed to Saint Nicholas of Tolentino were recognized by the Congregation.

Saint Agnes Takea

Saint Agnes Tsao-Kouy

Saint Angelus Orsucci

Saint Anthony Kiun

Saint Anthony of Korea

Saint Anthony Sanga

Saint Anthony Vom

Saint Apelles
First century convert. Bishop of Smyrna. Saint Paul greeted him as "approved in Christ" in Romans 16. Martyr.

Saint Apollinaris Franco

Saint Autbert

Saint Bartholomew Shikiemon

Saint Barypsabas

Saint Candida the Younger

Saint Cosmas

Saint Damien Yamiki

Saint Dominic Nakano

Saint Dominic Shamada

Saint Felix

Saint Finnian of Moville

Saint Francis de Morales

Saint Frithestan

Saint Gundisalvus Fusai
Held high office in the Japanese imperial court. Convert to Christianity. After baptism, he quit his position to work for Jesuit missionaries. Imprisoned in Omura, and while in prison he joined the Jesuits, received into the society by Blessed Charles Spinola. Burned alive in 1622 at Nagasaki, Japan.

Saint Hyacinth Orfanel
Dominican at Barcelona. Missionary to Japan. Burned alive in 1622 at Nagasaki, Japan.

Blessed Ignatius Jorjes
Four-year-old son of Dominic Jorje and Blessed Isabel Fernandez, with whom he was beheaded in 1622 at Nagasaki, Japan.

Saint Isabel Fernandez
Widow of Dominic Jorjes. Mother of Blessed Ignatius Jorjes. Beheaded with her son for aiding Blessed Charles Spinola.

Saint Jader
Bishop in Numidia. Condemned for his faith to slave in the marble quarries at Sigum.

Saint John Kingoku

Saint John of Korea

Saint Joseph of Saint Hyacinth
Dominican. Provincial vicar of Dominican missions to Japan. Noted for his fluent Japanese. Burned alive in 1622 at Nagasaki, Japan.

Saint Leo Satsuma

Saint Louis Kawara

Saint Lucy de Freitas
Married Philip de Freitas. Burned alive for sheltering missionaries in 1622 at Nagasaki, Japan.

Saint Mary Tanaura

Saint Mary Tokuan

Saint Mary Choun

Saint Menodora

Saint Michael Shumpo

Saint Michael Yamiki

Saint Nemesian

Saint Ogerius

Saint Paul Tanaka

Saint Peter Martinez

Saint Peter Nangashi

Saint Peter of Avila

Saint Peter Sampo

Saint Peter Sanga

Saint Pulcheria
Daughter of Byzantine Emperor Arcadius and Empress Eudoxia. Her father died when she was 15, and she became regent of the empire on 4 July 414 until her younger brother Theodosius was old enough to rule. Pulcheria took special care of her brother's education, ensuring a strong religious background. She took a vow of chastity, and worked for religious reform and evangelization through the empire.
When Theodosius took the throne, Pulcheria faded for a while into court life. She supported Pope Leo the Great regarding the Monophysite controversy, and when Theodosius married in 421, his wife convinced him to exile Pulcheria.
On the death of Theodosius, Pulcheria was recalled to be empress of the Byzantine Empire. She sponsored the Council of Chalcedon in 451, and supported the Church against the Nestorian and Eutychian heresies. Built churches, hospitals, hospices, and a university in the city of Constantinople. Died July 453 of natural causes.

Saint Richard of Saint Ann

Saint Salvius of Albi

Saint Sebastian Kimura

Saint Thecla Nangashi

Saint Theodard

Saint Thomas of the Holy Rosary

Saint Thomas Sherwood

Saint Veranus

3 posted on 09/10/2006 4:20:01 AM PDT by Robert Drobot (Da mihi virtutem contra hostes tuos.)
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Prayer for Heretics and Schismatics
    Orémus et pro hæréticis et schismáticis: ut Deus et Dóminus noster éruat eos ab erróribus univérsis; et ad sanctam matrem Ecclésiam Cathólicam, atque Apostólicam revocáre dignétur. Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, qui salvas omnes, et néminem vis períre réspice ad ánimas diabólica fraude decéptas; ut omni hærética pravitáte depósita, errántium corda resipíscant, et ad veritátis tuæ rédeant unitátem. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, Qui Tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Let us pray for heretics and schismatics, that our Lord and God may deliver them from all their errors, and vouchsafe to recall them to their holy Mother, the Catholic and Apostolic Church. Almighty, eternal God, Who dost save all, and willest not that any should perish, look upon the souls deceived by diabolical fraud, that, abandoning all heretical depravity, the hearts of the erring may regain sanity and return to the unity of truth. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who livest and reignest, with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

4 posted on 09/10/2006 4:21:57 AM PDT by Robert Drobot (Da mihi virtutem contra hostes tuos.)
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