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To: Salvation
Note some interesting anniversaries of Fatima:

October 13, 1884 - Pope Leo XIII falls into a trance after morning low Mass hearing a conversation between Satan and God predicting the 100 years war on the Church (the 20th Century?). This is 33 years (the life of Jesus) to the day before the Miracle of the Sun Dancing at Fatima (October 13, 1917).

May 13, 1981 - this is the day of the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II. A few months earlier, President Reagan is also shot. Note that this is a play on the first anniversary of the apparition of Fatima - May 13, 1918 versus May 13, 1981. Maybe this is God's way of confirming that Pope John Paul II is the Pope of the 3rd part of the secret. (The reverse of the last two digits of the year -- 18 versus 81. This was also how the book titled 1984 got its name -- the reverse of the year it was written -- 1948...)

7 posted on 03/20/2007 8:25:24 PM PDT by topher (Let us return to old-fashioned morality - morality that has stood the test of time...)
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To: topher

**Note that this is a play on the first anniversary of the apparition of Fatima - May 13, 1918 versus May 13, 1981. Maybe this is God's way of confirming that Pope John Paul II is the Pope of the 3rd part of the secret. **

An interesting fact of which I was not aware.

Pray the Rosary. Go to Mass on the First Saturdays. Performs acts of reparation for those who do not believe and are probably bound for hell.

Having the Statue of Our Lady of Fatima at our Church was an eye-opener for me.

Thanks for your added tidbits.

8 posted on 03/21/2007 9:11:37 AM PDT by Salvation (?With God all things are possible.?)
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