Note: Darwin was a rebellious character who was a seminary student, gone bad...
Gone bad? In what way?
He's been dead a while.
He came from a highly religious environment(I think, England). Don't remember if he was a preacher's son, or what. But anyway, he was somewhat forced into a mold, and one day snapped. But he was egged-on, don't remember by whom, but Darwin would not have gone forth with anything were it not for the antagonist. Took off from his base, and never looked back. I think even those close to him remarked that he went too far. To his dying day, he maintained that God did not exist, in spite of relatives showing evidence proving otherwise. Just went out of his way, to try and prove, and I don't remember the details, but there were things he fabricated with his evolution business. I do remember that those close to him remarked on how sullen and awnry he remained...