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Reformed Evangelism ^
| Morton Smith
Posted on 05/06/2005 9:24:02 AM PDT by ksen
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To: Alex Murphy; Dr. Eckleburg
"In saying this, however, the thought is not that one should tell all men that they are equally the objects of God's saving love. There is a distinction to be made between the love of common grace, and the distinguishing electing love of God which results in the salvation of His own. For one to assert that God loves all men equally and in the same way, is to assert something that is not true to the Bible. If one does make this assertion, he cannot preach the distinguishing grace of God found in the doctrine of election."
There seem to me to be a very practical problem with this statement. We don't know who God has chosen to bestow His grace on and yet we are commanded "to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature". If we cannot simply say say that God loves them, as in John 3:16, without going into a theological discussion on the meaning of love (like what's going on in a never ending thread on this forum) and the difference between His decretive vs. His permissive will, how can we ever witness to ordinary folk? If we play word games with them, somehow relying on the Holy Spirit to make clear to them the answer to our riddle, it seems that this is deception.
This is anecdotal, but one of the great "soul-winners" in my church is a grandmother with limited education who befriends other women and is selfless in her helping them. Her "success" if you ask her, is similar to the blind boggier before the Sanhedrin, "I once was blind but now I see", "I once was lost but now am found", and people see her good works and listen to her testimony that God loves them and sent His Son to die for their sins and many respond, believing. She has absolutely no knowledge nor the capacity to understand the differences in the term love or wills of God. All she knows is that God loves her, saved her, provides for her and she tells everyone she can about this God of hers. The amazing thing is those that are saved through her witness are similar to her situation and become faithful followers of Christ.
If I can use a very crude illustration, we are the fisherman, the offer of the love of God is the "bait". Those that bite are those that God has called since He gives the increase. Those that nibble and leave or ignore the "bait", obviously were not called, but we don't know which fish will bite and which fish will reject, so we cast our bait upon the waters and whosoever bites will be caught. As good fisherman, we offer the bait to all the fish that by all means we might catch some, the elect. It does us no good to see someone else catch the fish that we had the opportunity to catch, with the same bait we are using, but we were to busy trying to figure how to put the bait on the hook. I recognize this illustration fails at certain points but the general idea of not knowing what fish are biting and the pond is filled with fish, some waiting to be caught, should cause us to be about fishing while the opportunity is present and leave it up to God to cause the fish to bite.
P.S. We should do this quickly. I just heard from LaHaye that the rapture is coming soon!
To: thePilgrim; suzyjaruki
The OPC's got Suzy and they ain't giving her back. 8~)
posted on
05/06/2005 7:36:56 PM PDT
Dr. Eckleburg
(There are very few shades of gray.)
To: thePilgrim; Dr. Eckleburg
I thought that I read recently that you were a Free Methodist CalvinistIs that like being a Gemini? I am a Gemini.
So, what does it mean that I have fewer blessings?
Well, for instance, you wouldn't have to wear a dress shirt & tie on Sunday morning if you were Presbyterian. Dr.E, also a Presbyterian, likes to dance and you probably don't have that as a blessing either. But now that I think about it, God probably blesses you in other ways doesn't He?
posted on
05/06/2005 7:46:03 PM PDT
(We love Him because He first loved us. 1John 4:19)
To: suzyjaruki; Dr. Eckleburg
***Well, for instance, you wouldn't have to wear a dress shirt & tie on Sunday morning if you were Presbyterian. Dr.E, also a Presbyterian, likes to dance and you probably don't have that as a blessing either. But now that I think about it, God probably blesses you in other ways doesn't He?***
Actually, we Baptists are not supposed to drink or dance. I do both. I have no problem ordering drinks around my pastor. It is healthy for him to see that the ground will not open up underneath me. I also have no problem drinking and then dancing. I don't wear a suit on Sunday, even if most of my fellow Baptists still do.
BTW, like my new tagline? It was gracious bestowed upon me by a Presbyterian sister.
posted on
05/06/2005 8:04:38 PM PDT
("I'm a Calvinist, by the grace of God, thank you, God!")
To: thePilgrim
BTW, like my new tagline?I like your tagline! I sometimes include this very phrase in my prayers of thanks, very Spurgeonesque.
posted on
05/06/2005 8:11:14 PM PDT
(We love Him because He first loved us. 1John 4:19)
To: thePilgrim; suzyjaruki
I also have no problem drinking and then dancing. That's not what I've heard.
Your tag is scrumptious. 8~)
posted on
05/06/2005 8:13:47 PM PDT
Dr. Eckleburg
(There are very few shades of gray.)
To: Dr. Eckleburg; suzyjaruki
***That's not what I've heard.***
Well, granted, I don't have the tales of dancing exploits of some, but I would be curious to know what you've heard.
***Your tag is scrumptious. 8~)***
I thought you might like it.
posted on
05/06/2005 8:33:04 PM PDT
("I'm a Calvinist, by the grace of God, thank you, God!")
To: suzyjaruki; thePilgrim; keeper53
I am not on the grpl and I am not a hyper-calvinist either.
posted on
05/06/2005 10:02:49 PM PDT
(Retired Army Chaplain and Proud of It!)
To: xzins
There's still time for both, God willing.
posted on
05/07/2005 1:59:28 AM PDT
Dr. Eckleburg
(There are very few shades of gray.)
To: Dr. Eckleburg
Nah, if I were a grpl, I definitely want to be a hypo-calvinist.
posted on
05/07/2005 7:26:06 AM PDT
(Retired Army Chaplain and Proud of It!)
To: connectthedots; Dr. Eckleburg
"His"? Why do you think Dr. E is a 'he'?The tonality of the Prose. Perhaps Dr. Eckleburg can clarify.
posted on
05/08/2005 4:51:10 PM PDT
(God bless our brave soldiers and their Commander in Chief)
To: wideawake
CTD: "His"? Why do you think Dr. E is a 'he'?
The tonality of the Prose. Perhaps Dr. Eckleburg can clarify. Despite Dr. E's statements and other GRPL comments referring to Dr. E as a 'she', I have long suspected that Dr. E. is really a 'he' for the very reason you state.
To: connectthedots; Dr. Eckleburg
Why would it matter if Dr. Eckleburg is a 'he' or a 'she'?
posted on
05/08/2005 6:46:20 PM PDT
(Immorality bites.)
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