To: ahadams2; nanetteclaret; Saint Reagan; Marauder; stan_sipple; SuzyQue; LifeofRiley; TheDean; ...
Traditional Anglican ping, continued in memory of its founder
Arlin Adams.
FReepmail sionnsar if you want on or off this moderately high-volume ping list (typically 3-7 pings/day).
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Resource for Traditional Anglicans:
Speak the truth in love. Eph 4:15
2 posted on
04/08/2005 7:49:34 AM PDT by
(†† || Iran Azadi || Where are we going, and why are we in this handbasket?)
To: sionnsar
I particularly liked the references to the devil quotes.
4 posted on
04/08/2005 10:51:18 AM PDT by
KC Burke
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