Posted on 03/23/2005 6:51:52 PM PST by nickcarraway
US Bishops and Vatican Cardinal Praise Effort
AMARILLO, Texas, March 23, ( - Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, officially announced today that he is founding a pro-life community dedicated to the formation and training of priests, deacons, brothers and seminarians who will devote themselves fully to the proclamation of the Gospel of Life. This initiative will be based in the diocese of Amarillo, Texas, under the authority and stewardship of Bishop John W. Yanta.
"It has been a dream of mine for over a decade to form a community that can accept seminarians who want to devote their entire ministry to the defense of the unborn," said Fr. Pavone. "While there are religious communities that give special emphasis to the right to life, the Church has no 'institutional' society of men whose exclusive focus is to protect innocent human life from the tragedy of abortion and euthanasia. It is time for such a community. I am grateful to Bishop Yanta for allowing me the opportunity to make this dream a reality."
Bishop Yanta, who has served on the Priests for Life Episcopal Board of Advisors since 1998, and who has been particularly devoted to the pro-life cause throughout his priesthood, has already offered several buildings in his diocese that will serve as the center for the new apostolate. "I am excited about supporting Fr. Pavone in venturing forth, with and through the Holy Spirit, in the establishment of a Society of Apostolic Life for priests and seminarians dedicated to pro-life ministry -- an immense need at this time in history," said Bishop Yanta today. "The Lord has provided several vacant buildings that once served as a Christian Brothers High School with boarding facilities, a chapel, gym, and spacious grounds. The Diocese of Amarillo is happy to make these available (at no cost) to Priests for Life and the proposed Society of Apostolic Life."
This society of apostolic life, while drawing on the spirit and mission of the Priests for Life organization, will be a completely separate entity, known as Missionaries of the Gospel of Life. Priests for Life will continue to exist as an association of the Christian faithful under Canon Law, and Fr. Pavone will continue to serve as its National Director. In order to initiate the historic formation of this pro-life community of priests, deacons, brothers and seminarians, Fr. Pavone has officially become a priest of the Diocese of Amarillo, and will begin assembling a formation team for the community. Priests for Life is also in the process of establishing a headquarters in the diocese, but will continue to maintain its current offices and staff in New York, Washington D.C., Virginia, California, and Rome, Italy.
"This is a pivotal moment in time," said Fr. Pavone. "Throughout the history of the Church, God has intervened in times of great moral crisis and has raised up within His Church the charisms necessary to address those crises. I have long been convinced that God is raising up numerous disciples ready to devote their entire lives to ending the tragedy of abortion, which t he bishops have identified as the 'fundamental human rights issue of our day.' I have no doubt that we will see a tremendous and immediate response to this initiative."
Fr. Pavone announced that men considering joining this community can attend a discernment retreat he will conduct on June 24 to 26 in Amarillo. There will also be a seminarians' pro-life conference in Newark, N.J. from August 16 to 21, during which Fr. Pavone will also discuss the new community. Those interested in the community may contact
Bishops from around the world praised the historic effort.
From Denver, Colo., Archbishop Charles J. Chaput said: "Under Father Frank Pavone's leadership, Priests for Life has been a tireless and important national voice defending the sanctity of human life. In supporting Fr. Pavone's new initiative, Bishop Yanta and the people of the Diocese of Amarillo are offering a vital service to Catholics throughout the United States."
From St. Louis, Mo., Archbishop Raymond L. Burke said: "I have received with great joy the news of the foundation of a priestly society of apostolic life dedicated to the apostolate of the respect for human life. In every time period, the Holy Spirit has inspired founders of institutes of the consecrated life and societies of apostolic life, so that the spiritual needs of the Church and world might be more fully addressed. Surely, there is a great need in our time for a priestly society dedicated to the conversion of our culture of death and the promotion of a civilization of life. The work of the Priests for Life and its National Director, Father Frank Pavone, has surely prepared the way for the timely foundation of the priestly society of apostolic life. I commend Bishop John W. Yanta for his pastoral vision and generosity in inviting Father Pavone to make the new foundation in the Diocese of Amarillo. I pray that God will bless abundantly Bishop Yanta, Father Pavone and the new foundation."
From Phoenix, Ariz., Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted praised Priests for Life: "(This organization) has offered a courageous and articulate proclamation of the Gospel of Life for a number of years. While standing strong in the defense of every human life, it has offered persuasive reasons for respecting the dignity of each person, especially the most vulnerable and innocent among us."
From Rome, Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, said: "In today's world, the idea of a new religious community founded for the purpose of working to protect human life may seem like a sign of contradiction -- but it may just be what the world of today needs. The call to protect life is not only a foundation of our faith as Catholics, but it is the very basis of our recognition of human rights and the right to life. The human dignity with which we have been endowed by God binds us together as members of the one family."
Oh, how exciting! This deserves a Catholic ping!
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Thanks for the ping, seamole.
When Bishop Yanta was a Bishop in the Archdiocese of San Antonio, he was very active in pro-life activites. He often prayed outside abortion mills.
I called our local diocese. The deacon who took my call told me that, to his knowledge, he had not and suggested I drop a note to the bishop.
I expressed my concern that the bishops in America have united to push for an end to the death penalty, but to my knowledge, have said little publicly, if anything, in support of Terri, further explaining that her own bishop put out a statement that didn't say much one way or another.
In light that the Vatican has seen fit to make a rather strong statement that Terri, a catholic woman, who is being euthanized, I would hope my bishop and others would say something publicly before Easter week is over.
It is probably too late to save her, but at least I did the last thing I can think of to do. I did follow up and sent a note to the bishop and also wished him a blessed Easter.
What Diocese are you in?
I believe only a handful of Bishops have spoken out in behalf of Terri's life, even though (IMHO) her situation would be a perfect "teaching moment" for the Shepherds to impart Catholic teaching on euthanasia to their flocks.
For the record, I am not big into finger pointing, bashing or namecalling bishops, although from some of the things that come out, I do get frustrated.
God bless Fr. Frank.
Note the bishops who commented.
This is a summary of events here, and if partly off topic, I am sorry but core to this is our Faith and the courageous Catholics now on the scene to support the very faithful Schindler family.
Pinellas Park UPDATE!
From the Democratic Peoples' Republic of Greer
Here is another drive-by from the crime scene: I got back from a trip to the palace of King Greer. I went with Rev. Pat Mahoney and some others. Not only could our blind justice give the only verdict he knows, but he rewrote the Constitution just for our party.
Pat and four others got through with the Sheriff's permission and the police force cooperating. They were on public property outside the chambers and were silent, well behaved and, heaven forbid, were intending only to pray to themselves. Besides it was only the five, not a crowd, nor even a bother. Their presence was too much for his highness, though so they were forced out of the public area by security forces. Pat Mahoney is filing suit for violation of civil rights, first amendment, for if it happened in the old days it would have been a world shaking outrage. At least that is what it might have been if we had a Constitution that King Greer would honor. When a Governor of a state has to go to a minor tyrant like this guy for permission to enforce the laws, and when his crony in crime in Tampa, The Honorable Wittmore can sniff huffily at the congress and Senate and President, and the will of the people and petulantly delay and say no, we all know where we stand. It is not much of an argument here on scene, it is in our faces. The judges rule us all and write whatever laws they need to fit their partners in crime.
Wow, I am writing long sentences, it being the heat and humidity, I guess. We are being watched by the police elements who hearken to the whims of this little blind creature. Some of us have been harassed, or at least mysteriously put on notice. Here is my own example. I was parked far away, in a supermarket parking garage, nothing unusual. At a time of light traffic I left the area to go to church. Pulling out on the almost empty intersection, I drove south at moderate speed. Almost immediately, two gendermes on motorcycles spun out sirens blaring and lights flashing, coming up on both sides and screaming at me to pull over. They had me pull into a side street and then kept me held in my car for half an hour while they investigated my vehicle.
Finally, they found my Maine registration tag had expired, issued me a ticket, and let me go. I will tell you all, the men in black uniforms guarding Terri so she can die safely are formidable indeed and are volunteers. Some wear jackboot type wear and have the look reminiscent of movies of Nazi Germany, some are nice. I think Eternal Vigilance will confirm one who looks particularly ominous.
I saw that one yesterday in action. Regardless of lies to the contrary, the Schindlers are humble, warm people, all, and powerfully faithful Christians, Catholic. They are humble and gracious. Yesterday, Mr. Schindler walked up the walkway to visit his dying and agonizing daughter. Officer Jackboot, his buzz blond hair glaring in the sun contrasting with his movie set sunglasses folded his arms and blocked poor Mr. Schindler right there.
I can go on for hours and write enough to fill volumes on the gross inequites visited on us hourly here. We are staying well behaved, even though I almost wrapped a beach umbrella around....well that is another story. I didn't and we prayed instead.
This is the first chance in ages to post and I am so far behind in all that is happening that I get overtaken by events.
But I will say this: These runaway judges, so obvious, so arrogant, so egregious in their flouting of the law are trumping the other branches of government and are invoking a coup d'etat on this new State of Greer and of America. When a governor has to ask permission of a lowly judge for permission to obey the existing statutes or to go to the bathroom, our presumed system of elected government is usurped. Spiritually, the Schindlers are in fine hands with Father Tad, (or Msgr.) Father is an older, and energetic Holy priest who was ordained 58 years ago, and was Chief of Chaplains for our armed forces. He is humble as one would hope, and exhudes confidence, a comfort to fellow Catholics who may read this. I say this to emphasize my own comments are not radical and sunburn crazed, but are mainstream in the thoughts of most people here.
Even some of the media, and even CNN!!! are softening, shocked at what they witness. I guess the reports they generate are edited though by more unfriendly types further from the crime scene.
Governor Bush now has one chance at redemption, paralleling exactly the events of Jesus a couple thousand years ago. Another Mary, Mary Schindler is suffering as Mary, the mother of Jesus suffered during this time. On this Holy Week, he is in the seat of Pontius Pilate and is capable of acting heroically now, or of washing his hands. I am not optomistic of the former anymore, but pray I am wrong. It is not much exaggeration from this view to see our real live experience as a sequal to "The Passion".
The Pinellas Park crime scene is not so ominous as it might sound because of all the good people outraged, stunned, and praying there. It is just a few dark spots and stains here and there like the Schiavo, Bushnell, Soros, Felos cabal that hovers from time to time in the shadows. Our unity of wishes and prayers for Terri keep them at bay.
Terri is starting to suffer horribly now. It is not the hunger but the agony she suffers from lack of moisture. Jesus did not have to suffer this agony and she is going on her seventh day, conscious and feeling the pain. The judge and the staff will not allow the slightest mercy. I will not post a lot of other stuff, since I do not have time to read all the posts and do not wish to add duplications and confusion to other stuff emanating from here. How much more of this outrage can we Americans take?
I got this e-mail last night. Very exciting!
Outstanding, Aliska! I am proud of you for standing up and speaking out! God bless you. Have a blessed Triduum -- starting at sunset tonight and ending at sunset on Easter Sunday.
Thanks for your summary. Not entirely off subject because this thread is about life.
God bless you for representing all of us down there.
Have a blessed Easter.
I'm sure it's been a rough week on you and many others here, too, and I take hope that, "This, too, shall pass." and there will be "healing in His wings".
A blessed Easter to you and yours!
It is a shame that the priests have to form such a thing,when they are suppose to ALWAYS have been this way and and defended the Ten Commandments and those of Traditional Catholic Church LAws !!
They will not get far in this if they do not have the Latin Tridentine Mass behind them!
Dear Salvation, here is what I sent to our parishioners: I deleted names.
This is for our Good Friday!
From Pinellas Park, the hospice where Terri Schiavo has been sentenced to die:
I am writing to you directly from the crime scene of the epic battle of good and evil on this culminating day of Good Friday as Terri lays crucified unless Pontius Pilate Jeb Bush intervenes within hours.
I find from ******* that the news reaching Maine, reflecting the huge world impact of this occurrence is lacking. It seems very little of the truth and the reality of this epic battle of good and evil is not recognized very well as we rely on the press. Yet the press has all the truth and many press people today are in tears, their own news posts not going out.
We find half truths and falsehoods going out, and we put into the hands of the press medical certificates and other facts, but they go out rarely.
I will be able to give a highly detailed question and answer when I get back but for now, can just summarize.
For about a week and a half, I have been fortunate to walk the sacred ground of the faithful adjacent to the chamber where our system has imprisoned Terri. The events here are epic in scale as if a sequence to the Passion movie. All the players are in place and the bad guys headed by George Felos, whose own name means evil murderer, and the holy and devout Schindler family and the mother Mary are not just Catholics but are traditional as well. This is not just supposition. The ingredients are palpable, attested to by the holy priest, Monsignor Tad Malinowski. He is former Chaplain of our Armed Forces, is the personal priest of Terri and has been taking her communion all along. Mercifully the Schiavo cabal did not know this or they would have blocked him from access as they are doing right now with armed guards at her bedside so she may die safely. (Too late, Father did his work!) He comforts us all and his presence is felt continually. Father Vega, their priest at their church celebrates the Latin Mass and had a High Mass on Palm Sunday and a procession.
Demonic forces have converged. At one point two nights ago, in front of the cameras of the Sean Hannity show, two men oozing evil stepped in front of and pushed aside some meek people to bring their ugly message to the cameras. Sorry, I was enraged, ready to wrap an umbrella around the head of the most demonic. I whispered in his ear Vade Satana and he spun around, hissing and threatening to send his demons on us. Yes, he said that! (Network tv cameras were rolling.) He spouted and strutted and insulted Our Lady and Our Lord Crucified. So I commenced the Rosary in Latin. Soon a traditional lady joined me and we did the whole Rosary all in Latin and the Saint Michael. He announced loudly he was fed up, and stormed out. We started on the next one and someone appeared with a large crucifix which we held next to his banner. He tried to shield Our Jesus Crucified, but finally, after several Rosaries, subdued, apologized to all of us, shook our hands, and told us he would leave us alone. Someone whispered to me he was with the Michael Schiavo family. But when it was all settled the evil was gone and the faithful Catholics were singing. That was when Terri's father emerged from a sad visit, and he saw us all in support. The smile of Mr. Schindler was priceless.
The Rosary army has formed after that and are now handling the bad guys with a remedy that works. We are now having processions and Father Tad is joining us. It is clear, the spokesman for the family, Brother Paul is inspired by the Holy Ghost and he just updated us minutes ago on the cruelty this morning of the Circuit Court Judge Whittaker. I went with the small group of Rev. Pat Mahoney, Presbyterian Director of the Christian Coalition to the last ruling by the blind justice, Judge Greer, yesterday. The police gave permission to be in the public hallway outside the chamber as he issued another rule that Terri must be killed. But in clear violation of the Constitution and witnessed by many, he ordered the peaceful group of five out of the hallway and out of the courthouse, ensuring no prayers would be nearby. This was so egregious that Pat is filing suit for a huge violation of the First Amendment and of Civil Rights. But the judge doesnt care anymore. He doesnt need to, because he and the other judges make their own laws as needed and are joined in crime all the way to the Supreme Court.
So we have the monstrous battle of good versus evil culminating as I write and where I write. The press of all the world has converged and we who stand with the Schindlers are a small group indeed. I cannot imagine a more graphic scene as the vultures really circle above Terris room, and above the Court House. A movie depicting this would have to be watered down to be believable. We all feel the powerful presence of the Holy Ghost and we feel protected even as we witness the black uniformed jackbooted police blocking poor Mr. Schindler from visiting his dying daughter.
Some quick facts: We have the medical records once sealed. They show Terri as having been beaten to a pulp by Michael Schiavo and left for dead, horribly broken bones, smashed skull. Yet she lived and continued to progress until he sneaked in insulin needles to speed things up. The judge has ordered no autopsy and that she must be cremated at once and her ashes taken out of state and scattered. The staff treatment of her is minimal and they offer her not the slightest mercy, not a drop of water on her parched tongue. They do not need to be announced when in the area. People can sense the palpable aura of evil. Does this sound weird? It is unbelievable. I have to pinch myself to see this is happening in our country right in front of us.
Terri knew when they came to kill her, blurted out that she wanted to live. It was witnessed. I was there when the poor guy came running out of the hospice and I heard it from his lips nearly in shock. That episode was squashed, too. She is in pain matching that of Jesus at the Cross, but the pain suffered by Jesus was three days, this is coming to day 8. Jesus was offered a sponge with vinegar. She has not been offered a drop of any liquid.
And on the national scene, we are seeing another drama played out, but maybe not even between the good and the bad. The Senate, Congress, and the President came together in an extraordinary action to save her life, but a simple judge showed the power of the judiciary can trump any will of the people. They all submit to the judges, who have usurped their own power over the Constitution, and use it for whatever they want.
Is it a fault of our judiciary and the other branches right? Not completely. Any one of those Pontius Pilates could have acted to stop this unconstitutional putsch from the judges. They melted meekly.
And now the Florida Legislature made up of a healthy majority of Republicans has washed its hands of saving her life yesterday. A simple vote would have done it. Jeb Bush was to send the social protective agency to come rescue her but instead asked permission of the same Judge Greer, of the Hemlock Society and a partner of the Scientologists who have centered in his jurisdiction of Clearwater. Republicans, Democrats, Judiciary, all have failed us. Yet the rescue would be so simple
It still is as of this morning. What happened to our America? I have witnessed a pivotal point which will now play out.
The scene here looks like a sequal to "The Passion" movie.
When I return, I will be able to answer any questions about the truth of the government sponsored and enforced murder. But this tome is for all to see what is happening on this day to our Faith. It is evil against us, in the play of the Passion. I pray for all our parishioners, and that I can return soon when Terri is safe.
I pray for a wonderful Easter Sunday for all and for the Schindler family.
With faith in Our Lady
Thank you for that update.
And thank you for keeping the focus on the passion and death of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
He died for Terri -- even Michael Schiavo.
God bless all of you who are actively demonstrating down there.
Ping for Life.
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