Sorry. "Native American Facilitator."
My father emigrated from Scotland. My wife's father from Germany. She, I and the children are NATIVE Americans. American Indians are people whose ancestors emigrated here before the Europeans did. But on to the topic at hand.....
After sixteen years of Roman Catholic education (plus an extended period of befuddled Atheism) I came to a place where I knew salvation, and called myself a "Generic Christian". As my children grew, I thought it would be a good idea for them to experience a more Orthodox Christianity, and began attending an ELCA Church. Our little honeymoon with that congregation ended on one Sunday when the pastor decided that the foundation text for his sermon would (rather than the Bible) be Johnathon Livingston Seagull. For some reason these morons could not understand why I felt that my family would be better served with home study of pertinent religious texts. So much for the ELCA.