Posted on 07/18/2004 5:14:11 PM PDT by narses
Clerical abuse against children, charges of Mafia-style cover-ups, and the destruction of Catholic moral teaching are tearing at the Catholic Church, and turning the 2,000 year-old faith into fodder for lowbrow comedy.
An affidavit recently obtained by INA Today attributes the Catholic Church's present state of collapse to a calculated attack beginning decades ago, with initial successes appearing in the 1960s.
The affidavit affirms that Communist Party organizer and high Party official, Bella Dodd, made public statements during the decade of the 1960s declaring that the Catholic priesthood was infiltrated by numerous Communist agents, whose mission was "to destroy the Catholic Church from within."
Dodd later returned to the Catholic Church and published a book about her experiences, entitled School of Darkness (out of print at present).
"In the late 1920's and 1930's, directives were sent from Moscow to all Communist Party organizations. In order to destroy the Catholic Church from within, party members were to be planted in seminaries and within diocesan organizations," Dodd stated according to the affidavit.
"I, myself, put some 1,200 men in Catholic seminaries," Dodd publicly declared.
Dodd did not include these remarks concerning her activities directed against the Catholic Church in her book, which was first published in 1954, leading some to question whether the remarks were actually made.
In an exclusive interview with INA Today, Catholic philosopher Dr. Alice von Hildebrand confirmed that Dodd had made the remarks, and provided the affidavit from Paul and Johnine Leininger, who witnessed Dodd making the public statements.
When contacted by INA Today, Mrs. Johnine Leininger stated that there were others who could also verify that Dodd made the statements regarding infiltration into Catholic seminaries.
Dr. von Hildebrand told INA Today that Dodd had earlier refrained from detailing Communist efforts to undermine the Catholic priesthood at the request of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, the individual responsible for bringing Dodd back into the Church.
Dodd's infiltrators would have reached their highest positions of power and influence in the early to mid-60's, the period which saw the initial eruption of doctrinal and moral collapse within the Catholic Church during and immediately following the Second Vatican Council.
The process of Communist infiltration into Catholic seminaries, which Dodd described in her public talks, would have been part of a larger plan called "Outstretched Hand."
Communist Party archives in Moscow confirm the existence of operation "Outstretched Hand," and define its goals, according to Herbert Romerstein, author of the seminal work on Soviet espionage in the United States before, during, and after WWII, "The Venona Secrets."
At least one Soviet agent directly involved in "Outstretched Hand" is identifiable.
One document in Moscow's Soviet archives reveals that the Communist Party had infiltrated several influential Catholic organizations, including the Holy Name Society, the largest parish-oriented Catholic men's group, which is devoted to increasing reverence for the name of God and to good works in the Church and in society in general. A Holy Name Society chapter exists in almost every Catholic parish in the U.S.
The same document acknowledged the existence of a certain "Party comrade," who was "well known" in "conservative Irish Catholic circles" and who held offices "in various Catholic organizations "
The "Party comrade" operated in a key parish which provided "leadership" and shaped "the policies of most of the reactionary and anti-Communist campaigns that are now developing in the Catholic world," according to the Soviet file.
Romerstein also recounts in The Venona Secrets that the staff of the Catholic anti-Communist publication entitled Wisdom, produced by a priest of the Paulist order, was infiltrated, and unknowingly employed two Communist agents in influential positions.
The Party boasted that one of their agents was "widely known to be a conservative in Irish circles," and was a staff correspondent for Wisdom. Romerstein identified the Party member and Soviet agent as Jeremiah F. O'Carroll, who, in 1930, was the president of the Irish Emergency Relief organization.
Although O'Carroll was identified as a spy in 1938, he remained listed as a staff correspondent for Wisdom at least until March 1939.
The second Soviet agent who worked for Wisdom remains unknown to this day.
The most recent - and notorious - incident of hostile infiltration into the U.S. Catholic Church is that of veteran FBI agent and convicted spy, Robert Hanssen. While placing his nation in mortal danger through his espionage activities, Hanssen also was believed to be a fervent Catholic.
Hanssen led a double life of betrayal, while serving as a spy for both the Soviet and "reformed" regimes in Moscow.
Although the precise extent of Communist infiltration of which Dodd spoke remains unknown, the effects are recognizable. Today, traditional Catholic beliefs, practices, and morality are not merely questioned, but are denounced and scorned by many of those who should protect and profess Church doctrine.
Mrs. Leininger, who confirmed Dodd's statements, told INA Today that she knows of several priests who faithfully taught the Catholic religion until they became bishops or were promoted to other influential posts, and then immediately exhibited hostility to that same faith which they had previously professed.
Leininger described these priests as "sleepers," a term designating individuals or groups who carry out their espionage function only at a selected time. Before becoming active, the "sleeper" will refrain from any espionage or subversive functions.
Dodd's infiltrators -- those who lost or never actually held the Catholic faith - would have been the mentors of the present generation of Catholic priests and bishops, in effect conducting their own "School of Darkness."
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Keep in is a matter of historical record (fact) that the Soviet espionage agencies used homosexual networks (Cambridge, among other places) as well as secret societies for the purposes of advancing Soviet Communist aggression. The latter came to light during the investigations of MI5 and MI6, the famous "mole hunts" of legend in British Intelligence organizations.
Joe McCarthy was right!
interesting article...not to step on anyone's toes but I thought the Vatican's intelligence organization was better than that...or does this seem to be a localized problem in North America.
So was HM and the US, we thought. Sadly all are open to invasion. Ask Kim Philby, or Vicki Robinson.
He was, in fact. Too bad he let himself get carried away.
I think Dodd died. A number have confessed, as I recall. The soviet archives ought to be revealing, as well.
naah, we're cleaning up a mess now that started about the time of the American Revolution (yeah, yeah, I know the Vatican has ashtrays older than that...:-) ). Anyway everybody put off dealing with the fruits, nuts, and flakes, for so long (assuming they'd eventually go away) that here in the Northern Hemisphere we're stuck in a Battle of Britain situation. While we can't go back and unmake 200 years of sloth, we are striving to insure that it doesn't happen again.
I read a book about ten years ago, I THINK it was called CA-1125 The Diary of an Anti-Apostle. It documented on man's attempt to infiltrate the church. The book was very sobering.
There has been a long and often close relationship between
the Anglican and Catholic Churches. In certain situations
there remains a mutual recognition of the validity of key
doctrines, liturgies, and practices. And the Catholic
Church continues to hold the faith and moral teachings as
taught by the Apostles.
I understand that there is also an Anglican Use liturgy
within the Catholic Church, wherein the Book of Common Prayer
is used for the Mass (with minor updates). So there is no need
to lose the liturgy Anglicans may be familiar with.
Resources for those interested in the Catholic faith:
Catholic Answers
A superb site for clearing away the myths propagated by too many.
Offers free on-line library that examines all the major issues,
free on-line archive of over 1,500 hours of radio/audio material,
plus magazines, books, pamphlets, tracts, videos, and more.
Coming Home Network
Provides fellowship, encouragement and support for Protestant
pastors and laymen who are somewhere along the journey or
have already been received into the Catholic Church.
Biblical Evidence for Catholicism
Dave Armstrong's monster site. Eclectic, fun, exhaustingly
detailed, personal, moving, and more.
And may God bless your journey where ever it takes you.
posted on 08/05/2003 5:19 PM PDT by polemikos
Here's a related report...
He really put the present Holy Father in a terrible position which he is only now beginning to address since the rot and corruption was wide and deep. It is only in his second generation appointments that he can finally have some confidence in their orthodoxy.
I also think she has identified the strengths and the weakness of the Tridentine Mass and manages to admix and assimilate what Ultima,Max and AAA say with what Sinkspur and St.Chuck say so that it all makes sense.
Do any of you have any points of agreement or disagreement with what Dr. Von Hillebrandt says?
I believe if we all speak the Truth,live the Truth and pray unceasingly,we will have a smaller,stronger,poorer and purer Church and that will be a blessing for man and pleasing to the God. I don't think it's going to take as much time as many think.
Joe McCarthy was right!
For all the hoopla surrounding him and the House Un-American activities committee, NOBODY ever disproved any of McCarthy's allegation. Yes, he was right. What Bella Dodd said was born out in a book AA-1025, by Marie Carre. She was a nurse who cared for a car accident in a hospital. He died, and she found a diary among his effects - the contents of which became the essence of the book. AA= Anti Apostle...1025 was his number. There were 1025 false priestly vocations before him, and more to come after. He would never know all of them> some would be "sleepers"; some would have generalized functions. Some were intended to become prelates, others as parish priests. Their job was to infiltrate, get ordained, and start an agenda (this was in the 1930's) which would culminate in a great council (Vatican II), where the mass would be changed radically in its essence and structure; the practice of daily mass and devotions would be done away. Every abuse seen in the last 40 years is delineated in the plans this "priest" was to implement. The goal was that the "council" was to happen in the 60s.
The groundwork had been laid many years ago fo rthe destruction of the faith.
I have a book around here somewhere which discusses that in point of fact...the KGB did actually have a unit which studied Catholic matters from a strategic and hostile espionage perspective. One should keep in mind that the Vatican (and the Catholic Church as a whole in Europe) was a key listening post in international espionage intrigues, that sources in the Vatican (including Pope Pius XII) had diplomatic links with intelligence agencies (British intelligence in particular), and that there were contacts pointing in many different directions. At that time British Intelligence was infiltrated by Soviet agents and sympthaizers. Um...ahem...if the Brits and the U.S. and the French were able to link with church sources for intelligence purposes so one might conclude could other global powers.
Catholicism through the 1950s was a major obstacle to Communist goals. Cardinal Mindszenty was targeted by Communist agencies. The church was attacked in Vietnam. Any power or organization willing to commit mass murder of priests and nuns would certainly have no qualms of employing other methods of warfare.
It's a fact that the Soviet intelligence agencies essentially took over offices of the Russian Orthodox Church to be manipulated for non-Christian purposes. Why stop there?
John Kerry is in fact a member of a couple of weird secret societies which could hardly be described as Christian. He styles himself in a bizarre way on religious matters which appear part of a social engineering strategy directed to manipulate Catholics in non-Catholic directions. Secret Societies harboring bizarre and grandiose anti-Catholic animosities and agendas exist. These are facts. While these may not explain all of the highly strange and bizarre problems afflicting the church today, it would be silly to overlook them.
The Soviet FBI mole (Hanssen) did infiltrate an Opus Dei chapter in the Washington, D.C. area. One would tend to doubt the KGB just settled with one. Connect the dots. There's a foul smell within the maze of modernism. It's coming from somewhere.
Watch the hand and finger signs carefully whenever someone begins sanctimoniously poo-pooing secret society conspiracies within the church. They're there. Keep a close watch on Kerry and all that happens around him.
The two books I mentioned were published in 1998 and 2000 by an Italian priest, Don Luigi Villa of the diocese of Brescia, who at the request of Padre Pio has devoted many years of his life to the investigation of the possible infiltration of both Freemasons and Communists into the Church. My husband and I met Don Villa in the sixties. He claims that he does not make any statement that he cannot substantiate. When Paulo Sesto Beato? (1998) was published the book was sent to every single Italian bishop. None of them acknowledged receipt; none challenged any of Don Villas claims.
In this book, he relates something that no ecclesiastical authority has refuted or asked to be retracted even though he names particular personalities in regard to the incident. It pertains to the rift between Pope Pius XII and the then Bishop Montini (the future Paul VI) who was his Undersecretary of State. Pius XII, conscious of the threat of Communism, which in the aftermath of World War II was dominating nearly half of Europe, had prohibited the Vatican staff from dealing with Moscow. To his dismay, he was informed one day through the Bishop of Upsala (Sweden) that his strict order had been contravened. The Pope resisted giving credence to this rumor until he was given incontrovertible evidence that Montini had been corresponding with various Soviet agencies. Meanwhile, Pope Pius XII (as had Pius XI) had been sending priests clandestinely into Russia to give comfort to Catholics behind the Iron Curtain. Every one of them had been systematically arrested, tortured, and either executed or sent to the gulag. Eventually a Vatican mole was discovered: Alighiero Tondi, S.J., who was a close advisor to Montini. Tondi was an agent working for Stalin whose mission was to keep Moscow informed about initiatives such as the sending of priests into the Soviet Union.
It is only in his second generation appointments that [the Pope] can finally have some confidence in their orthodoxy.
I agree that bishops have been improving, but there are a couple of things that puzzle me. First of all, they are not really of a different generation - many of the "bad" VatII bishops in the US were appointed when they were very, very young, and the "good" ones who are being appointed now are in many cases almost the same age as the others. In my diocese, for example, the new bishop was 67 when he was appointed, and is now 71 (which I believe is even older than some undeniably bad bishops, such as Mahoney). So I think there always were good candidates, but they were passed over.
Another factor may have been that the papal nuncio changed. He seems to be the one who makes the recommendations on appointments. Pio Laghi, who was the nuncio, was terrible, and I think the one before him was not much better. (I'm not sure who it is now, but he certainly seems to be making better recommendations.)
I must admit that I was one of those, but I'm beginning to change my mind.
As for the Masons, I think that it is hard for Americans to conceive of small town Protestant bankers and businessmen (probably what we think of as the traditional Masonic base here) as being involved in a conspiracy against the Church, and I doubt that they were. However, American Masonry is very different from European Masonry, which has always been unabashedly anti-Catholic, considers itself an alternative religion, and throughout the 19th and early 20th century, did everything to advance the cause of left-wing movements.
I used to think European-style Masonry would be the Communist version of a church, somewhat the way Napoleon wanted to create a "church" with rituals for his secular state. Now I think that Islam is probably be the religion of choice for the left in this century. Of course, we also have to remember the heavy dose of Islamic symbolism adopted by various Masonic groups.
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