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To: Thanatos
How many Democrat's will abide by it?

How many Priests will abide by it? How many Bishops will abide by it?

This surely is the real problem with the Catholic Church today, once upon a time an edict from the Vatican would have had them scurrying, but I fear that few Priests will read this, and even fewer take note.
3 posted on 04/23/2004 2:30:02 PM PDT by tjwmason (Happy Saint George's Day to all Englishmen and our friends.)
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To: tjwmason
How many Democrat's will abide by it? How many Priests will abide by it? How many Bishops will abide by it? This surely is the real problem with the Catholic Church today, once upon a time an edict from the Vatican would have had them scurrying, but I fear that few Priests will read this, and even fewer take note.

That's exactly what I was saying when I read about it. Here in western PA, our own bishop Trautman is head of a 'liturgy' committee, and his lackeys routinely scoff at or ridicule just about anything the Vatican says, as I'm sure they did when they got this. They just recently got our priests (after many position changes) to use all glass 'chalices' and stop kneeling after the Lamb of God. Very sad indeed.

9 posted on 05/07/2004 5:22:11 PM PDT by fortunecookie
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