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Rush Limbaugh: Open Line Friday [Confirms Some Aspects of Drug Story, Checking In To Rehab]
Posted on 10/10/2003 8:51:57 AM PDT by I Am Not A Mod
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To: truth_seeker
But I've also seen 30 days work. But I agree, this is about his life and he should take as much time as he needs, not a self imposed carved in stone timetable. That's imposing your will now, isn't it?
posted on
10/10/2003 4:32:32 PM PDT
To: longtermmemmory
Has anyone considered that the maid used rush's problem to her OWN drug dealer advantage?I'm sure she did. Thats all part of another "game."...the one with the DA. But if there wasn't something to the maid's accusations, I seriously doubt that Rush would have lawyered-up with the best defense attorney in the country. Do I think her entire story is true?...of course not. But it looks like there is enough "there" there to speculate that some of it is.
posted on
10/10/2003 4:34:02 PM PDT
(Soccer-Moms are the biggest threat to your freedoms and the republic !)
To: Joe Hadenuf
"Come on, tell me why what Clinton did was okay.
Try and stay on track. LOL!"
You brought up Clinton, and claimed I would nail him for being a drug addict. No. I nail him for doing drugs and making a preposterous claim. I state that if he'd been honest, I would've respected him for it.
Your LOL!'s are childish and annoying.
You're interested in name calling, not debate. I'm afraid I can't even consider you a link, much less the weakest one. So sad bye bye.
posted on
10/10/2003 4:35:48 PM PDT
To: All
man, I'm just browsing through this thread, and it really struck me: what a bizarre situation this is.
First of all, the one thing (or one main thing) that seems to divide Freepers is the WOD. For me, I can see both sides; from a personal standpoint, I'd love to have free access to narcotics... ;); on the other hand, I have young children and I cannot stand, for example, the Canadian government's position on marijuana. I was young once and I don't want the message for kids to be: don't worry, be happy, no problem!
Second of all, this situation involves a conservative "icon," to use an overused phrase. I think we need to give Rush a break; please consider how much he has done for the conservative cause.
If you can't think of that--just remember: the liberals love it when we devour our own. In fact, we're experts at that.
There is no one they would rather have us "devour," so to speak, than Rush. They want him silenced. So, if you can't think of any other reason not to turn your back on him, think of that one.
To: CatoRenasci
Any chance we can turn this thread into creation vs evolution? Was rush created a junkie or did he evolve into a junkie?
To: Phil V.
I'll give the same answer I give to the question concerning the origin of life...
Why not both? :)
posted on
10/10/2003 4:41:00 PM PDT
To: lelio; zoyd
"Rush was supporting ... terrorism, if we're to believe the promotional government material."
"Worth repeating."
No, it's not. It's asinine.
To: proud American in Canada
No, it's not. It's asinine.
So you don't buy into the whole anti-drug ads that the government pumps out that show a pot smoking kid in the burbs supporting terrorism?
posted on
10/10/2003 4:42:41 PM PDT
To: lelio; proud American in Canada
Six degrees of seperation...One can apply that argument to everything.
Rush became addicted to painkillers. Now he is dealing with the public consequences. I'll venture to say the timing of this whole affair is fortunate. Even if he was planning on getting treatment sooner or later (most addicts have all sorts of good intentions), this incident has forced it upon him now. This is good, he needs to kick the habit. For his sake (and the conservative cause) I hope he is successful. I'd like to see him back in form and on the front lines, because he will be a great asset as the election crunch time draws near.
posted on
10/10/2003 4:42:41 PM PDT
(psst...psst...hey kid...ya want a tagline? .......c'mon... they're yummy....)
To: HardStarboard
"The siatic pain that Rush has can be some of the most intense a human can experience" Sciatic pain is a mother bear. I have dealt with it for almost 20 years, and never have taken painkillers. I just learned to live with it, because I realized how addictive painkillers were and I refused to be an addict.
I have known a lot of people who innocently enough began taking painkillers and learned that they had bitten into a hydra headed cobra. They ended up being addicted and each facd a long, tough road to recovery. Some lost every single thing they had in the battle
I am not too excited about this. The only thing this confirmed to me was Rush Limbaugh is human, just like the rest of us, and he has faults.
To: Phil V.; CatoRenasci; All
"Any chance we can turn this thread into creation vs evolution? Was rush created a junkie or did he evolve into a junkie?'
:) I think we will definitely resolve creation vs. evolution WAY before we come to agreement on the whole WOD/Rush on painkiller dilemma.
thanks for the laugh. I think I'll check out of this thread. :)
To: truth_seeker
Out here in whacky California, the voters passed Prop. 36 a couple of years ago.
Big step in the right direction. I would much rather my tax money be spent on treatment than incarceration!
To: visualops
"For his sake (and the conservative cause) I hope he is successful. I'd like to see him back in form and on the front lines, because he will be a great asset as the election crunch time draws near."
I agree, 100%! :)
To: conservatism_IS_compassion
Rush had a physical misery which, in consultation with a doctor, he parlayed into deafness and addiction. I got to this thread late, and haven't read every single post yet. Did he admit that his deafness was caused by his addiction? Or is that your logical surmise, now that he has admitted the addiction? BTW, I am not a Rush basher. I wish him success in overcominghis addiction.
To: Joe Hadenuf
"You all better watch what you say, as I am hearing he has major problems as far as illegally purchasing these drugs....It's going to come out...."
I doubt he could wind up with anything above a misdemeanor; probably no charges. LE doesn't really want users, so much as dealers.
But let's speculate he is charged with some offense. Not likely he'd spend any lockup time.
To: I Am Not A Mod
posted on
10/10/2003 4:46:00 PM PDT
To: I Am Not A Mod
Rush has been there for us for a long, long time. I'm there for him now. God bless him, may He send His angels to surround him, his family, and his friends during his time of trial, and may He show Himself mighty on Rush's behalf.
Hang in there, Rush, buddy. You're bigger than this challenge, and you have a LOT of friends ( 'em family) praying for you.
To: fightinJAG
Hey look, I don't begrudge Katie her digs...Rush gets a lot of laughs at her expense. This is his pennance.
posted on
10/10/2003 4:47:09 PM PDT
To: judicial meanz; HardStarboard
"The siatic pain that Rush has can be some of the most intense a human can experience."
So true! Is that what caused this? It is awful! I had it during pregnancies, but I was lucky, it went away.
However, as a personal aside, I can tell you (if anyone is interested) that I gave my mother in law, who suffered from terrible sciatic pain, a major massage, with St. John's Wort oil and warmed almond oil, and I really worked her whole lower body. Unbelievably, she's never had sciatic pain since! (It's been a year!). I feel grateful and blessed that I was given the chance to help her.
Get some good massages, Rush! :)
To: proud American in Canada
p.s., please, I know I'll get posts: "No, I'm not interested." Please spare me. don't waste your time, I don't want to see them. Thanks! :)
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