1 posted on
09/28/2003 1:03:41 AM PDT by
To: buzzyboop
C'mon, it's early. Where's the rest of the article?
2 posted on
09/28/2003 4:30:00 AM PDT by
(gulping for air, I started crying and yelling at him, "Why did you lie to me?")
To: buzzyboop
"We would not be here, if they had not gone there," Duncan said, referring to the national church's decision to approve the consecration of the Rev. Gene Robinson as bishop of New Hampshire.
By looking at all of the disunity that now embroils the Episcopal church, and knowing that he is the centerpiece of the disunity, it shows Robinson to be a selfish person more concerned with his own homosexual agenda within the church than with healing the schism now going on.
If Robinson were truly pious he'd recognize the harm he's doing, and in the name of church unity, he'd resign his office to bring peace to the church. No bishop can be an effectual leader in a church where many congregations will not recognize his legitamacy, and must rule by force with them. What kind of bishop leads by force?
This tell a lot about the character of the gay bishop from New Hampshire. For all his outward appearance he is a selfish, uncaring, unrepentant homosexual who has no qualms about fractioning his church.
As for those who put him in office, and support him in this time of schism, their character must be examined as well, for it is they who brought about this terrible time within the church.
3 posted on
09/28/2003 6:03:31 AM PDT by
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