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Episcopal diocese opposes national church
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review ^
| September 28, 2003
| Tony LaRussa
Posted on 09/28/2003 1:03:40 AM PDT by buzzyboop
Delegates from the 11-county Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh on Saturday overwhelmingly approved a series of resolutions drafted in response to the national church's decisions approving a gay reverend as a bishop and allowing blessing services for same-sex unions. Pittsburgh Bishop Robert Duncan summoned leaders from the 77 parishes in the diocese to a special convention to consider six measures that could lay the groundwork for the 2.3-million member Episcopal Church USA to split along conservative and liberal lines. The Pittsburgh diocese has 20,000 members.
Duncan called the decisions made in August at the Episcopal Church USA's general convention "unity-breaking acts" that depart from biblical orthodoxy and 20 centuries of church tradition.
"We would not be here, if they had not gone there," Duncan said, referring to the national church's decision to approve the consecration of the Rev. Gene Robinson as bishop of New Hampshire.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Front Page News; US: Pennsylvania
KEYWORDS: anglican; bishop; ecusa; episcopal; fallout; gay; generobinson; homosexualagenda; homosexualbishop; robertduncan
posted on
09/28/2003 1:03:41 AM PDT
To: buzzyboop
C'mon, it's early. Where's the rest of the article?
posted on
09/28/2003 4:30:00 AM PDT
(gulping for air, I started crying and yelling at him, "Why did you lie to me?")
To: buzzyboop
"We would not be here, if they had not gone there," Duncan said, referring to the national church's decision to approve the consecration of the Rev. Gene Robinson as bishop of New Hampshire.
By looking at all of the disunity that now embroils the Episcopal church, and knowing that he is the centerpiece of the disunity, it shows Robinson to be a selfish person more concerned with his own homosexual agenda within the church than with healing the schism now going on.
If Robinson were truly pious he'd recognize the harm he's doing, and in the name of church unity, he'd resign his office to bring peace to the church. No bishop can be an effectual leader in a church where many congregations will not recognize his legitamacy, and must rule by force with them. What kind of bishop leads by force?
This tell a lot about the character of the gay bishop from New Hampshire. For all his outward appearance he is a selfish, uncaring, unrepentant homosexual who has no qualms about fractioning his church.
As for those who put him in office, and support him in this time of schism, their character must be examined as well, for it is they who brought about this terrible time within the church.
posted on
09/28/2003 6:03:31 AM PDT
To: Noachian
You are exactly right (imho). Robinson cares no more about the office of a bishop than does the ACLU.
posted on
09/28/2003 6:09:10 AM PDT
AD from SpringBay
(We have the government we allow and deserve.)
To: NYpeanut
Very frustrating. I can't even get the link to open. I thought we were supposed to excerpt only those sources which have demanded it.
posted on
09/28/2003 6:42:27 AM PDT
To: Noachian
Yep, you're right. At the time of the convention he was quoted as saying something along the lines that he took no responsibility if the church fractures over his elevation to bishop, and that if people leave, in essence, it's their problem, not his.
The bishop sure has great pastoral care and concern for his flock...not.
To: GOPrincess
Robinson's behavior throughout this whole thing has reeked of self-importance, ego and overweening pride. He should never have achieved priesthood.
To: NYpeanut
It was earlier when I posted it. How tough can it be to hit another link?
posted on
09/28/2003 1:14:28 PM PDT
(no tags, no fuss)
To: buzzyboop
Pretty tough when the link leads to an empty page without options. I tried it about 3 times over 10 minutes before I started whining about it.
posted on
09/29/2003 2:32:55 AM PDT
(gulping for air, I started crying and yelling at him, "Why did you lie to me?")
To: NYpeanut
Must be your browser settings. I tried both the head link and the excerpt link at the end, had no problems. Both went directly to story.
posted on
09/29/2003 5:05:27 PM PDT
(no tags, no fuss)
To: buzzyboop
Not to pick at a scab, but reply #5 couldn't open it either, two hours later, and I didn't have trouble with anything else all day.
posted on
09/30/2003 2:22:22 AM PDT
(gulping for air, I started crying and yelling at him, "Why did you lie to me?")
To: buzzyboop
By the way, it opens now.
posted on
09/30/2003 2:23:21 AM PDT
(gulping for air, I started crying and yelling at him, "Why did you lie to me?")
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