To: tpaine
The kid wanted to hand out pencils. The government declared he couldn't because they disagreed with the content even though the content is not deemed offensive in normal speech.
99 posted on
09/21/2003 3:06:21 PM PDT by
(If You're Not A Part Of The Solution, There's Good Money To Be Made In Prolonging The Problem.)
To: AppyPappy
What freedom have I demanded be curtailed?
AppyPappy wrote:
The freedom of speech, which is what this case represents.
BS... You're out of your gourd. Prove your point or shut up.
95 -tpaine-
"The kid wanted to hand out pencils. The government declared he couldn't because they disagreed with the content even though the content is not deemed offensive in normal speech."
Wrong.. The kids parents tried to have him hand out pencils with religious slogans, the content of which were deemed objectionable by some other parents.
The courts declared the kid couldn't because they are sworn to uphold both the public peace, and our constitutional laws.
Get a grip on your fervor.
101 posted on
09/21/2003 3:27:25 PM PDT by
( I'm trying to be Mr Nice Guy, but politics keep getting in me way. ArnieRino for Governator) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson