Carter was unelected back in 1980. The problem occurs because he hasn't quite retired from public life yet. He needs to go build houses. That, at least, was an honorable pursuit.
Carter was unelected back in 1980. The problem occurs because he hasn't quite retired from public life yet. He needs to go build houses. That, at least, was an honorable pursuit.
Jimmy Carter: "Useful Idiot" or "Traitor"?
"[Marshall Tito] is a man who believes in human rights.
[He is] a great and courageous leader [who] has led his people
and protected their freedom almost for the last 40 years." -- Carter, while still in office, hailing Yugoslavia's communist dictator
"Our goals are the same: to have a just system of economics and
politics ... We believe in enhancing human rights." -- Carter comparing himself to Romania's dictator Nicolae Ceausescu
"Our concept of human rights is preserved in [Communist] Poland." -- Carter speaking to Stalinist Edward Gierek, Poland's First Secretary
"[I am] ashamed of what my country has done to your country." -- Carter speaking to Haitian dictator Lt. Gen. Raoul Cedras
"I don't see that they [the North Koreans] are an outlaw nation." -- Carter in North Korea, lauding Stalinist Kim Il Sung,
one of the most destructive and repressive dictators in history
"Ill-informed commentators in both countries have cast the other side
as a villain and have even forecast inevitable confrontation
between the two nations." -- Carter making exquisite moral equivalence between the giant and
repressive Chinese Communist state and America
Carter gave away US oversight of the Panama Canal, "the most
important waterway in the world," says Adm. Thomas H. Moorer (ret),
which is now "packed with Chinese communists."
Sadat, appalled that Carter wanted the Soviets in on Middle East peace
negotiations, decided to directly offer peace to Israel's Begin. When
their plan was essentially worked out, they then called the White House,
because obviously, "they needed someone to pay the bill" (Bernard Lewis).
Not resting on his laurels, Carter demanded the Shah of Iran step down
and turn over power to the Ayatollah Khomeini, an Islamic madman. Carter
had the Pentagon tell the Shah's top military commanders - about 150 of
them - to acquiesce to the Ayatollah and not fight him. The Shah's
military listened to Carter. ALL OF THEM were murdered in one of the
Ayatollah's first acts. By allowing the Shah to fall, Carter created one
of the most militant anti-American dictatorships ever. Soon the new Iranian
government was ransacking our embassy and held hostage its staff for over
a year. More than 20,000 pro-Western Iranians were put before firing
squads. With the Shah gone, the whole region was destabilized.
Iraq took advantage of the Shah's departure to invade Iran, a war that
killed more than 500,000 people. It also created the regional instabilities
that led to Iraqs later invasion of Kuwait and to Operation Desert Storm,
which cost the lives of hundreds of thousands more. But Carter meant well.
In the closing days of the 1980 election, Carter's White House contacted
the Soviets in a
quid pro quo to plead for assistance in stopping Reagan
from winning. In 1984, Carter himself visited Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin
to ask the Soviets to intervene on behalf of Democrats. Damning evidence
that Jimmy Carter, as both president and citizen, may have committed treason
by enlisting the help of our enemies in presidential elections.
Since leaving office, Carter has:
- praised Syria's late Assad (killer of at least 20,000 in Hama)
- praised Ethiopian tyrant Mengistu (killer of many more than that)
- secured Saudi funding for Arafat after he sided with Iraq against the US
- wrote the UN Security Council after Iraq invaded Kuwait, urging them
to thwart President Bush's pre-Gulf War coalition (designed to reverse
that act of aggression) - another action some called "treason"
"Our people, who face Israeli bullets, have no weapons: only a few stones
remaining when our homes are destroyed by Israeli bulldozers." -- from a speech written by Carter for Yassir Arafat
"[Arafat's] election [was] democratic, well organized, open and fair." -- Carter describing the "rigged" 1996 Palestinian election
"[Arafat] may well see the suicide attacks as one of the few ways
to retaliate against his tormentors, to dramatize the suffering of
his people, or as a means for him, vicariously, to be a martyr." -- Carter in an apologia for the Pali homicide-bombings
And yet, with the blood of perhaps a million people dripping from his hands,
Carter stalked the earth in his sick quest to be given a Nobel Peace Prize.
If he had any moral center at all, he would return his recent peace prize.
Carter is the smiley face of evil.
R E F E R E N C E S:
Jimmy Carter: America basher
Carter: Cuba Terror Claims False
There He Goes Again
You Didnt Ask for It, You Got It: Carterpalooza!
Carter & Castro
Jimmy Carters Trail of Disaster
'Idiotic' Carter Castro's Dupe
Carter, Democrats Asked Soviets to Stop Reagan
Yep. Bump.
The older he gets, the less he has to lose, and the more he reveals himself as an unabashed Marxist.
Jimmy's having another case of demensia brought on by that nasty killer rabbit bite.
Great rant.
Hyman Rickover chewed Jimmy up and spit him out. But somehow he got elected President. I guess Rickover did not finish the job. Or the world went crazy.
Oh Well! I tried to give the dismal b------ some credit....
I don't understand how the son of a Georgia peanut farmer and Naval Academy graduate morphed into a treasonous schlock for the left.
Carter has the intellect of a castrated pig.
That is simple terrific research, kudos to you! However, it makes me furious how the left is constantly willing to sacrifice precious lives in furtherance of its agenda.