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Sick with fear and worry (long vanity)
September 5, 2003 | Self

Posted on 09/05/2003 1:22:29 AM PDT by tictoc

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1 posted on 09/05/2003 1:22:31 AM PDT by tictoc
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To: tictoc
You have to do what i did ! Get out of the 24 hour news rage spend time talking about it instead of dwelling on it stop yourself from changing the subject when talking about tea or roses or anything .....

You have to learn to control all of it or it will eat you up inside and before long the outside will show it!

God bless you and prayers to you

2 posted on 09/05/2003 1:30:41 AM PDT by ATOMIC_PUNK ("There are none so blind who will not see")
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To: All
3 posted on 09/05/2003 1:33:20 AM PDT by Cindy
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Thank you, I will ty to take your advice.
4 posted on 09/05/2003 1:37:10 AM PDT by tictoc
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To: tictoc
SNIP: "Myself, I am becoming paralyzed with worry and fear and finding it hard to think straight. My work and livelihood is severely impacted because of all the time I spend obsessively reading, discussing and thinking - looking for a "way out" but not finding one. I wonder if my vocal defense of Israel, on the Internet and in personal encounters, is doing good. I wonder if it is time to start thinking about a "reverse Exodus". But maybe there will be a miracle? Maybe there is something we can say or do to change the Muslims' minds? Maybe-"

Prayer is powerful but only if we pray.

Many of us on FR have been following world events from September 11, 2001 and what may happen on/before/after September 11, 2003. We have gleaned a lot of info as well as personal opinions.

Knowledge is powerful --- but only if we use it.

Bottom line: Worrying won't change a thing.

5 posted on 09/05/2003 1:38:25 AM PDT by Cindy
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To: tictoc
You are not a whining crybaby.

You are a sane man trying to understand a social phenomenon that is literally insane by design.

The radical islamists value ignorance because from ignorance comes dependence, and from dependence comes obedience. And obedience is the core value of Islam.

In traditional Islam, as practiced by sane human beings, this obedience is obedience to the Will of God, and sane people know that this can only be imperfectly known by human beings, and that the struggle to understand the will of God can last a lifetime.

In radical Islam there is no question about the Will of God. It is exactly what the Imam in charge says it is, and nothing else. No individual interpretations allowed. No thought encouraged - only unquestioning obeience, now perversely obedience to the Imam, who alone can explain and interpret the will of God. This is insane, as it provides no feedback from the real world.

And now, even such slime as Osama bin Laden is considered an Imam by these pitiful creatures.

What to do?

Your despair is understandable, because there is no cure for this sickness, this murderous insanity, except death.

And that cure is precisely what we have planned for them.
6 posted on 09/05/2003 1:44:52 AM PDT by John Valentine (In Seoul, and keeping one eye on the hills to the North...)
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To: tictoc; Cinnamon Girl
Psalm 27

1 The LORD is my light and my salvation;
        Whom shall I fear?
        The LORD is the strength of my life;
        Of whom shall I be afraid?
        2When the wicked came against me
        To eat up my flesh,
        My enemies and foes,
        They stumbled and fell.
        3Though an army may encamp against me,
        My heart shall not fear;
        Though war may rise against me,
        In this I will be confident.

        4One thing I have desired of the LORD,
        That will I seek:
        That I may dwell in the house of the LORD
        All the days of my life,
        To behold the beauty of the LORD,
        And to inquire in His temple.
        5For in the time of trouble
        He shall hide me in His pavilion;
        In the secret place of His tabernacle
        He shall hide me;
        He shall set me high upon a rock.

        6And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me;
        Therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle;
        I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the LORD.

        7Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice!
        Have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
        8When You said, "Seek My face,"
        My heart said to You, "Your face, LORD, I will seek."
        9Do not hide Your face from me;
        Do not turn Your servant away in anger;
        You have been my help;
        Do not leave me nor forsake me,
        O God of my salvation.
        10When my father and my mother forsake me,
        Then the LORD will take care of me.

        11Teach me Your way, O LORD,
        And lead me in a smooth path, because of my enemies.
        12Do not deliver me to the will of my adversaries;
        For false witnesses have risen against me,
        And such as breathe out violence.
        13I would have lost heart, unless I had believed
        That I would see the goodness of the LORD
        In the land of the living.

        14Wait on the LORD;
        Be of good courage,
        And He shall strengthen your heart;
        Wait, I say, on the LORD!

7 posted on 09/05/2003 1:51:04 AM PDT by kayak (I support Billybob -
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To: tictoc
Far better than being a happy idiot.
8 posted on 09/05/2003 1:51:20 AM PDT by dennisw (G_d is at war with Amalek for all generations)
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To: dennisw
The unexamined life is not worth living (Socrates)
9 posted on 09/05/2003 1:52:49 AM PDT by dennisw (G_d is at war with Amalek for all generations)
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To: tictoc
And round and round I go. This is extremely unhealthy. Anyone who wants to call me a whining crybaby, go ahead, I don't care. If you can say a small prayer for me, please do. And please pray for the lives of innocents everywhere.

You aren't "a whining crybaby" whatsoever, IMHO.

A man (or woman) would have to be made of stone -- or, if a Democrat, have a head made of stone -- not to have been transformed, now and forevermore, by the events of 9/11; and (more recently) by the ongoing slaughter of blameless Jewish toddlers and other non-combatants, in Israel. These are horrific times; and they will, in all but the soulless, occasion feelings of genuine horror.

As an American and a Jew, I, too, have lost more than one (formerly) close and dear friend, over the past two years-plus, re: the twin issues of America's war vs. terrorism, and Israel's battle for simple survival. I've heard people whom I once considered sober and rational, overall -- their liberal political leanings notwithstanding -- blithely parrot rancidly anti-Semitic memes, and then (attempt to) defend same with the loutish canard: "... I'm not anti-Semitic; I'm anti-Zionist." I've listened, stunned speechless, as (putative) grownups I'd known for decades suddenly began whinnying intellectually incoherent jibber-jabber about "empire" this and "blood for oil" that and yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah.

The far left, in this country -- and, increasingly, that's all there is to the left any longer, really; just its (formerly) most whacked-out, (former) fringe element -- has, IMHO, been driven barking mad by the very notion of no longer being in a position of total and unchallenged political power. They can no longer even attempt civil, reasoned debate in defense of their various positions. Everything is fascist! and nazi! and evilevilevil; a comic book view of life, where everyone is either a SuperFriend, or else a charter member of the Legion of Doom -- no middle ground, no exceptions.

(Just a few weeks back, in fact: I had a man with whom I'd been friends since the early '60s, in grade school, shock me with the bland assertion that -- in voting conservative -- I was [and still am] "supprting the cause of true evil in this world." This is, mind you, a college-educated man, with multiple degrees, and thirteen published books to his credit... and he's bleating sheeplespeak at me, for heaven's sake!)

All I can suggest, ultimately -- and this is cold, scant comfort, I know -- is: be strong. Be true... to your principles, and to yourself. Seek out whatever emotional comfort you can, in the presence of the politically and intellectually like-minded.

I can't imagine that things won't get darker, still, before they (eventually; hopefully) get lighter... but: the most important battles, I genuinely believe, are the ones demanding the most from us, in whatever coin of hardship or sacrifice ends up being the assessed cost.

A final, personal aside -- and please don't take this badly; I mean this only in the kindest, most solicitous sense -- if you're feeling gravely, profoundly depressed: please, PLEASE seek out and talk to a professional. I've suffered from chronic depression, myself, for over three decades... and, believe me: Zoloft saved my life, all right...? :)

Chin up. You're among kindred spirits, here.

10 posted on 09/05/2003 1:53:21 AM PDT by KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle ("The Clintons have damaged our country. They have done it together, in unison." -- Peggy Noonan)
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To: tictoc
My work and livelihood is severely impacted because of all the time I spend obsessively reading, discussing and thinking - looking for a "way out" but not finding one.

I've been there myself for much of the past two years. I'm still on the net too much, but this past spring I realized I just couldn't take the 24-hour news channels anymore, they were either putting me into defense mode with all the Breaking News alerts, or whipping me into a frenzy with all the shouting. So I turned them off, most of the time.

I also try to read more humor while here on FR, it really does help.

You would probably do well to have a little less "input" while you process all the other stuff. There's such a thing as being overstimulated. Take a break and make sure that, for a little while, you read or watch nothing that isn't fluffy and innocuous.

11 posted on 09/05/2003 2:12:30 AM PDT by hellinahandcart
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To: John Valentine
You are a sane man trying to understand a social phenomenon that is literally insane by design.

Excellent description. The world HAS gone crazy.

12 posted on 09/05/2003 2:14:04 AM PDT by hellinahandcart
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To: tictoc
"In an insane world, the sane man must appear insane." -- Mr. Spock
13 posted on 09/05/2003 2:18:15 AM PDT by spodefly (This is my tagline. There are many like it, but this one is mine.)
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To: tictoc
God keeps his promises. Things will get worse before they get better. The world will turn on Israel. Israel's salvation will come from God. If the USA turns its back on Israel we are doomed.
14 posted on 09/05/2003 2:21:02 AM PDT by marbren
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To: milemark
This is the most bump worthy item I've seen in quite a while.
Religeon of peace alert.
15 posted on 09/05/2003 2:23:04 AM PDT by jaykay
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To: tictoc
And is there any way you can get out of Germany? That has to be an isolating experience as well...
16 posted on 09/05/2003 2:30:28 AM PDT by hellinahandcart
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To: tictoc
God is getting ready to send an anointed Army of Super Saints, "the church which is his body", into this world. They will be in his resurrected image and likeness, that can contain the fullness of God. When they sweep through the Middle East, all good hearted Muslims will hear their call, and enter the Kingdom. The hardcore hate filled murdering types, who will not repent, will be swept away. A thousand years of peace, prosperity, love, and joy for will begin. The future is very bright if your faith is in God and his plans, not man and his history of failures under the "prince of the power of the air", Satan, since he fell for his lies in Eden.
17 posted on 09/05/2003 2:49:55 AM PDT by Russell Scott (Without massive intervention from Heaven, America doesn't have a prayer.)
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To: tictoc
This is one of the most beautiful and sincere essays I've ever read on Free Republic. Thank you for sharing your heart. You're a talented writer.

I've heard Islam described as 'spiritual communism.' How can any organization, let alone a religion thrive by promoting hatred? If they ever prevailed by such a path, what kind of society would they build? One 'ruled' by hatred? Haven't we had that since the beginning of time?

Ironically, the jews and muslims have a similar view of the nature of god, namely as a majestic, powerful, yet distant being.

It was Jesus, unique among all the world's religions, who introduced the notion that god has the heart of a parent toward his children. That being the case, it's only logical that god would only desire his children love one another.

Some christians believe that god will intervene in some final "last days" strategy and save us all. Personally, I believe it's up to the children to bring the other children around.

Is love more powerful than hatred? Here is the final test for mankind to find out. If not, all is lost.

As a practical matter, then, I think religious leaders and scholars, must get together and work to find common ground. There should be an unending conference of religious scholars toward this end. Islamic scholars should be invited to discuss with christian, jewish, buddhist and others. The results should be published and insights gained taken back and shared with congregations. This obviously cannot be done by force or motivated by hatred.

Only through interreligious dialogue will the bridges of understanding begin to emerge. We simply cannot bomb the entire Islamic world into submission. We have to reach out.

In conclusion, what I'm saying is that I believe the problem is ultimately ideological in nature. Judaism, Christianity and Islam all agree that there is only one God. If moslems and jews and christians would pray together, I'm sure God would gladly answer with a vision that would transform humanity.

18 posted on 09/05/2003 2:50:35 AM PDT by Grim
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To: Grim
Your one world religion is coming.
19 posted on 09/05/2003 2:56:40 AM PDT by marbren
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To: tictoc
With the anniversary coming very shortly, many are going through terrible times. Reliving the trauma of the day and changes that day made for so many....the world is a very place. Love and prayers to all who have and are suffering.
20 posted on 09/05/2003 2:58:39 AM PDT by mrtysmm
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