1 posted on
08/04/2003 10:26:06 AM PDT by
To: presidio9
Form for attempting to get government money:
(Insert your field here):(Insert what you wish to study here) may hold clues to life on Mars.
To: presidio9
Hey, I know! Let's send a vehicle to Mars that will land there and come back that will bring with it some sort of microbial life form that will destroy all life on Earth. Not to worry; the government will ensure that there is no contamination.
4 posted on
08/04/2003 10:47:08 AM PDT by
To: presidio9
Is everyone with a college degree and employed by a university to have his life-on-Mars opinion appear in the news media before we actually ground-truth Mars and end the controversy?
13 posted on
08/04/2003 11:56:53 AM PDT by
(Destroy the dark; restore the light)
To: PatrickHenry; VadeRetro; Right Wing Professor; RadioAstronomer; balrog666; Dimensio; longshadow; ...
science ping
14 posted on
08/04/2003 11:58:04 AM PDT by
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