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There's a foul 'pen' blowing: Mychal Massie rips on Dowd for noxious attack on Clarence Thomas ^
| Tuesday, July 9, 2003
| Mychal Massie
Posted on 07/09/2003 12:08:33 AM PDT by JohnHuang2
click here to read article
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posted on
07/09/2003 12:09:45 AM PDT
Support Free Republic
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To: JohnHuang2
Is it just me, or are the bashing-liberals being soundly bashed lately ...??
posted on
07/09/2003 12:32:51 AM PDT
( America - You Are The Greatest!!)
To: JohnHuang2
Leftists like Dowd might imagine that the "downtrodden" are so benighted that they don't perceive the yearning for control/dominance the leftists have. They want to control what Rush and FReepers say and do, but have only freedom and power in mind for those they could more easily control if they seize power? Puhleeze...
posted on
07/09/2003 12:45:19 AM PDT
( Down South, where the hogs have jowls...)
To: mhking
Black Conservative PING.
posted on
07/09/2003 4:08:24 AM PDT
(A v v n c v l v s M a x i m v s)
To: JohnHuang2
Dowd. Everything she writes...can, should, and will be used against her. Great article by Mychal Massie. Thanks for the post.
posted on
07/09/2003 4:33:26 AM PDT
To: PGalt
It might be intersting if all of us took the time to cut and paste this piece into an e-mail to Dowd. She could use it to learn how to write....
posted on
07/09/2003 5:14:38 AM PDT
To: JohnHuang2
A very good article. This past weekend, I was impressed by an interview of Bernie Mac by Judith Regon(sp). He stated his mother was the driving force behind him. Two things he said stand out - one his mother said which was Life is no reherssal - it's showtime. The other was his grandfather after Bernie was attempting to bask in the glory of being the star in a b-ball game the night before. After showing Bernie that the fridge, stove, lights, etc., were working he said everything works in this house, including Bernie.
posted on
07/09/2003 5:23:44 AM PDT
(I think it takes a big dog to weigh a 100 pounds.)
To: JohnHuang2
Dowd is a twit read mostly by the twits. Who cares what Dowd says or does? We can't change twits they are a lost cause.
posted on
07/09/2003 5:26:18 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(If I can support FR with two kids in college, you can too. Freedom aint free but you can charge it.)
To: JohnHuang2
Mr. Massie has been sitting in for a local talk radio guy here in Harrisburg, and I caught his show yesterday. Excellent stuff, by the way...a couple of callers took him up on his self suffieciency platform, and he roundly castigated black liberal got on, frustrated beyond control, and said "I hate to say it, but black conservatives lose their blackness, and if I got ol' Clarence in a room, I give him hell, and to Condoleeza ho'as well, and then you, you lying ol' house n-----r,".
Remarkable what blacks are able to get away with saying on the airwaves...this vitriol is every bit akin to the hatred segregationist whites had for other whites who supported civil rights way back when, and is every bit as destructive to the social construct. We can't hope for racial comity as long as black initiative is dumped upon by the rank and file...
To: JohnHuang2
I didn't realize that Mychal Massie is a black man until I went to the original source. Good for him.
posted on
07/09/2003 5:30:04 AM PDT
To: IrishBrigade
Yup. It's sad, but the black community seems to be largely self-euthanizing as far as achievement is required. Sociologically, it fits a familiar pattern -- the outcasts eventually absorb the worst qualities of their attacks and behave accordingly. Witness the kid with glasses in middle school. Eventually he starts to believe everything that his hateful peers tell him -- that he is a loser, can't do anything, etc, and so he behaves that way. It's an unqualified tragedy that the very same thing has happened to the black community at large. You'd think that any example of success would be welcome, but sadly, not. It's like the starving man stating that he'd prefer rye bread when offered pumpernickle.
posted on
07/09/2003 5:33:45 AM PDT
(White devils for Sharpton Central Florida chapter)
To: JohnHuang2
Let me get my cheerleader pom-poms:
"Rip Her Up!
Tear Her Up!
Waaaay UP!!"
To: IrishBrigade
I never met Condoleeza Rice, but seriously doubt that she would have been a prostitute at any time of her life (does not fit her, does it?).
My son played trumpet at the church Justice Thomas attended at the time. I had many an opportunity to talk with this guy, and HE IS NOT A SCJ BECAUSE HE IS BLACK. HE IS BRILLIANT!.
Not only that, but a damn nice guy, as well.
There are those that do, and those that talk about those that do!
Those that talk usually can't do!
To: JohnHuang2
GREAT POST!!!!!! A confusing issue (and a question I started asking during the Democrats' Dog & Pony Show otherwise known as the Thomas Hearings) was the contempt the black community has for blacks achieving the ultimate goal.
(nb: I am not painting all blacks with the same brush. Until recently the "black community" was reprensented by one voice with different mouthpeices, Jesse Jackson, et al).
My confusion took the form of the question "Why is Clarence Thomas vilified by blacks? His success embodies what so many have wanted since the days of slavery. He worked hard to get where he is. He did it by work, not color." I was even more confused after I saw him talk to a group of high school student on C-SPAN. Such dignity!
This quote sums it up:
Their fear is that a black man who rises to Justice Thomas' position without benefit of liberal handouts and /or decries affirmative action will truly be free and self determining. That very thought worries the closet racist.
BINGO! WE HAVEA WINNER! Closet racist includes those who use blacks to achieve and maintain power. This would include other blacks such as Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al.
This is the exact same process used in the African country taking drug addicted children, placing rifles in their hands and saying "fight for us." It is the same process used by the Palestinian teaching hatred for Jews and the West from the cradle. They grow up willing to strap explosives to their chest to die a noble death.
All of a sudden (sarcasm), free speech and radical thought is not tolerated on a college campus in California. (I refer those not familar to Critical Mass (please html god, let the link turn out right)
Those of us who have followed Jesse Peterson are not surprised. I watched in anguish one night when a "talking head of color" spoke to Rev. Peterson in a manner that would get my son's mouth washed out with soap. As a matter of fact, this person was not talking to Rev. Peterson, he was trying (not succeeding) to talk over him. The contempt this man had for Rev. Peterson spilled into my living room. There was no debate, no respect for a differing opinion. He tried his best to make Rev Peterson into the town imbecile. However, just like Justice Thomas, Rev. Peterson's dignity (as well as his opinions) shined through. But I doubt anyone who has been conditioned to equate consevative black success with being an Uncle Tom saw what I saw.
But again, what do I know? I'm just a stupid white woman.
To: JohnHuang2
Where I come from, this would be referred to as "Throwing Dowd under the bus".
To: rdb3; Khepera; elwoodp; MAKnight; condolinda; mafree; Trueblackman; FRlurker; Teacher317; ...
Black conservative pingIf you want on (or off) of my black conservative ping list, please let me know via FREEPmail. (And no, you don't have to be black to be on the list!)
Extra warning: this is a high-volume ping list.
posted on
07/09/2003 6:23:09 AM PDT
To: JohnHuang2
Great article, John. Thanks for sharing it with us! I loved the quote of the day, too. It's so true; that's the discouraging part of it all. Sigh.
posted on
07/09/2003 6:23:50 AM PDT
(GOD is still in control!)
To: JohnHuang2
Dowd didn't single out Justice Scalia, Chief Justice Rehnquist or Justice Kennedy. Her open and shameless racism speaks for itself. Excellent point!
posted on
07/09/2003 6:40:03 AM PDT
To: JohnHuang2
... morally opprobrious ...
... liberal racist nemathelminth kind ...
... poisonous, cozened speech ...
... an art form of obloquy ...
Never mind the article, what a vocabulary! This man must not be lacking an iota of intelligence, nor suffering from an excess of publick edukashun. As an orator, he must be a cross between Winston Churchill and MLK.
posted on
07/09/2003 6:44:04 AM PDT
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