It is a truly enlightening experience to compare the Christian foundations of the American Revolution to the atheistic Enlightenment foundations of the French Revolution. The first was a "revolution" to apply the rule of law while the latter was a revolution in its truest sense of the word--anarchist and an overthrow of all authority, both human and divine. One led to a country blessed with freedoms which had not been experienced (or at least very rarely) in history previously. The other led to a blood bath with lines at the guillotine.
It is a truly enlightening experience to compare the Christian foundations of the American Revolution to the atheistic Enlightenment foundations of the French Revolution. And it's endlessly amusing to see how the Ayn Rand wing of libertarian thought seems to champion the French model, which didn't work, as opposed to our religiously-based model, which did work.
For a group allegedly devoted to "reason," one cannot but help conclude that their ignorance of the beliefs upon which America was truly built, is very much a self-imposed ignorance based on something far removed from "reason."