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Tom Tancredo expounds on Effects of Illegal Laborers. (A Must Save)
Congressional Record via Immigration Daily
| June 9, 2003
| Tom Tancredo
Posted on 06/11/2003 11:06:10 AM PDT by holyscroller
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This is Tancredo's congressional testimony, and he really hits the nail on the head from every angle. He had a little to say about reducing taxes, but I cut that and just posted his remarks about illegal aliens taking American jobs.
To: Tancredo Fan; FITZ; nanny
Tancredo fan would you forward this to the whole list please? Thanks.
To: holyscroller
Tancredo is one of the few politician I respect and admire. He is both ethical and courageous and acts in the best interest of this country, not personal profits.
posted on
06/11/2003 11:11:19 AM PDT
To: holyscroller
bump/read later
posted on
06/11/2003 11:16:19 AM PDT
(Celebrating May 5th and all days with an American Flag)
To: Dante3
I agree with you. Tom Tancredo has been steadfast in portraying the illegal alien situation for exactly what it is - an invasion that is bankrupting this country. I admire him tremendously and am sorry to see the administration giving him short shrift. He deserves FAR better treatment.
To: holyscroller
The House just voted to put the military on the border, which is fine, but what we really need is a bill to add more INS agents for interior enforcement.
All the border controls in the world won't solve the problem until illegals know they're not going to be allowed to stay. Since Congress refuses to do that, Tancredo is making a valid point.
To: holyscroller; Spiff; HiJinx; flamefront; Drill Alaska; healey22; lutine; Right_Makes_Might; ...
Tancredo fan would you forward this to the whole list please? ThanksOK. There's an audio file of Tancredo's June 9 Special Order speech here, too. At least there was yesterday.
posted on
06/11/2003 11:22:56 AM PDT
Tancredo Fan
(Stop the invasion. Put the military on the borders, round up illegals, and tell Fox to shove off.)
To: Reaganwuzthebest
With new policies and reorganization, to whom should a citizen now report illegals? And follow-up that something is done?
posted on
06/11/2003 11:25:32 AM PDT
To: holyscroller
posted on
06/11/2003 11:26:10 AM PDT
To: holyscroller
bump for later reading
To: holyscroller
bump for later reading
To: Dante3
Recent policy of BICE is to let illegal aliens they catch go and promise to leave the country in 30 days. It's a joke, even if you report them little will be done apparently.
To: Reaganwuzthebest
posted on
06/11/2003 11:36:18 AM PDT
(When in doubt, tell the truth. - Mark Twain)
To: holyscroller
Tancredo for President!
To: justanotherfreeper
To: holyscroller
posted on
06/11/2003 1:25:59 PM PDT
(Tancredo 2004)
To: Dante3; Marine Inspector
That's becuase the U.S. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services does not have any enforcement ability. Even if they wanted to get involved, they have no officers with arrest authority. The Greensburg police called the wrong agency. They should have called The Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement"
This is a quote from another thread, awhile ago, that I kept in my clipboard. It was written, I believe, by Marine Inspector.
To: justanotherfreeper
"Tancredo for President!Bumpity Bump.
To: holyscroller
posted on
06/11/2003 3:15:40 PM PDT
To: ImpotentRage
sorry to see the administration giving him short shrift. Rats don't like flashlights. ...nor do RINOS.
posted on
06/11/2003 3:17:51 PM PDT
Mr. Mojo
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