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Supreme Court Passes on Veterans' Health Care Dispute
Washington Post ^
| 6-2-2003
| Washington Post, Gina Holland
Posted on 06/02/2003 11:53:21 PM PDT by Militiaman7
Supreme Court Passes on Veterans' Health Care Dispute
By Gina Holland
Associated Press Writer
Monday, June 2, 2003; 10:38 AM
The Supreme Court on Monday dodged a case that sought billions of dollars for the free lifetime health care promised to some World War II and Korean War veterans.
Young recruits were told the benefits would be covered if they stayed in the service 20 years.
Those promises, made by military recruiters, were not backed up by law, a lower court ruled late last year.
The high court refused to consider overturning that decision, which would have helped up to 1.5 million people, but could have cost the government as much as 15 Billion.
"It is not enough to hold parades or tie yellow ribbons," the court was told by the Military Officers Association of America, one of the groups supporting veterans in the case. "We must honor their commitment and sacrifice by assuring that the government honors its commitments to them."
Supreme Court Passes on Veterans' Health Care
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TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: africa; aids; bush43; court; health; healthcare; scotus; va; veterans
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To: Militiaman7; SAMWolf; ALOHA RONNIE
We're ever eager to send them in to win the day, but too soon we forget their sacrifices. Long after the bugles of victory stop sounding, years after the troops have come home broken and sick from the scourges of war, that's when they need us the most.
Where are we for them now?
This is dedicated to my second uncle who is dying of cancer after training a generation of pilots to fly in WW2. And to my third uncle, who was captured on Wake island and is also dying of cancer. And to my father, who manages with a frost-bitten arm that he nearly lost to 88mm AAA over Rumania.
My family is doing fine with the benefits allocated for them, which is supplemented by their own civilian retirement funds. Is everyone else? That should be the question: who needs our help, and is there anything more we can do?
We need to ask this question about our Vietnam and Gulf War vets as well.
posted on
06/03/2003 3:06:17 AM PDT
To: risk
We need to ask this question about our Vietnam and Gulf War vets as well
They'll take care of the old guys first, < /scarcasm>
They are dying at 1500 a day so everyday we wait we save money.
It'll be 10 more years before we have to answer to most of the Vietnam Vet and at least 25-35 years for the Gulf War Vet and 40-45 years before Iraqui Freedom Vets complain.
Sometime between the Vietnam Vet and the Gulf War Vet the WWII and Korean Vets will have all died out and we can continue this SCAM on and on.
Remember this one well kids, when the recruiter comes calling.
posted on
06/03/2003 8:09:38 AM PDT
To: Militiaman7
I'm retired from the military.
This is far older than the time of George W. Bush. They've been reneging on promises to veterans in all varieties of administrations: DemRat, Pubbie, Conserv, Lib, Moderate, wartime, peacetime. You name it.
And don't let them kid you, they made those promises to vets in general; not just WWII and Korean War era vets.
I signed up in 1970, and they were making them then.
As someone pointed out, this money comes out of the services' budgets. Congress can fix all of this by divorcing vet budgets from defense budgets.
Gov't Civilians from any walk .... military, State Dept, Interior, etc.... all should be one retirement funding.
posted on
06/03/2003 8:14:20 AM PDT
To: HatSteel
Cut the damn Foreign Give aways and put that money in the pot for the Vets...What the hell are we doing?
Reminds me of Ruydard Kiplings "Tommy"
posted on
06/03/2003 8:34:37 AM PDT
To: Militiaman7
This is one spending initiative even I support!
posted on
06/03/2003 8:34:57 AM PDT
RAT Patrol
(Congress can give one American a dollar only by first taking it away from another American. -W.W.)
To: Zeno44
There are excellent reasons to believe that aids in africa isn't the same as aids in the western nations. For one thing, they don't use blood tests to identify hiv. they use symptomology. (You got cancer = you got aids.)
But it's not just aids, or foreign aid. It's an out of control budget in the first place. Someone correct me, but didn't I read that the entire budget went up approx. 9% this year!! And that with only a 3% inflation rate.
And they couldn't channel some of that to the vets to cover their promises?
I always think there's nothing more that gov't could do to surprise me.
And then another budget cycle rolls around.
posted on
06/03/2003 8:43:12 AM PDT
To: Militiaman7
To: HatSteel
I signed up in 1970, and they were making them then.
I signed up in 1961, and I don't remember being promised
free health care for non-service related disabilities. The
GI Bill was good enough for me, but we weren't quite so
free-lunch-for-me-but-not-for-thee as we are now.
posted on
06/03/2003 3:23:42 PM PDT
To: Militiaman7
Retirees are covered by Tri-Care until the age of 65 when they are converted to Medicare. If they have Medicare Part B, they are also covered by Tri-Care for Life which picks up all the costs that Medicare does not. Tri-Care for Life also covers the costs of prescriptions with a small co-pay of normally $2.00 - $12.00.
A Marine
posted on
06/03/2003 3:47:12 PM PDT
A Marine
To: A Marine
Try to get care from TRICARE. What a joke.
To: Militiaman7
I have only needed it twice in the past 10 years, but I have had no problems.
A Marine
posted on
06/03/2003 4:27:14 PM PDT
A Marine
To: Militiaman7
Seems to me like the Supreme Court dropped the ball.. ALONG WITH CONGRESS!!!
The way I'm reading it.. is UNTIL CONGRESS says it is law.. it won't fly.
These Vets are OWED this much. If they were promised.. AND WE ALL KNOW THEY WERE, then they should be compensated before they are all dead and gone!!
When we joined we were both told that if you were injured you were taken care of.. if you served over 20 years then you got lifetime medical and dental and retirement pay (the pay increased by the amount of years after 20 in five year increments). They renegged on the FREE part of the MEDICAL AND DENTAL..and now Vets of our era are having to pay premiums for health care. Sure, it still beats what some people get.. but it is STILL a broken promise!!!!
We would both like to see the different Vets groups go to bat for these men and women by petitioning Congress. It is EXACTLY this type of thing that dues are paid to the different organizations like American Legions, VFW's, Disabled Vets etc, .. so there can be representation for Vets! If they don't collect dues.. they should start a FUND DRIVE to send people to DC to knock on doors with the signatures of thousands of Vets. I don't see any petitions in front of any grocery stores!!
This is heartbreaking news for our WWII and Korean Vets. Just sickening.
To: gcruse
I'm talking about for retirees. That's the disagreement. Was health care for life part of the benefits package that was promised veterans who went the minimum 20 years to retirement. I'm sure they promised it. It was part and parcel of the package.
posted on
06/03/2003 7:03:56 PM PDT
To: Vets_Husband_and_Wife
Seems to me like the Supreme Court dropped the ball.. ALONG WITH CONGRESS!!! The way I'm reading it.. is UNTIL CONGRESS says it is law.. it won't fly. As it should be. Appropriating money and setting taxes belongs in the legislative branch. Everyone should be aware that the congress cannot, constitutionally, guarantee anyone any payment of public funds more than one year out.
posted on
06/03/2003 7:13:58 PM PDT
(Support H.R. 1305 to cut the Federal tax on beer in half)
To: DPB101
Congress could UNDO this wrong and FULFILL the promise/contract made with these Vets.
Vets go in and get medical evaluations for service connected problems that happened MANY years AFTER leaving the service.. so a ONE YEAR previous concept is ridiculous regarding ANYTHING to do with our Vets.
What you describe is the BUDGET.. we are talking about a totally different subject here.
To: Militiaman7
I suppose I will be seriously flamed for mentioning it, but the Bush administatation has seriously "blown it" with veterans, whom he has totally betrayed. I voted for him the last time supposing he was different from your average multimillionaire politician. Not so. He is a typical conniving politician who assumes veterans have no home in the other major party and can be taken forgranted. When the congress-- both houses, almost unanimously,-- approved concurrent receipt, Bush let it be known that a veto would occur if it were left in. For this I pray that a pox will descend upon the man which will turn his ears black, his item into a noodle,and cause warts to appear on his nose. Karl Rove, you fat fellow, can you lisp "concurrent receipt.?" Remember that term when the election polling shows Bush weaker with veterans than you supposed he would be.
To: Vets_Husband_and_Wife
Take it to Congress where it belongs. I don't want people running to any court to force elected representatives to appropriate money. SCOTUS was correct to reject this.
There was a case in Oklahoma City, I believe, where a Federal judge raised property taxes to build public schools. We don't want anyone more of that. Even for a good cause.
posted on
06/03/2003 7:47:55 PM PDT
(Support H.R. 1305 to cut the Federal tax on beer in half)
To: Militiaman7
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