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Learning to shoot: Ladies' Handgun Seminar aims to teach gun safety
Antelope Valley Press ^
| May 15, 2003
Posted on 05/15/2003 9:10:41 PM PDT by BenLurkin
LANCASTER - Even Annie Oakley, the famous gun-slinging cowgirl, had to start at the beginning.
Although the 30 Antelope Valley women who attended the Ladies' Handgun and Shooting Seminar on Saturday did not aspire to be the next Oakley, many of them shot a gun for the first time down in the basement of The Gun Shop on Sierra Highway north of Avenue J.
The seminar was designed to offer a gun safety and a how-to-shoot class for experienced shooters and beginners, and organizers hoped to make women like Aida Wells of Lancaster more confident with a firearm.
Wells said she came to the seminar to learn how to shoot. Her ex-husband had guns, but she never shot one. Now that she is single again, she wants one to protect herself.
"I didn't know anything about it," Wells said. "I didn't want to take a chance."
She planned to overcome her fear of a firearm by learning the proper, safe way to handle one.
"It's like any other thing. You have to learn how to do it and do it with caution," Wells said.
Sponsored by Assemblywoman Sharon Runner, R-Lancaster, state Sen. William J. "Pete" Knight, R-Palmdale, and the California Second Amendment Sisters, the ladies' seminar taught women how to handle and shoot a handgun safely.
"I see there is a need," Runner said. "Women want to protect themselves and keep themselves and their families safe."
Four years ago, Runner brought some of her friends to The Gun Shop to learn how to shoot. Many had been given guns by their husbands, guns they didn't know how to fire.
Runner learned how to shoot at the Lancaster range, and has been to ranges two other times before Saturday.
Runner doesn't own a gun, but said she was looking to buy one since she is often alone at night, traveling dark desert roads to visit constituents. She said she plans to apply for a concealed weapons permit.
"Law-abiding citizens who go through the process to own a gun are not the people out there shooting and killing people," Runner said.
Twenty-eight other women from across the Antelope Valley joined Runner and Wells to learn or review how to shoot a handgun. Seven of the women were experienced shooters who wanted to take a formal gun safety class, while the other 23 came to learn how to use a handgun.
Judith Fox of Acton said she only had fired a gun once, on a friend's farm when she was a child.
She doesn't own a gun but would like to have one for her protection.
"I'd also like to learn how to shoot," she said.
Experienced shooter Sondra Threlfall of Quartz Hill said she wanted a brush-up course on gun safety and to be around like-minded women.
"It's the sport, the challenge of hitting the targets and just to stay familiar with the gun," Threlfall said.
Threlfall said her husband taught her how to shoot when she was 17. She scored a 255 out of 300 on the shooting range.
Not all experienced shooters enjoy the sport. Emily Berg, the California representative of the Second Amendment Sisters, said she doesn't like the noise or getting dirty.
"You don't have to do it 24/7," Berg said. "The important thing is to know how."
Her organization promotes safety and education of gun ownership and the protection of the Second Amendment.
Berg's grandfather founded The Gun Shop, and she can't remember how old she was when she learned how to shoot.
Mary Ferrazzam of Lake Los Angeles was taught how to shoot a gun by friends, but wanted to take a formal gun course. She lives on 10 acres in the "middle of nowhere" and feels the need to protect herself. She especially wants to scare coyotes away from her animals.
"I shoot but I very rarely hit anything," she said, adding that she only spooks the coyotes with the noise.
Some beginners are also scared by the noise of guns, especially in indoor ranges, said National Rifle Association instructor Tom Watt, who taught the noncertified courses.
One woman asked him how to overcome what her husband called "flinching."
"You're afraid of it," he said. "It's not going to hurt you. You'll have a lot of fun down there (in the basement shooting range). Just relax.
"The noise is the one thing - the most spooky part of the gun," Watt added.
Watt also told the women that they develop their skills quicker than male beginners. What helps women is that they aren't trying to be the next John Waynes.
"They don't have bad tendencies," Watt said. "They tend to go up there, listen to what is said, and - boom! - they're done."
TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; News/Current Events; US: California
KEYWORDS: aerospacevalley; antelopevalley; bang; banglist; lainie; rkba; sas; secondamendment
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" TARGET PRACTICE Dee Carey shows the bullet marks on her target after a practice session Saturday at The Gun Shop in Lancaster. The event was designed to make women more confident with firearms. " ENNIFER X HERNANDEZ/Valley Press
posted on
05/15/2003 9:10:41 PM PDT
To: lainie
Better late than never I guess!
posted on
05/15/2003 9:12:36 PM PDT
(The Democrats oppose democracy. Ironic isn't it?)
To: BenLurkin; anniegetyourgun
Get over here!
Man, she sux as a marksman. Mine are all inside.
posted on
05/15/2003 9:16:09 PM PDT
(provacative yet educational reading alert)
To: annyokie
A bullet in the arm or shoulder won't exactly tickle! She could use some practice, but at least she's learning, and smiling!
posted on
05/15/2003 9:34:23 PM PDT
Travis McGee
(----- -----)
To: Travis McGee
Let me see her do a drop roll and fire drill and my respect will increase.
Dry firing at bad guy pix (they're all white, too, wassup withat?) doesn't matter. I'll bet you a dollar she never dropped, rolled and pulled her firearm out of her purse. I bruised my knees big time doing those drills. Better armed than harmed, I say.
posted on
05/15/2003 9:41:00 PM PDT
(provacative yet educational reading alert)
To: Travis McGee
She's pulling a little high and to the left ... tensing her wrist in anticipation of the shot, most likely. She'll settle in after a few more rounds ...
posted on
05/15/2003 9:43:48 PM PDT
(This is my tagline. There are many like it, but this one is mine.)
To: annyokie
More power to you. But I salute her for taking the first biggest hardest step.
posted on
05/15/2003 9:43:52 PM PDT
Travis McGee
(----- -----)
To: Travis McGee
Thanks, I payed and learned from a Gulf War Vet. It isn't easy to drop and roll and unzip our purse, draw a weapon and fire from the ground.
I'm pleased that she is trying, but she still sux. And why are all the Bad Guy Targets White Guys?
posted on
05/15/2003 9:49:44 PM PDT
(provacative yet educational reading alert)
To: annyokie
I hope someone with your level of skill mentors her. I can't answer your question about targets. Most of the ones I shoot are black silhouettes on white paper. But I didn't print them, I just buy them at the range.
posted on
05/15/2003 9:55:15 PM PDT
Travis McGee
(----- -----)
To: spodefly
The hardest part is making the decision to go to the range and pick up an eeeeee-villllllll handgun.
The rest is pure gravy!
posted on
05/15/2003 9:56:14 PM PDT
Travis McGee
(----- -----)
To: Travis McGee
I took a defensive shooting course when I was going to grad school in Pittsburgh PA. The parking garage is eight stories tall and lots of persons were hanging out and drinking malt liquor and hooting at us blonde white girlss.
Most of the targets that had silhouettes on them and not just x's were white guys. I shot up 100 rounds with each lesson, ejecting and inserting new clips. Part of the drill was to eject a spent clip and insert a full clip. I have two magazines.
posted on
05/15/2003 10:05:34 PM PDT
(provacative yet educational reading alert)
To: annyokie
What's your carry caliber?
posted on
05/15/2003 10:09:32 PM PDT
Travis McGee
(----- -----)
To: annyokie
Maybe last week she was anti-gun?
Now she isn't afraid of shooting.
Maybe next week, she'll do twice as good.
Maybe someday, she'll be teaching you a thing or two.
posted on
05/15/2003 10:11:27 PM PDT
Shooter 2.5
(Don't punch holes in the lifeboat)
To: *bang_list
Almost forgot the bang list.
Ladies with guns bump.
posted on
05/15/2003 10:13:53 PM PDT
Shooter 2.5
(Don't punch holes in the lifeboat)
To: Travis McGee
.380. I'm little.
posted on
05/15/2003 10:15:17 PM PDT
(provacative yet educational reading alert)
To: Shooter 2.5
Maybe you and I could meet at the range and I can humilate your ass.
posted on
05/15/2003 10:17:13 PM PDT
(provacative yet educational reading alert)
To: Travis McGee
You got that right. A lot of women think gunshops are on the level of porn shops.
The best shop I had ever seen was on Murpheeburo Road in Smirna, TN. It was half women's shoe store and the other half was a gun shop. I don't recall the prices but every case had a display of items with the guns. The single actions had sheriff's badges and wanted posters. The modern pistols had newsclippings of armed citizens. It was always a pleasure to see what they had on display.
posted on
05/15/2003 10:20:02 PM PDT
Shooter 2.5
(Don't punch holes in the lifeboat)
To: annyokie
.380? I can see why you are so worried about shot placement!
Try out a 5 shot .44Special revolver. Compact, inexpensive, low recoil, and it's a real manstopper.
No safety or chambering a round worries to trip you up under stress. Just point and squeeze.
posted on
05/15/2003 10:20:53 PM PDT
Travis McGee
(----- -----)
To: Shooter 2.5
I think most women think gunshops are worse than porno shops.
It's an uphill climb against the propaganda spewed out by ABCNNBCS.
posted on
05/15/2003 10:22:54 PM PDT
Travis McGee
(----- -----)
To: annyokie
Maybe you and I could meet at the range and I can humilate your ass. And maybe he'll bring out a .500 linebaugh and make you flinch on the firing line .....
There's not that big a need to be so competitive here.
Besides ... you sucked once too (at shooting). Then you kept practicing. Cut the lady some slack.
posted on
05/15/2003 10:24:35 PM PDT
(We are crushing our enemies, seeing him driven before us and hearing the lamentations of the liberal)
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