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US to penalise France, drops weapons trade
Press Trust of India ^
| May 1
Posted on 05/01/2003 11:40:54 AM PDT by ellery
Washington, May 1: US has drawn up a series of penalties to be inflicted upon France for not supporting it in the war against Iraq, media reports said on Thursday.
Political pressure from Washington could hurt several lucrative French weapons programmes, including Mirage 2000 fighter planes, Leclerc tanks and black Shaheen cruise missiles, the Defence news weekly reported.
A French request to extend the tour of duty of its representative at the US Air Force's global positioning system programme office in Los Angeles "apparently has been denied".
Meanwhile, a joint French-British-US military exercise was cancelled, citing the ongoing war and "unavailability" of troops. Earlier this month, Pentagon said it would not allow its planes to fly at or officials to attend Paris Air Show.
"The consequences of this rupture are going to be horrendous to French trade and business, from tourism to investment in the country, to the receptivity in Washington to France expanding its industrial interests in US," Evan Galbraith, US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's Special Assistant for Europe, said.
Orders for French-made Mirage 2000 could drop if Gulf states, under influence from US, opt for US jets like F-16s. Washington could also pressurise countries like Saudi Arabia to decide against the Leclerc tanks, the weekly said.
Black Shaheen, the derivative of M8Da French scalp cruise missile destined for the UAE relies on components that require US export licences, it added.
Rumsfeld and Secretary of State Colin Powell had declared that there will be "consequences" to France for not supporting the US-led war on Iraq.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: france; frogs; iraqifreedom; nonallyfrance; punishment; trade; weapons
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Sorry for the one-track posts these days...
posted on
05/01/2003 11:40:54 AM PDT
To: ellery
No more export of Jerry Lewis films!
posted on
05/01/2003 11:45:14 AM PDT
("Well....there you go again.")
To: ellery
Our equipment is tested and proven, anyway...
To: ellery
Now I feel a lot better - nothing like bi*ch-slapping the French to cheer one up... (;-)
posted on
05/01/2003 11:55:01 AM PDT
To: ellery
Never apologize for bringing good news about the French. :-)
posted on
05/01/2003 12:03:04 PM PDT
Young Rhino
(France delenda est)
To: ellery
Oops! Thanks for reminding me. I need to e-mail the french consulate that I won't be attending the Paris Air Show either.
When is it?
posted on
05/01/2003 12:04:55 PM PDT
(Liberate Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, NK, Cuba,...Hollywood - Support the Troops!)
To: Young Rhino
Hee -- thanks...I thought it was likely that my fellow freepers would be as stuck on this story as I am :-)
posted on
05/01/2003 12:05:22 PM PDT
To: ellery
"A French request to extend the tour of duty of its representative at the US Air Force's global positioning system programme office in Los Angeles "apparently has been denied".
Music to my ears. The french would sell what they know about GPS to the enemies of America anyway. Should've never been there in the first place.
posted on
05/01/2003 12:17:53 PM PDT
(A nickel of every tax dollar should go toward the defense of America)
To: ellery
I wonder what this means to sales of Thompson products here in the US. This could get interesting.
posted on
05/01/2003 12:26:10 PM PDT
(There are people in power who are truly evil.)
To: Carry_Okie
I think the Gulf States KNOW that they need American Military Not French
To: ellery
A fellow Freeper emailed me this one:
An Open Letter to President Jacques Chiraq
Dear Jack,
I'm an American. And as an American, there are some things I want to get off
my chest. Colin Powell would probably make this sound all nice and fancy,
but I'm not a diplomat, as the next few paragraphs will make painfully clear
to you.
I don't like you very much, Jack. I don't like you, your government or your
country. I think as allies go you make a passable enemy. You sure as
shootin' could never be mistaken as a friend. Not to put a fine point on it,
you suck as a country. You're a president of a bunch of losers. You're wine
is too expensive and the quality is too low. Your cheeses smell and taste
like vomit. Your people are rude, ungrateful, surly and snotty. Your
language is dying. You've made no real substantive contribution to the world
community in close to a century.
And yet you want the world to believe that you're relevant. That you're a
world power, a force to be reckoned with.
Yeah, right. Pull the other one, it's got bells on.
I think I understand why you idiots do nuclear tests in the Pacific. It's
just to remind yourselves that you're supposedly a superpower. Well, you may
have many megatons of firepower, but you're not a superpower. Y'see, a
superpower actually WINS from time to time. That description doesn't quite
apply to you, though, does it? I mean, let's face it, if Paris was invaded
by three small kittens, there'd be a sea of hairy armpits (of both genders)
waving gently in the fetid breeze. You'd be ripping off the red and the blue
portions of your flag so that you could wave the remainder in the air.
You've been helping an old and dear friend of yours these past several
years. A good friend, to whom you supplied a nuclear plant. I know it must
have galled you (pun intended) to have the Israelis blow up that nifty bit
of real estate, but they knew that Iraq would build nukes with it. And so
did you. But you didn't care, as long as there was a franc to be made,
And that attitude carried over for many years to come.
Remember Gulf War I? YOU were the one who stopped the UN Coalition from
going forward and taking out Saddam Hussein. Why? Well, he was a friend of
yours. And you wanted to keep him in power. Did you care that he would
slaughter tens of thousands of his own people? Naaaaa! You knew he's still
buy your weapons, and he knew you'd still buy his oil. You knew that the
money he gave you was really meant for food and medicine for his people, but
you needed that cash more than they needed their lives, right?
And then came 9/11. Oh, you said some small words of comfort, but that's all
they were. Small words. From a small man. But you still supported a
terrorist, who ran a terrorist nation, and supported terrorist cells.
Including the one that murdered THREE THOUSAND of our own people on our own
soil. And you said that you supported the United States, and that you were
our friend.
You agreed to UN Resolution 1441. Remember? You should, you voted for it. It
gave Iraq one last chance to disarm. Besides the other 16 last chances to
disarm, of course. Colin Powell negotiated with you jerks for over a month
and a half. But you signed on the dotted line.
And Hans Blix, who I am quite sure has all the visual acuity of Ray Charles
with a blindfold on, still was able to tell you that Iraq was not complying
with UN Res. 1441. And what was going to happen if Iraq DIDNT comply with
1441? It wasnt in any find print, Jacko, it was right out in the open. You
dont comply, we MAKE you comply. Militarily.
Suddenly, you seemed to forget what you signed. You also seemed to forget
who your real friends are. The ones that saved your sorry butts and dragged
you out of two world wars. The ones that had more guts than you did, and
didnt bend over and grab their ankles as you did when Hitler drove up the
Champs Élysees, but instead kicked them out of your sorry excuse for a
nation at the cost of tens of thousand American and British lives.
No, you wanted to flex your flabby muscles, so you started backstabbing the
US. You went to African countries on the Security Council and started to
strong-arm them. You told your new Euro-neighbours to shut up, and included
a veiled threat that they wouldnt be welcome in your Europe. You gave aid
and comfort to Iraq during this time as well. You provided them with the
names of some good assassins, with military intelligence that would
compromise US/Coalition safety and lives, and you kept selling them weapons.
Because you were afraid of losing all those lucrative oil contracts. $60
BILLION, wasnt it? And you didnt want your friends to see just how far up
your nether regions your old buddy Saddam was ensconced
Well, were finding out now. And what were finding proves to Americans just
how squamulose you scum-sucking lowlife frog bastards truly are.
I know that President Bush still thinks you guys can be trusted. And loathe
as I am to disagree with him, in this case hes wrong. Youve proven
yourself unworthy. You cant be trusted. You cant be believed. You cant be
dealt with.
So heres what is going to happen. And trust me, youre not going to like
Right now, theres a boycott going on of French products, goods and
services. Im sending this to my elected representatives in United States
Congress, and asking them to expand this to a governmental level. I want to
see ALL trade with your country stopped. Youll probably stop trading with
us as well. Thats your choice. But considering that you buy a lot more of
our products then we by of yours, Id guess that this will sting a bit.
But theres more.
Im also going to ask my congressmen and senators to bring back all of the
US servicemen buried in your country. They are heroes, and they dont
deserve to be cradled in ground as unhallowed as you have made it.
Im going to recommend that the US immediately increase the tariffs on all
French imports to 1,000% of the retail price.
Im going to recommend that all US Embassies and Consulates in your country
be closed, and that all diplomatic relations cease forthwith. You want to
talk to us? Call a third party. But dont expect us to answer you, except in
sentences that end in the phrase and the horse you rode in on. Im also
going to recommend that your Ambassador and consular staff be booted out of
here. Preferably at gunpoint. Preferably naked. Preferably down the middle
of the street, so folks can laugh and point at your peoples inadequacies
Im going to recommend that all current military, trade and cultural
agreements with your country cease.
Im going to recommend that you be booted out of NATO. And if youre not,
the US will dissolve NATO.
Im going to recommend that the US pull out of the United Nations. Barring
that, Im going to suggest that France be removed from the Security Council
as a permanent member, and have their veto power stripped.
And if you attempt to retaliate in any military fashion whatsoever, Im
going to recommend that we do to you what we did to Saddam.
Youve marginalised yourself and your country, Jack. Youve angered a
country that was your best friend and your greatest defender (please note
the past tense here). Youve sided with the terrorists. Youve harmed the
Youve screwed up big time.
And now youre going to pay for your lack of judgement.
Id end this by suggesting you go to hell, but youre already in Paris,
which is close enough.
Get bent,
p.s. va te faire foutre et le cheval que vous êtes monté dedans dessus
I had forwarded this to a Vet Friend of mine, thought I would add his commentary below:
You overlooked the fact that France also sucked us down the rabbit-hole of Vietnam...and that was something totally different than going to save their ass from the Germans.
The french as a breed are genetically screwed-up. Their decendants in Canada are like an open, puss-filled sore in that country.
Hell, their long history, going back to Roman times, shows nothing but failure as an integral part of the human race. The french, either directly, or through influence, have probably caused more human misery than any other ethnic group on earth, including the Mongol hordes.
Julius Caesar should have killed them all. As it is, if the french are the first thing space aliens perceive as standard "human", they'll end up getting us all killed.
Oh, and his new name is Jacques Merde. Well known by everyone as, Jack Sh1t.
This should all be something to laugh at. But, I can't laugh yet. I'm still very angry. I think I'm more angry at Jacques Merde then militant Islam. AND I lost people in the WTC. The French were suppose to be our ally and they put financial gains over our welfare. Whereas, militant Islam weren't all that silent about their intentions. Some of us just didn't know where to look to see the message.
posted on
05/01/2003 12:49:35 PM PDT
To: ellery
Not all of France has turned into Chirac swine.
Think how America lost respect while Clinton was chasing tail in the White House.
To: ellery; Grampa Dave
Ahhh...looks like Colin and Donald are planning their own special boycott of Frogland.
Not mentioned here is the technician service we provide on the sly to the French to keep the DeGaulle running. I'd bet we won't renew that either.
This is very satisfying.
Boycott RCA products.
Complain to your Walmart/Kmart/Chinamart that RCA offends you.
To: BrooklynGOP
Our equipment is tested and proven, anyway... . . . while their's is still shiny and new and obsolete and never-been-tried and wrapped in pastel paper with a brilliant yellow bow. Oooh-la-la . . . but French weapons loooooooooooook so goooooooood!
posted on
05/01/2003 1:09:30 PM PDT
(We Americans... bear the ark of liberties of the world.)
To: thinktwice
I buy that arguement with the Germans and Schroeder. The French, however, have really shown me, that they are too far gone to have any hope of being salvagable. This is not based on just this episode, but on numerous actions going back to Vichy France in WWII.
Black Shaheen, the derivative of M8Da French scalp cruise missile destined for the UAE relies on components that require US export licences, it added.
GPS guided, I assume.
I wonder if the EU is prepared to deploy its own GPS satellites or just give up using GPS. The Weasels had better not rely on it. And their customers should think twice too. Just imagine us using our GPS satellites to send false navigational readings to the French missiles in a given area of the world...
To: geedee
Designer missiles!
To: ellery
US has drawn up a series of penalties to be inflicted upon France for not supporting it in the war against Iraq, media reports said on Thursday.WRONG...if the stupid french would have just not supported the liberation of Iraq, there would be very little fallout. What they did though was actively campaign against the liberation, and for that they must suffer.
Fortunately we now have adults running our country and they, thankfully, are not going to let this nation of Clymers get away with this kind of behavior. Just imagine what Maddie Albright would be doing to Chirac right now.
To: Cuttnhorse
Just imagine what Maddie Albright would be doing to Chirac right now. UGH!
What a disgusting thought.
posted on
05/01/2003 1:57:13 PM PDT
("We'll put a boot in yer's the American way"..Toby)
To: ellery
""The consequences of this rupture are going to be horrendous to French trade and business,..."Good, good!
posted on
05/01/2003 2:09:41 PM PDT
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