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A Veterans Rally in Washington, D.C. Regarding VA HEALTH CARE!
| 04/30/03
Posted on 04/30/2003 8:59:09 AM PDT by AbsolutePower
A Veterans Rally in Washington, D.C. is being planned by The Chicago Commission on Human Relations Advisory Council on Veterans' Affairs.
Every year, VA Health Care is underfunded! It is time that all veterans close ranks and stand up for adequate funding that is needed to meet the rising costs of health care nationwide.
The soldiers are depending on us for their future..... just as we are depending on them now.
Kick-off to Memorial Day VETERANS RALLY 2367 Rayburn Building Washington D. C. 20515
Thursday, May 22, 2003
We invite veterans and other concerned citizens to send legislators a strong message: "We will no longer be silent about underfunded VA benefits and healthcare."
Call (312) 744-7582 (Voice) or (312) 744-1088 (TTY) if you are ready to take a stand!
Richard M. Daley Clarence N. Wood Mayor Chairman City of Chicago Commission on Human Relations
Fact Sheet
Veterans answered the call of this nation in every war and many made the ultimate sacrifice. The physical, mental, and emotional scars on those who fought the battles should never be forgotten.
Thousands of veterans live on fixed incomes that are near the poverty income level. Many rely solely on the VA for health care services and are in need of prescription medications and frequent physician visits.
Past funding for veterans health care has not met the rising demands of aging veterans. Future budgeting for the Department of Veterans Affairs is potentially underfunded again. The proposed 2004 budget indicates serious cuts for veterans' benefits. President George W. Bush and Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony J. Principi should tell veterans the truth about the proposed budget and how it will impact nationwide veterans health care services in the near future.
To increase the co-payments for primary care services and prescription drugs, and mandate an additional annual enrollment fee for veterans who barely live above the poverty level are unthinkable.
We must not wait to voice our concerns regarding the proposed 2004 budget.
TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Announcements; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Delaware; US: District of Columbia; US: Maryland
KEYWORDS: airforce; arym; healthcare; may22rallies; memorialday; military; navy; support; supportourtroops; usmc; va; vet
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To: AbsolutePower
If this has to do with service-related injuries only, I'm for it. Any injury a vet has defending the country has to be acknowledged and compensated.
posted on
04/30/2003 10:21:46 AM PDT
To: gcruse
I looked into it and it is very much for Service-related injuries and non-service related issuses. There is a good write up on the American Legion and some have waited close to 30 monthes just for a general heathcare appt. Show you support.
Semper Fi
- AbsolutePower
posted on
04/30/2003 10:39:53 AM PDT
(Semper Fi "Killem all, let god sort them out!")
To: gcruse
I looked into it and it is very much for Service-related injuries and non-service related issuses. There is a good write up on the American Legion and some have waited close to 30 monthes just for a general heathcare appt. Show you support.
Semper Fi
- AbsolutePower
posted on
04/30/2003 10:39:53 AM PDT
(Semper Fi "Killem all, let god sort them out!")
To: AbsolutePower
and non-service related issuses.
Nope. Military service shouldn't
be a gimme for welfare. Ex-soldiers
are not due a permanent seat in the
wagon just for having been soldiers,
nor should they find it desirable.
posted on
04/30/2003 10:51:52 AM PDT
To: gcruse
are you out of your mind. That dosen't state that its a gimmie. If you got hurt while on active duty, you have the GOD GIVEN RIGHT OF THE VA. Because you fought for your country.
- AbsoultePower
posted on
04/30/2003 11:14:11 AM PDT
(Semper Fi "Killem all, let god sort them out!")
To: gcruse
Once again quoting you. "Nope. Military service shouldn't
be a gimme for welfare. Ex-soldiers
are not due a permanent seat in the
wagon just for having been soldiers,
nor should they find it desirable"
You say desirable? They joined the Armed Forces of the United States to protect you past, present and furture and your telling the people that its not desirable that they seek VA Treatment. What do you think they should do. Maybe if you were in the service you would have a clue of what goes on when a person has to wait 30 months for a heathcare appt.
Semper Fi,
- AbsolutePower
posted on
04/30/2003 11:17:04 AM PDT
(Semper Fi "Killem all, let god sort them out!")
To: AbsolutePower
I looked into it and it is very much for Service-related
injuries and non-service related issuses.
I understand this to mean non-service related injuries
are to be treated as equal to service-related. It that correct?
posted on
04/30/2003 11:19:14 AM PDT
To: AbsolutePower
I looked into it and it is very much for Service-related injuries and non-service related issuses. There is a good write up on the American Legion and some have waited close to 30 monthes just for a general heathcare appt. Show you support. No thank you.
This is just more "gimme, gimme, gimme". There is no reason on earth that a two or three year veteran, with no service-conected disability, and with more than adequate means to pay for their own health care, should ask the taxpayers to provide it for them. None.
I have numerous retired friends and acquaintences who are in exactly in that position, with assets in excess of $1 million, two homes, golf memberships, travelling around the world,etc., and they are sucking off the government tit for their prescription drugs - even though, by virtue of their previous employment, they have a free prescription drug plan that gives them a 50% discount on all medications.
I think that it is shameful. They give you this crap that "Everybody does it". Well, everybody doesn't. Take a look at the decline in the number of veterans over the years and the massive increases in per veteran spending for "health care". It's obscene. jackbill - 40th Inf. Div. Korea, 1952-53.
posted on
04/30/2003 11:31:15 AM PDT
To: jackbill
Well, I am a 4 year veteran of the Marine Corps .. Operation Enduring Freedom. And I have both service connect and non-service connect disability. Once again you people think the military and its veterans get too much. They give there life for this nation, and in return they mock there health care policy and don't want them to have anything.

Semper FI - AbsolutePower
posted on
04/30/2003 11:42:34 AM PDT
(Semper Fi "Killem all, let god sort them out!")
To: AbsolutePower
They give there life for this nation
If you gave your life for your country,
then you are dead and not in need of
health care.
If you were injured for your country,
we will take care of you.
The mere fact of having been in the military
is insufficient to justify a lifetime of free
healthcare for non-service-related illness.
posted on
04/30/2003 12:09:31 PM PDT
To: AbsolutePower
Well, I am a 4 year veteran of the Marine Corps .. Operation Enduring Freedom. And I have both service connect and non-service connect disability. Once again you people think the military and its veterans get too much. Bull Crap. Veterans with service-connected disabilities should be given a "gold card" that will give them the best health care available, at any hospital, clinic, etc., free of charge.
Veterans with only a few years service and who get out as healthy as when they went in should provide their own health care and not expect the taxpayers to do it for them.
I don't think that my limited service qualifies me to be taken care of for the rest of my life.
It's called "service", not "lifetime care".
posted on
04/30/2003 12:59:40 PM PDT
To: jackbill
Service to the United States of America.. Not Janator Service Worker . There is a big difference in which you are not seeing . Get a clue ..
posted on
04/30/2003 1:07:48 PM PDT
(Semper Fi "Killem all, let god sort them out!")
To: AbsolutePower
posted on
04/30/2003 2:26:47 PM PDT
To: AbsolutePower
Service to the United States of America.. Not Janator Service Worker . There is a big difference in which you are not seeing . Get a clue .. You get a clue. What is your idea of Conservatism? Small government, less taxes and less spending - unless it is for you?
Sounds like you might be a Cafeteria Conservative. Or a closet DU'er.
And I know what "Service to the United States" means. In case you didn't notice, I spent my time - in Korea. And the taxpayers gave me an education and a home loan and I felt that was payment enough. The taxpayers gave me the tools to make my own way for the rest of my life, and not as a janitor.
But then, I guess I'm just not greedy.
For my money, you can take your "March on Washington" - better called a "Rape of the Taxpayers" - and shove it.
posted on
04/30/2003 4:16:06 PM PDT
To: gcruse
When the Army wanted me to be a lifer they waved a healthcare package before me. I left after 3.5 years. My spouse stayed for 28 years. They told him that healthcare was part of the retirement package. The pay was low and this was a way to get people to stay. Now we are told that nobody promised healthcare. We are fortunate that we can afford insurance. We have never been near the VA or any government provider. (My spouse has the purple heart) We would rather not deal with the government on any level regarding healthcare. I know there was a lawsuit by retired men and they lost. The government lied to many lifers. Screw them. We look at the great healthcare package congress gives itself. They have a great retirement package. Barney has the best protologist our taxes can buy.
To: oldironsides
Congress is a shameful birdnest on the ground.
Someone who spends 20 years in the military has 20 years
of health care and more if in-service injuries continue beyond retirement. For someone to spend 3 or 4 years in service with no service disabilities and get free healthcare for life is ludicrous.
posted on
04/30/2003 5:14:03 PM PDT
To: AbsolutePower
No, it isn't a God given right to health care. It is a contractual agreement between veterans and the government. Big difference.
Best thing to happen to the VA would be for most centers to be closed down, and veterans folded into a private insurance plan. The amount of deadweight supported by VA hospitals in form of in-house architects, consultants, etc. is mind-boggling.
"Course, will never happen. So you vets can continue to lobby for a system which makes you wait weeks for appointments, stand in lines...I guess you all have nothing better to do, or else you would demand the VA system be shut down.
posted on
04/30/2003 5:56:59 PM PDT
To: jackbill
I did my time, and so did 500,000 other veterans. You bost about "Cafeteria Conservative. Or a closet DU'er," thats petty take compared to the real problem, I'm not saying that non-service connected disibilitys is the problem and I am sorry if I did. Its getting the Vets in the have Major Service Connected problems. IE, agent orange, side effects to Anthrax and so and so forth. And if you would have a major problem like the 10% that I spoke of. You would be marching also. And always. your tax money is well spent on us. Thank you
Semper Fi
- AbsolutePower
posted on
04/30/2003 6:25:23 PM PDT
(Semper Fi "Killem all, let god sort them out!")
To: jackbill
I find it hard to respond to people like you...The VA health system is broke at best. Many men and women spent many years of service to their Country at far less money than they could have made on the outside. Many like me did it for love of Country. I have service connected disabities and non service connected. Those that or are sufficient for me to not be able to work....Yet I try not to use the system and use my other health care....for both...Why because it takes so long to get into see a Dr and then the care is less than desirable.I use other health care options so those less fortunate than me can get in....Yet is BS that I have to...Many men and women that served are not able to get health care that illegals in this Country seem to be guaranteed....and you have the gall to make the statements you do....The least this Country can do is to take care of their Vets the same way they take care of their politicans and illegals who come to this Country...If you find that not to your liking then take a flying leap if you get my drift....Many promises have been made to Vets for years and never been honored. If that bothers you then tough.....You are no different than the politicans that made them...
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