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Who’s Responsible For More Deaths, Enron or CNN?
Rush Limbaugh ^ | 4/11/2003 | E-mail from Howard to Rush

Posted on 04/11/2003 5:34:30 PM PDT by sjersey

From: HOWARD Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 11:13:25 EDT To: Subject: The News We (CNN) Kept to Ourselves

This man is disgusting. He lifts rationalizing to new heights. To tell the truth or not to tell the truth, that is the question. Is it nobler in the mind to tell the truth and save some lives, or to refrain, thus costing more lives over time. Oh, and silly me. I thought it was a journalists duty to report the truth. But not when it interferes with the bottom line apparently. After all CNN might have lost some its position in Iraqi, thus losing its position in the ratings… Oh, wait. It did anyway.

Of what use is it for a “news” organization to maintain a presence in a country if it won't report the news it finds there? Oh, wait. It lets them get scoops, ratings, and, thereby, money. How foolish of me to entertain the thought that their job might be to report the news.

Yet they won't wear flag lapel pins or use the term “we” to refer to freedom-fighting American troops, because that might cast doubt upon their precious “objectivity.” How absolutely vile. This is the lowest. CNN spent millions on the production of an anti American anti military piece of fiction about nerve gas in Vietnam. But will not tell the truth in Iraq because it fears retribution.

Well dude, the retribution is here. CNN like the Baghdad Broadcasting Corp are going down the tubes. I won't watch them again. ''The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.'' Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

This is really the journalistic equivalent of corporate greed. Who is worse: ENRON's Andy Fastow, or CNN's Jordan? I'm sure every crooked corporate titan can justify in their own minds their skullduggery, but they are just grubby businessman. They are not as noble as a 'journalist'.

When it comes down to it, why are we more afraid and concerned about WMD than the leadership of an entire nation? Can't the leadership do worse damage with more far-reaching consequences than a WMD ever could? The things this man claims to know may have changed the course of history years ago - saving many destroyed families, lives, etc. Sticky situation with an easy solution - stand tall, stand righteous, be strong and do what's right, even if it's not popular or could be done cheaper...

This is very sad. This is indeed, nothing but some pre-emptive CYA by CNN. Too late. If CNN had any integrity, it would have removed it's entire staff in Baghdad when it became aware of such atrocities, fully broadcast the details of those atrocities, and it might have retained a shred of credibility.

It now is confirmed that CNN is not a news organization, it is a pack of pandering leftists who put profits first, and truth last. Funny, isn't that how they always slam those 'evil capitalists' they seem to deplore? Coward! This from an organization that will breathlessly report on anything about the Bush Administration that they perceive (insinuate) to have a hint of scandal: Cheney and the energy plan, Lott's comments, the Bush girls, ties to Enron, yet they cannot tell the truth about a murderous regime.

SAY IT! The only place a reporter can report (or manufacture a lie and report it) without fear is in the US, a country these bums work to tear down with every broadcast. PATHETIC! I'm sure CNN has the same side deal going with the Palestinian authority. This explains so much.

For over a decade CNN has knowingly hidden the truth about Saddam for years. People have been tortured and killed because CNN hid the truth in order to keep an office open in Iraq. But why? They weren’t reporting the truth! Read this news executive’s excuses. His hypocrisy is disgusting.

Why not pull their reporters out of Iraq and tell the truth about Saddam a year ago? They knew then that the truth would have supported George Bush’s policy on Iraq. Knowing what they did about the monster in Baghdad, why did CNN continue their ‘neutral’ editorial stand on going to war against what they knew was a regime of terror? Greed or cowardice?

For the sake of their business (which was knowingly reporting half truths and lies) they have been silent handmaidens to Saddam Hussein. They remained silent when the truth would have saved innocent lives. CNN is an accomplice to Saddam’s murders.

So he warned the King of Jordan.... why not the 2 brother-in-laws? They're dead. This really was disgusting. Out of his own mouth he condemns himself and it's written on paper! I guess confession is good for the soul, but how can he live with himself, knowing what he knew and staying silent. He should have been sitting next to Sec. Powell at the UN...adding his information to World!

And these are the guys who'd like the world to think the USA went to Iraq for the oil? Interesting how "businesses" if they support socialism and Democrats (think Hughes, Apple etc) get a free ride in the media (even when they ARE the media) but businesses who might not support Dems are excoriated (think Haliburton, MicroSoft).

Eason Jordan states that Uday Hussein told him that he was going to assassinate King Hussein of Jordan and his two brothers-in-law who had defected. Jordan says he "felt a moral obligation" to tell King Hussein about the threat. That's all fine and good, but didn't he have the same "moral obligation" to warn Uday's brothers-in-law??? If not personally, at least through US intelligence channels?

Well, he didn't. The brothers-in-law were lured back to Iraq under promises of their well-being - and then executed. CNN has blood on its hands, and I bet this is only the tip of the iceberg. When you know evil exists and you allow it to continue, you are just as responsible as those committing the evil. CNN does the exact SAME THING in Cuba, ever since it arrived there after securing permission to "broadcast" (CNN term for exporting propaganda). The network has a permanent female career correspondent there who, to date, has never uttered a negative word about the government. These people are media high-grade cyanide.

One has to wonder how many lives might have been saved if the press had told the truth about the torture in Iraq. What really angers me is how so many of these news outlets pretended there was no or little basis to the torture stories. Now, all of a sudden, they tell the truth. Perhaps if they had closed their bureaus and gone public with the atrocities hundreds if not thousands might have been saved. A pox on all their houses.

So who is responsible for the deaths of more people? ENRON, Global Crossing, Exxon, the timber industry, Newt Gingrich, and all the other whipping boys of the left ADDED TOGETHER, or CNN? Pull the plug on CNN... they are DONE!

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1 posted on 04/11/2003 5:34:30 PM PDT by sjersey
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To: sjersey
Why ... it's OBVIOUS - ENRON of course ...


2 posted on 04/11/2003 5:38:30 PM PDT by _Jim ( // NASA has a better safety record than NASCAR \\)
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To: sjersey
Eason Jordan states that Uday Hussein told him

Was Jordan so close to Uday that he could be trusted with information about a murder?

3 posted on 04/11/2003 5:39:22 PM PDT by scouse
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4 posted on 04/11/2003 5:40:00 PM PDT by Support Free Republic (Your support keeps Free Republic going strong!)
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To: sjersey
Don't know about deaths, however, the Texas company ENRON, will go down as one of the most corrupt, dirtiest companies in America history. The way they treated their investors and employees, was totally criminal....
5 posted on 04/11/2003 5:53:38 PM PDT by Joe Hadenuf
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To: sjersey
I heard RUSH read this today. His delivery was equal to Howards misssive... Brilliant !
6 posted on 04/11/2003 5:57:06 PM PDT by tubebender (?)
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To: sjersey
Truth and Falsehood
Falsehood flies and the truth comes limping after; so that when men come to be undeceived it is too late: the jest is over and the tale has had its effect. -- The Examiner, Number 15 (November 9, 1710)

Jonathan Swift
7 posted on 04/11/2003 5:59:55 PM PDT by HuntsvilleTxVeteran ( clinton is a raping traitor!)
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To: sjersey
CNN has blood of it's hands.
I wish I could believe that greed was the reason they kept this quiet. I think it is more of a political ideology that makes them do such despicable things.
8 posted on 04/11/2003 6:00:44 PM PDT by ladyinred
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To: Joe Hadenuf
I'd rather work for Enron than CNN.
9 posted on 04/11/2003 6:03:37 PM PDT by Republic of Texas
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To: sjersey
Hey CNN ...


10 posted on 04/11/2003 6:13:08 PM PDT by The G Man
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To: ladyinred
I have one request for all: Please never ever capitalize cnn again. In all posts lets write it how it should be written, all lowercase.
11 posted on 04/11/2003 6:19:20 PM PDT by feedback doctor
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To: Republic of Texas
They say that J Edgar Hoover resisted acknowledging the Mob because they had something on him. Connect the dots.
12 posted on 04/11/2003 6:19:37 PM PDT by Thebaddog (Fetch this)
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To: sjersey
I used to own enron scock and can honestly say CNN caused more deaths.split my tv watch between CNN,MSNBC and FOX. I think MSNBC did the best overall job .
13 posted on 04/11/2003 6:20:28 PM PDT by FloridaBoy
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To: sjersey
It's the
Collaborator News Network!
14 posted on 04/11/2003 6:22:57 PM PDT by DWPittelli
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To: sjersey
This stinks to high heaven, of course.

But to really get the aroma, compare the implication of Baghdad Pete Arnet reporting as the only westerner in Baghdad during the first Gulf war. What was the rationale? Why, "the public's right to know," of course!! The public, we are told, has the right to know anything bad about a moderate official like Nixon (and compared to Saddam, everyone short of Hillary is moderate).

Well, I guess we see now what the public does not have a right to know--anything negative about somebody who is actually is as ruthless as the Democrats painted Nixon to be.

15 posted on 04/11/2003 6:23:29 PM PDT by conservatism_IS_compassion
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To: firebrand; StarFan; Dutchy; stanz; RaceBannon; Cacique; Clemenza; rmlew; NYC GOP Chick; ...
More on the CNN-Eason Jordan article...

Please FReepmail me if you want on or off my infrequent ping list.

16 posted on 04/11/2003 6:25:13 PM PDT by nutmeg (Liberate Iraq - Support Our Troops!)
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To: The Hon. Galahad Threepwood; Howlin; PhiKapMom
17 posted on 04/11/2003 6:27:13 PM PDT by nutmeg (Liberate Iraq - Support Our Troops!)
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To: Joe Hadenuf
The way they treated their investors and employees, was totally criminal....

LET'S put this in perspective shall we - everybody involved with ENRON had bought into the hype and 'promise' of wealth un-imaginable. The employees had EVERY opportunity to make some stock distribution changes loooong before the end came and their paln, WHEN it was 'locked' for plan manaagement change it was ONLY locked for a couple of weeks ...

The REAL end came when the price of natural gas dipped - and caught ENRON in a squeeze play that ultimately resulted in their *complete* undoing ...

18 posted on 04/11/2003 6:30:04 PM PDT by _Jim ( // NASA has a better safety record than NASCAR \\)
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To: nutmeg
Thanks for the ping. Please put me on your ping list! Have a hunch this story is going to get bigger!
19 posted on 04/11/2003 6:47:16 PM PDT by PhiKapMom (Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US)
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To: sjersey
Rush is fairly perceptive on these matters but he missed the main point.

This was not a confession: it was a preemptive strike.

Our boys have gotten myriads of files from various Iraqi ministries, and great many Iraqis will be talking now. Mr. CNN is trying to put the most positive spin on his deeds before we learn about them --- and we will --- from Iraqi citizens and Iraqi archives.

It's not conscience that speaks here: just as is slept for a decade it could continue to sleep. It's not sonscience at all --- it's cowardice.

20 posted on 04/11/2003 7:03:41 PM PDT by TopQuark
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