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Nasa challenges Moon hoax claims
BBC News Online ^
| 11/07/02
| Dr. David Whitehouse
Posted on 11/07/2002 1:36:35 PM PST by GeneD
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posted on
11/07/2002 1:36:36 PM PST
To: GeneD
posted on
11/07/2002 1:41:22 PM PST
To: GeneD
This is gonna bum certain Freepers out....
To: anniegetyourgun
Correction: This is gonna bum some anti-Freepers out!
To: GeneD
I wonder why they don't go back to the moon.
posted on
11/07/2002 1:44:58 PM PST
Alta Mura
To: GeneD
"Doubters will no doubt dismiss the new book as just another attempt by the establishment to cover up the truth."
He can follow up with a series:
Is the earth truly flat?
Is the earth over 6,000 years old?
posted on
11/07/2002 1:45:57 PM PST
To: Alta Mura
Because we can't. We threw away the spacecraft and boosters that took us to the Moon in the 1970's.
To: GeneD
While it's always a pleasure to read something by James Oberg, this is a big waste of taxpayer money and Oberg's time, if you ask me; there are still wackos out there who believe the Earth is flat. You'll never convince them.
To: Alta Mura
Money. It costs a lot of money to run NASA. All of it has been going to the ISS, which is really to bad. We should have left low earth orbiting space stations to the Russians.
If going to the moon had direct commercial value, private industry would have gone there decades ago. Unfortuantely, it dosen't seem to have anything we need that we can't get on earth a whole lot cheaper.
To: GeneD
The moon is made of spam.
To: GeneD
I've always wondered how they (wacko conspiracy theorists) explained the gazillion ton Saturn 5 rocket. Was that just a prop too? And the members of the press who saw the astronauts get into the module; was there a secret exit that they used to get out before the damn thing blasted off?
To: GeneD
This is a bad idea. No amount of evidence will ever convince these sadly deluded people. They are disturbed people and so much of their personal identity- the center of their being and definitions of who they are is wrapped up in knowing the "Real Truth" about the lunar landings that even if they were taken to the moon themselves they would be unable to believe it and insist that they were in a hollywood set. In fact any attention payed to them at all only deepens their pyschosis. There are actually people who believe the earth is flat and have their "evidence" as well. Sad.
To: MrNeutron1962
To: GeneD
posted on
11/07/2002 1:56:59 PM PST
To: Alta Mura
Aliens on the moon told the astronauts to get lost and not come back ever.
posted on
11/07/2002 1:57:56 PM PST
To: GeneD
Does it matter at all whether Buzz Aldrin and the others walked on the moon? I know what went into the moon landings, not just from reading books and watching documentaries. But the point is that we are no longer sending men to the moon. Sure, when you see Jupiter in the sky tonight, you can remember that there is a NASA spacecraft orbiting around that planet. And when you see Saturn, remember that another NASA spacecraft is near the planet and preparing to go into orbit around that. That's fine in itself, to think that the solar system is crawling with spacecraft everywhere. But we aren't sending men to the moon these days, and it doesn't matter that we once did.
To: GunRunner
Writing a book to prove we went to the Moon? Ludicrous! The same education system that should have convinced it's students of the reality of the Moon landings is the same one that taught them to read. There is no hope to convince them this way.
Perhaps a new round of History Rock? History Hip Hop. History Rap?
posted on
11/07/2002 1:58:05 PM PST
To: GeneD
Here's the "flag blowing in the wind" video:
To: GunRunner
Bad: When the astronauts are assembling the American flag, the flag waves. Kaysing says this must have been from an errant breeze on the set. A flag wouldn't wave in a vacuum.
Good: Of course a flag can wave in a vacuum. In the shot of the astronaut and the flag, the astronaut is rotating the pole on which the flag is mounted, trying to get it to stay up. The flag is mounted on one side on the pole, and along the top by another pole that sticks out to the side. In a vacuum or not, when you whip around the vertical pole, the flag will ``wave'', since it is attached at the top. The top will move first, then the cloth will follow along in a wave that moves down. This isn't air that is moving the flag, it's the cloth itself.
posted on
11/07/2002 2:04:32 PM PST
To: Lucas1
posted on
11/07/2002 2:04:51 PM PST
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