Ujaama says the farm was intended to be a youth camp and sheep farm.
Serves very well as a training camp of sorts, in their eyes... even if it looks like a sheep farm.
Sheep can be eaten by people concerned about religious diet edicts
Sheep can be sold for cash to meat markets.
Sheep are almost as good as 72 virgins in an emergency.
Their wool can make neato socks.
The skin of unborn lambs make stylish Jim Trafficant-style rugs for afghan presidents trying to set a fashion trend.
Sheep can be sold by the hour to Islamic terrorists.
Sheep can be sold by the hour to some Democratic congressmen.
Youth at the camp can get rented by the hour to visiting terrorists or certain Democratic Congressmen, if need be.
Youth at the camps can eat the sheep.
Sheep don't mind body odor.
Sheep leave the hands silky smooth from all the lanolin in the wool.
Youth at the camps can go to sleep at night counting the sheep jumping over their beds.
Youth at the camp can stay awake all night playing with sheep jumping in their beds.
Sheep don't carry AIDS.
Sheep don't have to wear burkas.
Sheep don't have to be beaten and never nag.
To a terrorist, sheep are more attractive than terrorists in the shower.
Youth at the camp can use sheep for target practice.
Youth at the camp can sell rugs made from sheep's wool.
Youth at the camp can make sheep cheese to sell in order to purchase weapons.
Sheep manure can be used to construct large bombs.
Naive youth at the camp can be shipped overseas to fight on behalf of the old cowards who would rather preach violence from the safety of a pulpit in a country with a 1st ammendment.