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1 posted on 03/24/2002 6:06:46 AM PST by A. Pole
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To: A. Pole
Milosevic and the Impeachment of President Clinton
Lev Navrozov
Friday, March 22, 2002
[Editor's note: This is the second part of a two-part article. Read Part 1.]

Why did President Clinton need a war on Yugoslavia? Here we come to the real causes of this war.

Its first real cause was the safety of the NATO military.

In the 18th century China began to rule Tibet. In 1911, Tibet became independent and even today, Chinese account for only about 20 percent of Tibet's population. Yet Mao seized the country in the early 1950s and ruthlessly crushed its 1959 rebellion, adding Tibetan victims to millions of uncounted and uncountable other victims.

But what NATO officer has ever suggested since 1959 – even for a fleeting instant, under the influence of a good strong drink – bombing China until and unless its troops leave Tibet?

On the other hand, since the bombing of Yugoslavia was safe in 1999, why not recapture the thrill of the good old days when, for example, in 1900 the Chinese "Righteous Harmony Fighters with Bare Hands" imagined themselves to be invulnerable to bullets and fought with bare hands, without any firearms, against the firepower of Westerners, Japanese and Russians.

To shoot those "Righteous Harmony Fighters with Bare Hands" was as safe and hence as pleasurable as shooting wild fowl on an English estate. In 1999 tiny, defenseless Yugoslavia played the role of 1900 China.

If Russia had supplied to Yugoslavia even its obsolete air defense technology of the 1980s, a dozen or so NATO bombers would have been downed in the first week, and NATO would have followed the fate of the United States in the Vietnam War.

As it was, NATO could reduce Yugoslavia to dust and thus achieve a brilliant victory without a single casualty and hence with full approval of the vast majority of the NATO countries.

The second real cause of the attack on Yugoslavia was President Clinton's dire need to switch the mainstream media off his impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice regarding his pathetic adultery, and off all the other skeletons in his closet, such as Paula Jones, his Chinese connection, and Vincent Foster's death (as described by Chris Ruddy in The Strange Death of Vincent Foster.)

The war did its job for President Clinton magnificently: It filled the television screens and newspaper front pages to the exclusion of everything else, for the commercial midstream media can devote their attention to only one obsession at a time.

After 78 days of bombing Yugoslavia, the impeachment and other dangers to President Clinton were gone, since the commercial midstream media have no memory.

The legal investigation of the president of the United States was replaced by the bombing of Yugoslavia after the KLA's (Kosovo Liberation Army's) crude fabrication of the "Racak massacre" and the "trial" of the "Hitler of today," allegedly responsible for that "massacre" and having allegedly intended to massacre all the Albanians of Kosovo.

True, before the NATO attack, there were "negotiations" with Milosevic, but Secretary of State Madeleine Albright insisted on the right of NATO forces to move freely throughout all of Yugoslavia (a virtual occupation), apart from the independence of Kosovo, the heartland of Serbian history.

These "negotiations" were Albright's ultimatum, which she counted on to be unacceptable, thus ensuring for President Clinton a war, so necessary for him to stop the impeachment and put all his skeletons safely back into his closet. (11)

A major aspect of the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the 1990s was the war between Moslems and Christians (Serbs). The KLA had been engaged in prototypical Islamic terrorism and guerrilla war, aimed at the "liberation" of Kosovo.

In the 1980s, the Albanian Islamic-revolutionary militants had already been looking forward to "Greater Albania," including "western Macedonia, southern Montenegro, part of southern Serbia, Kosovo and Albania itself." (12) But in the 1990s, it was all a "national liberation movement" to the U.S. State Department.

In 2001, the U.S. State Department even referred to the ubiquitous diabolical bin Laden and al-Qaeda in the KLA as well. But before Sept. 11, 2001, the phrase "Islamic terrorism" was virtually unknown in the United States, and President Clinton's State Department perceived Yugoslavia as an outdated colonial empire, the Serbs as the Europeans, Christians and hence colonialists, and the Moslems as oppressed victims of colonialism, fighting for their liberation – hence the Kosovo Liberation Army.

What about Milosevic? In 1996 he was regarded as the benign head of his antiquated empire, presiding over its disintegration, while in 1999 he was perceived as the Hitler of today, determined to annihilate the Albanians in Kosovo to prevent its independence.

The Sunday Times of London published the claim that William Walker, the U.S. diplomat and head of the Kosovo Verification Mission – who "discovered" the "Racak massacre," fabricated by the KLA, and called it "an unspeakable atrocity" – was working with the CIA, which was reportedly assisting the KLA. (13)

Why not? Surely the colonized nations must be helped in their fight for independence from the European colonialists. Before Sept. 11, 2001, the U.S. State Department regarded Islamic terrorism in Kosovo as a national liberation movement, the Islamic terrorists as freedom fighters.

The KLA killed not only Serbs but also "Albanian collaborators," including women and children. Well, surely those Albanian men and women who collaborated with the Hitler of today deserved to be killed, while an adolescent collaborator could hardly be regarded as an innocent child bearing no responsibility.

In August 1995, the Clinton administration supported the Croatian army's expulsion of up to half a million Serbs from Krajina. Ethnic cleansing? A crime against humanity?

Oh, no! Quite the contrary! That was a heroic struggle of victims of colonialism (Moslems) for their liberation from the colonialists (European Christians). The U.S. Military Professional Resources Inc. had been training the Croatian and Bosnian Moslems. (14)

It was publicly assumed in the United States that Krajina was the Croatian Moslems' indigenous or primordial land, seized by the Serbian colonialists. Actually, just as the Serbs had lived in Kosovo before the Albanians, the Serbs had lived in Krajina since the 15th century, and if they had to be banished, then the entire population of the United States except the "Indians" has to be banished as well.

Just like 'Kosovo,' the word 'Krajina' is Slavic. It means "Edge," as does the root 'kraina' in the word 'Ukraina' (Ukraine). It is worthwhile to quote in this connection the following paragraph from the Accuracy in Media Report of May 4, 1999:

Along with Senator Joseph Lieberman, who now supports the arming of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), Dole [the then Senate majority leader who became the Republican candidate for president a year later] was a big supporter of breaking the United Nations arms embargo of the former Yugoslavia by arming the Bosnian Muslims against the Serbs. Although the Clinton administration claimed to be opposed to this scheme, it was later proven and acknowledged that the Clinton administration approved Iranian arms shipments through Croatia to the Bosnian Muslims. Croatia took some of those weapons for itself. Galbraith himself told a Croatian newspaper, "Congress clearly knew, and the public and the Europeans knew, that the weapons were coming in, from Iran among others, that the U.S. government had not objected, nor had any other government.
Against this background it is clear how what happened in Racak on Jan. 15, 1999, was perceived in Yugoslavia and in the United States. President Clinton falsely declared in the New York Times of May 23, 1999, that Milosevic had violated (oh, that Hitler of today!) the peace between the terrorist KLA and the Yugoslavian government.

President Milosevic saw that the KLA never desisted in its terrorism under the assumption that it is often impossible to prove beyond doubt that certain anonymous terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by a certain specific terrorist group. As the KLA's terrorist attacks continued, the Yugoslav forces moved against the KLA at Racak.

The KLA took positions in the terrain outside the village and lost over 40 of its men, owing to the massive superiority of the Yugoslav forces with their mortars, tanks and armored vehicles.

Then the KLA picked up their fallen comrades, dressed the corpses in civilian clothes, shot them pointblank, and complained to William Walker, head of the observer mission in Kosovo, that these were civilians the Serbs had shot for being Albanians. Walker evaluated what the KLA had told him as genocide, conducted by the Hitler of today.

Predictably, Finnish, Yugoslav, Byelorussian and Polish teams of forensic pathologists found that, first, the civilian clothes the corpses were wearing did not have the bullet holes in the appropriate spots, and second, these fatal bullets had been fired from afar, while the bullets that were fired pointblank were fired at corpses.

Finally, the corpses tested positive in paraffin tests, indicating that the men had fired arms, that is, they'd not been unarmed civilians.

In keeping with the forensic reports were many European newspaper dispatches from Kosovo, such as those of Christophe Chatelot in Le Monde of Jan. 21, 1999, and of Renaud Girard reporting from Racak in Le Figaro of Jan. 20.

An essentially identical account was independently published in Die Welt (Jan. 22) and reported on the BBC World Service and Radio France International. But how many Americans read Le Monde, Le Figaro or Die Welt or listen to French radio or the BBC?

According to the New York Times of April 18, 1999, Gen. Wesley Clark, NATO commander, was so outraged by the "Racak massacre" that he met with Milosevic and presented him with photographs of the alleged victims. The president of Yugoslavia repeated the findings of the four teams of forensic pathologists.

At this time Gen. Wesley, President Clinton and anyone else, professing to believe that the KLA fabrication was not a fabrication but an honest-to-goodness massacre of 44 or 45 Albanian civilians, should have said that Milosevic was lying.

They should have said that the four teams of pathologists from four countries had conspired to lie also, that this was a conspiracy to malign President Clinton, NATO and all honest people and justify attacks on the Hitler of today.

Honest believers in the "Racak massacre" ought to have said that a top-level forensic team from NATO countries had also done autopsies on the 45 corpses and proven that the four forensic teams from four non-NATO countries had been lying in conspiratorial unison, along with all those European correspondents in Kosovo.

Neither the New York Times itself, nor Gen. Clark in the New York Times, nor any other source said a word in response to Milosevic's explanation and the findings of the four forensic teams. No forensic team from any NATO country conducted independent autopsies to disprove the findings of the four forensic teams and the reports of European correspondents in Kosovo.

Led by President Clinton, the advocates of the "Racak massacre" have simply ignored for over three years the findings of the forensic teams and the reports of European correspondents in Kosovo.

A criminal conspiracy can be impugned not to the forensic teams and the correspondents, but rather to President Clinton, Gen. Clark, Carla del Ponte and all the others who have spread an intentional lie, which led to the NATO attack on Yugoslavia, and have deliberately ignored all data showing that the "Racak massacre" was a KLA fabrication, justly compared with Hitler's fabrication of the Polish massacre of Germans in Poland.

When fighting the KLA at Racak, the Yugoslav forces had invited, in particular, the Associated Press TV to videotape the operation. First of all, why on earth would the Yugoslav forces invite an American television team to videotape the massacre of civilians (which even Hitler himseld had concealed) rather than an operation showing how dangerous the KLA terrorists were and how the Yugoslav forces coped with them?

I have never seen the Associated Press TV videotape shown in the United States. But not trusting my own experience, I have applied to the best (in my opinion) authority on the U.S. mainstream media – Accuracy in Media.

This is its conclusion as of April 2000 – that is, more than a year after the attack on Yugoslavia. Some of the Associated Press TV footage

was shown on television in Europe the next morning. [Renaud] Girard [covering Kosovo for Le Figaro] said no one linked it to the massacre because it showed no bodies. Some of it was used on a PBS "Frontline" documentary about Racak. At AIM's request, Jack Stokes of the AP's headquarters in New York viewed all the segments of the footage that had been shot on Jan. 15 that had been aired. He said that none of it, like the portion shown on "Frontline," showed any villagers or bodies. (15)

Still, the best proof that the "Racak massacre" never existed except as a KLA fabrication is found in the Indictments I have quoted (see Part 1). They make it abundantly clear that the 45 corpses are those not of villagers of Racak, but of total strangers. Forty-three of them were males, and of those whose "approximate age" is indicated, only three males were not of the regular conscription age.

No army does without any women, and two women (as medical nurses, for example) versus 40 men is a likely proportion. The youngster could be what is known in many irregular armies as "a son of our regiment," and the two elderly men homeless loners, serving as cooks or other noncombatants and also useful to make fun of for general entertainment.

In his historic interview of March 19, 1999, describing, on the eve of NATO's attack on Yugoslavia, "the Racak massacre" as the first and only cause of this attack, President Clinton said:

We should remember what happened in the village of Racak back in January: [forty-two!] innocent men, [two!] women and children [one youngster of 13] taken from their homes [the Indictments say that some villagers "attempted to flee," and 25 men "attempted to hide in a building"] to a gully [the Indictments say that 25 men "were removed to a nearby hill, where they were shot and killed"], forced to kneel in the dirt, sprayed with gunfire [the corpses were found to be shot at point-blank range one by one rather than "sprayed with fire"], not because of anything they had done, but because of who they were.
What is true in this moving fantasy is that when the KLA men dressed the corpses of their comrades in civilian clothes, they could not make the corpses stand on their feet. As they put civilian jackets on them, they stood the corpses on their knees and held up their torsos, onto which they pulled the jackets and at which they shot point-blank.

According to Clinton's statement, this "massacre" happened in Kosovo more than two months earlier – on Jan. 15 – for the first and last time. But Clinton believed that a similar "massacre of civilians" would happen again and again until all the Albanians in Kosovo were thus annihilated, as were the Jews in Nazi Germany:

Now roughly 40,000 Serbian troops and police are massing in and around Kosovo. Our firmness is the only thing standing between them and countless more villages like Racak, full of people without protection, even though they [the KLA] have now chosen peace.

Make no mistake: If we and our allies do not have the will to act, there will be more massacres.

Clinton assumed that "40,000 Serbian troops and police were "massing in and around Kosovo" not to fight NATO and the KLA but to kill Albanian civilians as they had killed 44 or 45 of them (that is, as the KLA had faked their killings) two months earlier.

In short, Milosevic is the Hitler of today, Yugoslavia is today's Nazi Germany, and the Albanians, especially the KLA, supported by international Islamic terrorism, are the Jews. But the disaster, said Clinton, was global and centennial:

This is a conflict with no natural boundaries. It threatens our national interests. If it continues, it will push refugees across borders and draw in neighboring countries. It will undermine the credibility of NATO, on which stability in Europe and our own credibility depend.

It will likely re-ignite the historical animosities, including those that could embrace Albania, Macedonia, Greece, even Turkey. And these divisions still have the potential to make the next century a truly violent one for that part of the world that straddles Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

On the other hand, "by acting now," NATO would not only save the Albanians in Kosovo from Nazi-like extermination, but also benefit all of Europe and hence the entire world for "a long time to come":
I honestly believe that by acting now, we can help to give our children and our grandchildren a Europe that is more united, more democratic, more peaceful, more prosperous, and a better partner for the United States for a long time to come.
What global and epoch-making consequences Clinton was able to foresee on March 19, 1999, from a crude fake, fabricated by the KLA on Jan. 15! And from NATO's forthcoming bombing of defenseless Yugoslavia on the pretext of that fake!

Actually, NATO's aggression, provoked by the KLA, may yet lead to an Islamic-fundamentalist Greater Albania, incorporating all territories where Albanians live and pushing global Islamic terrorism into the heart of Europe.

There has been yet another and perhaps more important geostrategic result of NATO's aggression. In "The World and the West," Arnold Toynbee begged the West to remember that it was, despite its conquests for four centuries, still only part of the world, that its military superiority was a "wasting asset," and that it should heed what people in the world at large think and feel.

It has not even been noticed in the United States what effect NATO's glorious victory over Yugoslavia had on the three and a half billion people in China, India, Russia and the Islamic world. The effect was a mental revolution in their minds.

Before NATO, a military organization, attacked a sovereign small and defenseless country, it had been universally assumed that "the democratic West" was peaceful or even somewhat pacifist, while those aggressive Western wars from the late 15th to the early 20th century were history.

The attack on Yugoslavia, which is already being forgotten in the West as a trifling local episode, negated that 20th-century-peaceful/pacifist image of "the democratic West" for the non-West.

So its "vast majorities" were peaceful/pacifist when they anticipated war losses or some troubles for themselves as a result of a military measure.

But if an attack on a sovereign country – contrary to all international laws and conventions and provoked by a fake – was to be just a parade of Western military power, with all the losses and troubles on the other side, then the "vast majorities" of the "democratic West" were no more against the military parade in Yugoslavia than the "vast majority" of Britain had been in the Boer War a hundred years earlier.

However, the West's indifference to how it is perceived by the people of the world combines with the West's eagerness to appease the powerful rulers.

The West's only woe in that military parade in Yugoslavia in 1999 was the accidental killing of three Chinese civilians. It was almost as upsetting as the killing by mistake of three crown princes during the shooting of wild fowl on an English estate. President Clinton could not stop apologizing to the power holders of China, like a timid clerk in Chekhov's short story to an irascible general.

Now, on April 14, 1999, in the vicinity of Djakovica, Kosovo, NATO aircraft killed in one bomb swoop 70 Albanians (not Serbs!) and wounded as many as 100. But this was no news in the U.S. mainstream media. That was the shooting of wild fowl.

Perhaps the power holders of China will be able to annihilate the West with superweapon No. 3, now being developed in China, just as NATO killed those three Chinese with firearms, weapons known in China about four centuries ahead of the West.

About 3,000 civilians were killed in the Islamic terrorist attack in the United States in 2001. This is less than the number of civilians killed in Yugoslavia in the NATO 78-day bombing in 1999, based on a fabricated massacre.

But if there is no international law, if might is right, as it was for the British Empire a century ago, and anyone can kill several thousand civilians in a foreign country for any goal or reason, real or proclaimed. ...

On July 3, 2001, CNN showed former Yugoslav President Milosevic arraigned before the International War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague on charge of "crimes against humanity." CNN could have recalled in this connection what the mainstream media, including CNN, seemed to have forgotten.

Up until his death in 1980, a Croat named Tito, who had been put into power by Stalin and was Stalin-like enough to hoodwink Stalin himself, held together, with his Stalinist fist, that ethnic conglomerate called Yugoslavia ("Land of Southern Slavs") and in which Christian nations had been fighting against Islamic invaders for more than half a millennium.

Not that the Croat Tito was lenient with Croats; when they tried independence, he swatted the separatists like so many flies. But Serbians seemed to him especially dangerous because they were the largest nation. While he held all nations under his Stalinist fist, he encouraged the Albanian police in Kosovo, for example, to ride roughshod over the Serbs.

With the emergence of a multi-party system and other elements of "Western democracy" in Yugoslavia and in Soviet Russia in the early 1990s, both countries began to disintegrate ethnically.

Croatia became independent just by a vote. President Milosevic also bade farewell to Slovenia and Macedonia, as President Yeltsin had to Byelorussia and Ukraine.

With the independence of Bosnia, however, there was trouble. In Bosnia, Moslems accounted for 40 percent of the population, and Serbs (Orthodox Christians) for 30 percent. The Moslems proclaimed an independent Moslem state with a Moslem at its head.

Since Islamic fundamentalism was now a global force, invoking in Bosnia the erstwhile power and glory of the Ottoman Empire, the Serbian minority could well be exterminated or banished, and a ruthless Islamic-Orthodox Christian civil war began, during which only Orthodox Christian – but not Islamic – atrocities attracted attention in the United States, that is prior to Sept. 11, 2001.

What about Milosevic? After Tito's Albanian persecution of the Serbs in Kosovo, he helped them regain safety and self-esteem. At the same time, even in its tiny item on Yugoslavia, my "Information Please Almanac 1996" stated that when his appeal to the Bosnian Serbs to accept a plan to stop the civil war and create an independent Bosnia had been rejected, Milosevic "thereupon imposed an embargo on all supplies but medical and humanitarian goods to the Bosnian Serbs."

The embargo worked. Late in 1995 President Milosevic came to Dayton, Ohio, and an independent Bosnia was established, with its capital in the hands of a Moslem-dominated government.

According to such gathering-dust-on-the-shelves snippets of information in the U.S. mainstream media between 1995 and 1998, President Milosevic appeared to be not only a president as "democratically elected" as Yeltsin or Clinton, but also a statesman above national egocentrism and a great peacemaker: The Dayton treaty was a great achievement that would have been impossible without him.

As the threat of Clinton's impeachment grew, the hero of Dayton, the great democrat and peacemaker, was transmogrified by President Clinton into the Hitler of today, against whom a war should be launched to prevent his genocide of the Albanian people of Kosovo and beyond, and a world catastrophe in general.

But why did not the mainstream U.S. media recall in 1999 the role of Milosevic in the Dayton Accords? In his 2000 book, entitled "Virtual War: Kosovo and Beyond," an "internationally renowned journalist and commentator" provided the best answer in one short sentence: "Dayton brought peace to Bosnia but it perpetuated [!] an American illusion about Milosevic."

So what the mainstream U.S. media, U.S. government and U.S. Congress had thought and said about Milosevic between 1995 and 1998 (when the threat of "impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton" began growing) had been an illusion or even the perpetuation of an illusion.

On the other hand, the 215-page book published by the "internationally renowned journalist and commentator" in 2000 contained 215 pages of fashionable, flippant and self-contradictory lies, representing Milosevic as the Hitler of today.

But in 2000 these were not considered lies, not even illusions or delusions, but truths, because, in 2000, they were fashionable lies. After Sept. 11, 2001, when Kosovo was listed (by the U.S. State Department) as an operational area of the diabolical bin Laden's al-Qaeda, such thoughts will possibly be regarded as illusions or delusions or lies, and they will gather dust on library shelves.

Naturally, on July 3, 2001, CNN did not want to show its pre-1998 illusions, but wanted instead to show the fashionable lies – that is, the "truths" – and as of July 3, 2001, the fashionable lie/truth was that the hero of Dayton was the Hitler of today, arraigned before the International War Crimes Tribunal and held in prison (along with those Bosnian Serbs whose ruthless civil war with the Bosnian Moslems he had stopped).

So, what were the "crimes against humanity" of this Hitler of today? He began to be otherwise called by the mainstream U.S. media in 1999 the "butcher of Belgrade" (by analogy with the "butchers of Beijing," who had quickly become dear friends and strategic partners of President Clinton).

Yet CNN did not show Milosevic's butchery in Belgrade, since during his presidency not a hair had fallen from the head of any Albanian in Belgrade, which was no more a place of butchery than was New York or Washington, D.C.

Before 1999, Milosevic was repeatedly re-elected, because Yugoslavia owed a lot to his leadership (as in Dayton) and the opposition parties were not united. As soon as they formed a coalition in 2000 and he became the scapegoat, as every head of state does after a disastrous war, he lost the election.

World-famous in 1999 was the CNN footage showing the alleged deportation of about 1 million Albanians from Kosovo, on orders from the Hitler of today. In the CNN program of July 3, 2001, about his "crimes against humanity," there was not a hint of any deportation.

In 1999, CNN had filmed the camps of fugitives from the NATO attack (since no one could tell how long the bombing and subsequent possible ground war would continue) and called them the camps of deportees. But the KLA controlled most of the mountains, villages and forest paths. How could 1 million Albanians be deported by force without a single attempt on the part of the KLA to rescue them?

Why was there not a single photo of the alleged forceful deportation or of an attempt to rescue at least 2, 20 or 200 deportees? The alleged forceful deportation of 1999 had disappeared from the CNN program of 2001, which showed only the "crimes against humanity" committed by the Hitler of today.

As soon as NATO occupied Kosovo in the summer of 1999, the International War Crimes Tribunal and an array of Western mainstream media, with CNN at the top of the list, began their field investigations to detect crimes against humanity and Milosevic's complicity in them.

The anti-Milosevic coalition in Yugoslavia had also been seeking incriminating evidence against Milosevic, just as Democrats and Republicans in the United States seek such evidence against each other. In power since the autumn of 2000, the coalition had all the government electronic, written and printed records at its disposal, as well as witnesses willing to testify as the government expected them to.


2 posted on 03/24/2002 6:08:20 AM PST by A. Pole
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To: A. Pole
Wow - a serious in-depth analysis with footnotes from
4 posted on 03/24/2002 6:13:31 AM PST by anniegetyourgun
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