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Fellowship of the Ring - A Freeper's review
Anitius Severinus Boethius
| 12/20/2001
| Anitius Severinus Bowthius
Posted on 12/20/2001 3:25:18 PM PST by Anitius Severinus Boethius
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Well, that's my review. Have at it.
To: Darth Sidious;lowbridge; JohnHuang2; Jeremiah Jr;Rebelbase; Mercuria; Jefferson Adams;GeronL...
To: Anitius Severinus Boethius and half hour---later!
To: Anitius Severinus Boethius
Well I agree with you on most of that, but frankly I think your being overly critical of Cate Blanchett. The character of Galadriel is one of the more difficult one's to understand in the books. Her temptation for the ring is supposed to be frightening, perhaps PJ went a little to far in demonstrating this visually but I really don't think it was all that bad. I don't know what you mean about here dialogue not being flushed out it wasn't supposed to be. To me it seemed she acted very much like I would have expected Galadriel to behave.
posted on
12/20/2001 3:51:02 PM PST
To: Pelayo
I guess I mean she was a bit aloof. This may not have been Cate's fault at all, in fact, but with the butcher knife surgery of the Loth-Lorien scene, we can't really be sure. I was a bit harsh, maybe, but notice that was still in the "average" range. After Elizabeth I guess I just expected more from her.
To: Anitius Severinus Boethius
Well, that's my review. Have at it. I can't quibble with a thing you wrote. My only real criticism of the movie is that I must wait another whole year to see the next one. sigh. I am anxious to get hubby's take on the movie because he has not read the books.
posted on
12/20/2001 3:54:25 PM PST
To: jrherreid; HairOfTheDog; RosieCotton; billbears; ObfusGate; austinTparty; Texas2step; jrherreid...
pinging the ringers
off to see it again!
posted on
12/20/2001 4:09:23 PM PST
To: Anitius Severinus Boethius
The one thing that is almost unforgivable about FOTR is omitting Gimli's love for Galadriel. They even had the PERFECT setup for that, and
everyone thought it was coming... heck the little girl next to me was giggling when Gimli said that about "not falling under her spell", knowing what the novel has coming to him... BUT THEY DIDN'T SHOW IT!!!
Not a requisite for the story per se, it really has no bearing on the quest at this point to either destroy the ring or rescue Pippin and Merry, but it would have added more depth to Gimli :-)
Excellent review, brother!
To: Anitius Severinus Boethius
I just saw the movie and am still mulling it over. All in all, an excellent movie. Now I am a bit of a purist and I think that is what is disturbing me a touch. The most obvious thing in the movie that stood out to me different than the book was that somehow, while the book was a story of great good and great evil, the movie seemed to emphasize the darker scenes. The book seemed more balanced, with lots of humor and lighter scenes thrown in for "ballast". Parts of the movie were a touch more "witchy" than I remember the book being. For instance, they had Arwen saying spells to raise the river against the black riders. In the book they simply say it is Elrond's river and does Elrond's bidding. The movie was also very intense, and while parts of the book keep you on the edge of your seat, the movie doesn't let up at all. This is a plus or minus depending what you are looking for in a movie. I guess the other side of the coin would be boredom, and nobody I am sure wanted to risk that. The movie certainly isn't boring. It was very long, but I was surprised when it was over.
All criticisms aside, the more intense and dark parts of the movie illuminated the book in a manner that was thrilling and exciting. The part about Moria mines was so excellent that alone would have been worth the price of the ticket. The opening scenes of the Elendil, Isildur and Sauron took your breath away. The initial views of Mordor are so intense and thrilling that I thought they were more enlightening than the book.
My son was with me and said it was the most "awesome" movie he ever saw. I would recommend this movie highly, but I would also caution anyone against taking an impressionable child in if they are at all a little concerned about nightmares. It could definitely give a child nightmares. The orcs were supremely creepy and disgusting and quite scary.
To: Darth Sidious
The scabbard, the cloaks, the clasps, the soil and seed, and Gimli's gift. A mistake to leave all that out? Absolutely! The director's cut DVD will be in my possession next year the minute it becomes available.
To: I still care
I would recommend this movie highly, but I would also caution anyone against taking an impressionable child in if they are at all a little concerned about nightmares. It could definitely give a child nightmares.Give a child nightmares?
Heck, it gave THIS 27-year old child nightmares!! :-O
Sauron vs. Emperor Palpatine: "You are no match for the power of the Dar..." **SLICE**
To: Darth Sidious
Whoa, that's high praise out of you!!
To: Darth Sidious
It was scary, wasn't it? I just wanted to add that, because many people seem to think of it as children's book, and therefore a children's movie. I hid my eyes when they killed Boromir.
To: Anitius Severinus Boethius
This is the best movie I've ever seen in my life. That's saying a lot.
To: I still care
Did you the the shaft of those arrows?!? They were half-inch dow rods! I could not imagine getting hit with one of those, the incredible amount of pain Boromir must have been in. Of course, Sauron swinging his mace made me flinch about as badly. Wow! His victims flew a good piece!
To: I still care
I thought it was quite spectacular when Stryder chopped that big orc's head off. Everyone in the thatre was clapping after that happened. That whole movie was awesome and I crave to see it again. I'll tell you, I've never seen a movie twice in the theatre and I want to see this one again and again.
To: Anitius Severinus Boethius
I'll bet the Director's Cut DVD will be 6 hours long.
posted on
12/20/2001 4:48:58 PM PST
To: Anitius Severinus Boethius
Yes, Lothlorien was a low point in a good film. Both the set and Blanchett were just plain wrong. Lothlorien was menacing in the movie. Galadriel is supposed to be both warm and beautiful. Blanchett was neither. I also thought Rivendell looked kitchy, like something painted on a Franklin Mint plate.
posted on
12/20/2001 4:50:27 PM PST
To: ecurbh
"off to see it again!" You dirty dog...and I haven't seen it once yet! Just under 20 more hours! Man, it's killing me!
To: Anitius Severinus Boethius
Excellent ASB, excellent! Thanks for the detailed review - all the more to look forward to tomorrow!
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