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The Arab World
The Hidden Dimension (book)pp. 154-164
| Edward Hall
Posted on 10/27/2001 11:12:18 PM PDT by Anima Mundi
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To: Prodigal Daughter
Obviously they know what "rape" is as an act, but IMO there's a kink in their thinking - they think that, if they don't think of it as a violent immoral act - then it isn't. In the "Thousand and One Nights" there's the statement "He threw her and "enjoyed" her...
posted on
10/28/2001 6:21:00 PM PST
To: Don Joe
And what we think of as rape, they think of as... In the Old West, women were at a premium and more valued because they took a real role in the survival of the family and the group, so there was more chivalry and more respect accorded women in the West, and more equality.
Don't think a Westerner or an Easterner in the U.S. would not understand the revulsion and violation that the word rape carries for us.
Does anyone who knows Arabic culture want to dispute that they don't view it like we do?
To: Anima Mundi
To: Prodigal Daughter
Is it true that Mohammed was illiterate and dictated the Quran?
To: patriciaruth
Mohmmed was and is a pole smoking queer !! Any Arab asshole that finds that offensive can come and meet my M-14. There are 260 million Americans and 100 milion are armed to the hilt. Bring it on Mongoloids !!
posted on
10/28/2001 8:42:55 PM PST
To: Anima Mundi
posted on
10/29/2001 5:35:30 AM PST
To: Sabertooth
Understnding Arabs and those who consider Mohammed a man of God when he really is merely the offspring of a pig and slut is importantant if one is to be able to hunt them down correctly.
Stay well - Stay safe - Stay armed - Yorktown
posted on
10/29/2001 6:19:33 AM PST
To: patriciaruth
It has been part of Islamic tradition to say he was illiterate, and sections of the Korean were pointed to which backed up this claim. Why would they want to think he was illiterate? Because that would heighten the miracle of his revelations. But you now find many Islamic revisionists who claim that such a work of brilliance could not have been the product of an uneducated man. They point to Muhammad's success as a trader, deducing that he must of had a background in mathematics in order to sustain his business, and in turn attach the ability to do math with the ability to read. I'm sure this desire to enhance the intelligence of Muhammad has to do with the fact that illiteracy was common in the time of Muhammed and not the shameful attribute that it is deemed today. They want to spruce up the Muhammad image for the modern audience. You can look at this argument alongside other unanswered questions: Did Homer really exist or were the Iliad and the Odyssey the works of several authors? Who was the real William Shakespeare? Who were the true authors of the Bible? Is there any way to answer any of these questions beyond a shadow of a doubt? Probably not, but it keeps college professors employed.
posted on
10/29/2001 7:16:57 AM PST
To: CaptainK
Shakespeare didn't write Shakespeare. It was someone else with the same name.
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