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Let's Restore Medina to the Jews
The Dhimmi (Jews and Christians under Islam)
| 1980 (French) 1985 (Translation to English)
| Bat Ye'or
Posted on 10/27/2001 6:33:03 AM PDT by ml/nj
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I bought this book after reading a
FR thread from Oct 6. It references an
article from Christiainty Today.
This book, and
another by Bay Ye'or are reviewed at (I was unable to obtain the second book through Amazon.)
The more I read about Islam, the lower my opinion of it goes.
posted on
10/27/2001 6:33:03 AM PDT
To: ml/nj
ISLAM is the scourge of the earth. It is a counterfeit to worshiping the true God
God has a plan for his creation and he will deal with Islam shortly.
Comment #3 Removed by Moderator
To: freeman_of_mx
the Arabs view themselves as a people who look back to Abraham as their father. According to the rules of the day Ishmael was Abraham's firstborn legal heir. It was Sarah who jealously wanted him to be disinherited (Genesis 20:9-11). But it is interesting that although the final compiler of Genesis must have been a Jew, he wants us to know that the progeny of Ishmael still has a great destiny. "As for Ishmael, I have heard you; I will bless him and make him fruitful and exceedingly numerous; he shall be the father of twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation" (Genesis 17:20).
This ancient Jewish writer is also careful to list the twelve Ishmaelite tribes, and he noted their territorial area: "They settled from Havilah to Shur, which is opposite Egypt in the direction of Assyria." Some of their settlement or tribal names such as Kedar, Tema, Dumah, and Nebaioth (the Nabateans) were known in historical records for two thousand years (Genesis 25:12-18). There were Ammonites and Moabites from Abraham's nephew Lot (Genesis 19:37-38). Other tribes such as the Midianites (Kenites) originated from Abraham's second wife Keturah (Genesis 25:1-6; Exodus 3:1; Numbers 10:29; Judges 1:16; 6:1), and the Edomite tribes were traced back to Esau (36:1-43). The Bible records constant contacts and skirmishes between the children of Israel and these Ishmaelites, Midianites, Ammonites, Edomites, Moabites, Amalekites and other tribes from the east (Exodus 17:8-14; Deuteronomy 2:5; Judges 3:12-13; 6:1, 3; 11:4,12-18; 1 Samuel 15:5, 6; Jeremiah 25:23, 24; Joel 3:8).
__Isn't it great that God has blessed them with all that oil?
To: ml/nj
The more I read about Islam, the lower my opinion of it goes.Assassins of Satan from day 1. They have never been content to live along side Christian or Jews without killing them.
To: ml/nj
Returning Medina is an interesting concept. It would send the already crazed Muslims right over the edge.
The customer reviews on Amazon are enlightening in that they paint a clearer picture of what we are up against. Their prophet, Moewhatshisname, was clearly evil and probably psychotic.
posted on
10/27/2001 7:07:50 AM PDT
To: Patria One
__Isn't it great that God has blessed them with all that oil? Well, look at it this way. Sooner or later the energy-dependence on oil will go away. And the Arabs produce nothing but oil. Except for a few dates, perhaps. They have no technology, no creativity, no natural resources except for poisonous crud, and not even scenery. They don't have industry, and they wouldn't know how to muster a workforce if they had. They have press, of a kind - to distribute their irrational ranting. They have an educational system, which seems devoted mostly to dispersing hate of mostly everything.
Blessed? I'd say cursed, good and proper ;).
posted on
10/27/2001 7:22:33 AM PDT
To: ml/nj
posted on
10/27/2001 7:25:44 AM PDT
To: swampfox98
What a scam. If they don't convert we get to kill them and steal all their land and farms. That was the incentive for new recruits. The same incentive will be used when Aztlan Nation and Mecha decide to start dividing up the Southwest US. Want a home in La Jolla? Just help us expell the gringos/infidels same thing. When that starts this problem with the Muslims will seem like a picnic.
posted on
10/27/2001 7:25:46 AM PDT
To: Cachelot
You certainly are years and years behind on information concerning the diverse devlopment of Saudi Arabia.
To: ml/nj
Lets not.
posted on
10/27/2001 7:29:04 AM PDT
To: wife-mom; Orual
posted on
10/27/2001 7:32:45 AM PDT
Comment #13 Removed by Moderator
To: ml/nj; veronica; beowolf; Sabramerican; Lent; angelo; boston_liberty; EaglesUpForever; Mr. Snrub...
Excellent post and book. Islam got it's start in blood, in Jihad, in expansionism, in forced conversions, in mass killing of Jews, in breaking treaties and is still there 1500 years later.
posted on
10/27/2001 7:36:57 AM PDT
How come Islam is so drenched in blood? How come they ethnically cleansed all Jews from Arab nations? How come the Iran/Iraq war had one million Muslims being killed by their brother (sic) Muslims?
Islam must look within instead of blaming Jew all the time. Might do you some good too.
posted on
10/27/2001 7:41:33 AM PDT
To: wife-mom
i've been a long-time lurker and only recently signed up as a freeper. i do have some differences on certain issues but a day doesn't go by when i don't learn something interesting and realize what an intelligent group you are. i've even feared some aspects of christianity but that's because i wasn't educated (i'm a psuedo-sophisticated NYer with an education from one of those elite colleges). christians are good people and i'm glad to be able to know some through FR. and yes, god bless you.
>...make the world a safe place for our children and the values of civilization.I find your stance on Israel to be not only disgusting, but simply not thought out.
In any kind of comparison between Israel, that is Jewish culture, and the Arab countries, that is Arab culture, it is Israel which embodies the values of "Western" civilization (in fact, one can make the simple case that it wasn't "Greek" thought, but rather _Biblical_ thought which was the fountainhead of the "Western" world).
It's not Jewish culture that wraps women in rags. It's not Jewish culture that walks children across mine fields. It's not Jewish culture that's built around "royalty" and "subjects."
You are some kind of monster.
Mark W.
posted on
10/27/2001 7:49:02 AM PDT
To: Patria One
You certainly are years and years behind on information concerning the diverse devlopment of Saudi Arabia Lol. What do they make in Saudi then? Veils? Decorations of dried camel droppings? Tents? Do you have any Saudi inventions to brag about?
C'mon and enlighten me. Tell me about the diverse developments of civilization in Saudi Arabia. Oh, and any activity run by westerners doesn't count.
posted on
10/27/2001 7:50:07 AM PDT
To: Patria One
You certainly are years and years behind on information concerning the diverse devlopment of Saudi Arabia.Sounds like a swell place. I'd sure like to see its many wonders. Tell me, how do I get a tourist visa?
posted on
10/27/2001 7:52:17 AM PDT
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