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Mommy Liberty Packs a Gun
Wired ^
| Sept. 26, 2001
| Leander Kahney
Posted on 09/26/2001 9:36:40 AM PDT by white trash redneck
Edited on 06/29/2004 7:08:19 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
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Sorry I don't know HTML well enough to get the picture to print, but you can find it here:,1860,47102,00.html
To: white trash redneck
To: white trash redneck
A high school student drawing a picture that includes a gun? She'll be lucky if she doesn't get suspended or expelled!
To: white trash redneck
posted on
09/26/2001 9:47:35 AM PDT
To: white trash redneck
Whoa. That article is almost prophetic. As a mommy of a toddler with another on the way, hubby and I have been shopping the Internet for a gun for me. He has a Desert Eagle and a revolver -- both way too big and heavy for me to handle. You bet I'd shoot to kill if someone threatened me or my family. I "just" have to learn how to load and aim whatever we end up buying. He's thinking a 9mm.
To: white trash redneck
"...In a testimony to the power of e-mail, Mommy Liberty quickly became one of the most popular designs..." No. That's wrong.
This image is 'popular' for two reasons...
1) It's good art, from a talented hand.
2) It's right-minded.
And it seems to have offended some liberals deeply.
That may be a telling thing. Perhaps many of the liberals who seem to hate this image so rabidly do so because they know that their mothers wouldn't have been disposed to defend them effectively in a crisis.
Yet another vignette demonstrating the degree to which liberals are vermin.
posted on
09/26/2001 9:52:22 AM PDT
Since I first found thatgame here on FR this morning - the number of visits to the site has more than doubled. WOW!!!
posted on
09/26/2001 9:57:42 AM PDT
To: white trash redneck
I just hope she didn't draw that picture in school. Drawing a picture of a gun can get you expelled from most public schools these days. Passing out condoms is ok, but don't you dare even bring a picture of a gun to schoool.
I wonder when they will get around to burning all those history books with pictures of people with guns?
posted on
09/26/2001 10:01:51 AM PDT
To: ChocChipCookie
I'm with you. When I first saw it, in my local paper all I could think of was "YUP, you got that right."
posted on
09/26/2001 10:02:40 AM PDT
To: ChocChipCookie
Ma'am, try a Taurus M445. It's a snub-nose and it shoots a .44 Secial, which blows a big hole without passing through the body to hurt others on the far side (we hope).
posted on
09/26/2001 10:11:59 AM PDT
To: ChocChipCookie
A couple of typos to my note: that is, a snub-nose revolver, and it shoots a .44 Special.
posted on
09/26/2001 10:16:07 AM PDT
To: white trash redneck
New Englanders who don't post their states in their FR profiles: +++ Second Amendment Sisters Machine Gun Blast+++
On Saturday, November 3, 2001, the Metacon Gun Club and the Second Amendment Sisters, Connecticut Chapter (SAS-CT) will have a Machine Gun Blast. This event encourages women and their families to get involved in shooting sports and Second Amendment activism.
To: ChocChipCookie
I "just" have to learn how to load and aim whatever we end up buying. He's thinking a 9mm. A revolver is far simpler for a newcomer to learn -- no stiff slide, no safety to unlatch, no wondering if it is chambered, little chance to jam, more instinctive to pick up and squeeze the trigger.
I don't recommend a snub-nose (2" barrel) if you are recoil-sensitive. Consider a medium sized .357 magnum revolver with a 4" barrel, such as a used S&W 64 or 65. Start practicing with .38 special target loads to overcome fear of recoil. Then work up to .38 special +P loads or even .357 loads. Much deadlier than 9mm. Stay brave!!
To: ChocChipCookie
Nine mm is an effective and relatively light recoiling round in the proper firearm. Another good candidate would be .38 spl, particularly from a .357 revolver, which allows you to shoot .38 spl or .357 magnum, with a little more weight to reduce felt recoil.
I don't want to get into a prolonged discussion of self defense firearms (autoloader vs revolver, 9 mm vs .45 acp, Glock vs 1911, etc.) on this thread. I'd recommend you to the rec.guns FAQ on the web for some good background reading, and the bulletin board for ongoing discussion.
To: ChocChipCookie
My wife couldn't handle my N frame S&W revolvers well. The 629 in 44 Mag kept rubbing skin off the base of her thumb. We went to the local gun shop and checked out an L frame S&W 686+. Perfect fit. The distance from the web of the hand to first joint of the trigger finger needs to comfortably reach from the back of the grip to the trigger face. Find something that fits your hand nicely and practice regularly. A range that rents a variety of firearms is the best way to find out what fits you best BEFORE laying out $400 to $800 for the handgun of your choice. I prefer revolvers that chamber .357 magnum. Practice with .38 SPL and occasionally .357 magnum. Keep it clean and loaded with Federal Hydra Shok 158 grain in .357 magnum. Your preference may differ after some experience at the range.
posted on
09/26/2001 1:15:36 PM PDT
To: Myrddin
Small addendum. My wife and I both selected the S&W 686+ with a 4 inch barrel. The longer sight radius is easier to aim than a 2" snubby and good quality gun leather from Bianchi is available in a 4 inch barrel length. I reloaded 900 rounds of .38 SPL on Labor Day to restock the shelf. We both shoot lots of .38 SPL each week. When I'm out of town, she loads up 400 rounds at a time on my Dillon 550 press. That cuts the price of a box of ammo to $3 vs $10 from the store. Revolvers don't spit brass all over the place, so you can take all your brass home to clean and reload.
posted on
09/26/2001 1:22:03 PM PDT
To: Myrddin, white trash redneck, Texas Republic, .308
Thanks for the advice everyone. Right now we're thinking it wouldn't be good for the baby for me to be out target shooting. Hubby tells me he's been trying to think of a way to sound-proof my belly. LOL At any rate, we'll pursue this after the first of the year. Thanks again.
Comment #18 Removed by Moderator
To: ChocChipCookie
My wife was 8 months pregnant with #2 son when we went to the range in March 1983. #2 son graduated with a 4.33 GPA. He's healthy as a horse and completing Marine Corps boot camp next Friday. The boot camp timing conflicted with starting his EE degree at UCSD this Fall.
posted on
09/26/2001 2:00:14 PM PDT
To: PistolPaknMama, technochick99, basil, hotline, SAS-MS
posted on
09/26/2001 3:31:27 PM PDT
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