To: Fury
Good Grief! God IS in His Heaven! I am so pleased that naysayers such as Mr. Posner have finally seen in Pres. Bush what his supporters always saw; that determination and steeliness born of his unwavering faith in God. We saw it during the weeks after the election; he seemed to be ready to take on the job even as people like Mr. Posner were sniping.
God Bless Pres. Bush and all those who will be advising him in the weeks and months ahead.
6 posted on
09/24/2001 9:25:21 PM PDT by
To: SuziQ, OhioWfan, Miss Marple, rintense, mtngrl@vrwc, MJY1288
BUMP-- what you say.
8 posted on
09/24/2001 9:27:34 PM PDT by
To: SuziQ
This must be driving the folks at DU nuts...
9 posted on
09/24/2001 9:29:09 PM PDT by
To: SuziQ
Good Grief! God IS in His Heaven! I am so pleased that naysayers such as Mr. Posner have finally seen in Pres. Bush what his supporters always saw; that determination and steeliness born of his unwavering faith in God. Amen to that! America... are you waking up at last?
16 posted on
09/24/2001 9:32:14 PM PDT by
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