Posted on 09/21/2001 9:53:01 PM PDT by Hillary's Lovely Legs
How you can help.... |
P.O. box set up for mail to American Red Cross |
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"We will not tire, we will not falter and we will not fail." |
Billie - the graphic is stupendous. Thank you.
HLL - thanks for keeping the Guild threads going and going and going.....and for the info now heading each one!
I hope we will be able to find families of servicemen and women who are "left behind" - and to help them. Write them, send them gifts, do whatever we can to assist them. There are many here in NC. I hope somehow we can find ways to be in touch with the families of those now shipped out and show them our love.
1. You notice who's been missing from TV: Begala, Carville, Mikulski (sp?), Maxine Waters and other female members of Congress, Lisa Caputo, Susan Estrich, Eleanor Clift and Ms. Van den Heuvel!!! Also, Al Gore, Bill Cohen, Ms. Albright and Donna Shalalah.
2. Newt Gingrich has provided some brilliant insight via FOX. His background in history (particularly military history) and insight from Congress has distinguished his commentary. Too bad he allowed his personal life to get out of hand, and more important, to allow Clinton to goad him into the government shutdown.
3. The Republicans should NOT go to sleep at the switch in VA and NJ. They need to get some popular Pubbies on the ground working for Earley and Schundler. While I don't think they are the most electable candidates, they are FAR better than the two Dems.
4. RNC needs to start working on Ridge's Lt. Gov. to run next year or find a good replacement QUICKLY. Someone said that Julie Nixon Eisenhower was considering running for Congress or the Senate. Any news on that? I betcha Chris Matthews will run for Arlen's seat.
5. Have you noticed MSNBC is prefacing all their military reporting with the 'we've cleared this with the military' before they broadcast? I've been surprised (but glad!) to see this. Hope it continues. Of course, CNN is the real problem.
6. We need to keep up the pressure on CNN by avoiding them whenever possible. Larry King has made a BIG effort to get at least one popular conservative on his show, trying to woo FOX viewers. I think John Gibson's been doing a very good job. Rita Cosby's been doing a good job, too.
7. I took my husband to the Dr. today. He had a flag tacked up on his office door. Hope this new patriotic spirit lasts for a LONG time.
BTW did you notice the acronym for your name closely resembles a "sweet treat"? Sorry to blow that tough guy image you're trying to project.
We do need to support the young families of the soldiers who are going out to face this terror, as well as the families of those who lost loved ones in the attack. Maybe our country will come back together with a united resolve... it looks like that is what is happening.
As for Carville, I hope Mary has him locked in the house, playing Mr. Mom so she can spend time at the WH helping President Bush and VP Cheney.
Re: Julie Eisenhower, I have not heard anything recently but I know in the past, she has said that after her children are grown she would consider a Senate run. Two of her three kids are grown and gone from the home, she still has one teenager to finish rearing. Perhaps the time is right for her. It would delight me to no end if she ran.
Thanks so much for that tribute. We are inspired by all the heroes who have fought for our freedom, like you.
Instead, legendary music producer Nile Rodgers, who wrote the song for Sister Sledge 20 years ago, has earmarked the proceeds to educate Americans about racial intolerance.
"I'm just in shock. It's a bait and switch, and no one knows it," Rivers told PAGE SIX yesterday. Rivers - one of the first to join Diana Ross, Andre Agassi and Sheryl Crow in supporting the effort - said she found out the WTC victims would get nothing yesterday when she was about to plug the event on the E! channel and asked organizers for specifics.
She received a press release which stated: " 'We Are Family' is, in part, a response to the recent outbreak of racial attcks and intolerance towards Arabs and Muslims . . . We know that the Islamic faith is not the enemy. We are all brothers and sisters. We are all family."
"I'm not intolerant toward Arabs or Muslims," Rivers said. "But now is not the time for that. I'm boycotting."
Anyone who would try to turn this national tragedy, which affected so many thousands of citizens personally, into a vehicle to propagandize and annoint victimhood on one class of people should be ashamed.
To think that these people want their exaggerated claims of persecution to seem more important than the loss of those precious lives in the WTC and Pentagon attacks makes me livid.
She did keep emphasizing how the FAA, CIA and all those agencies did not do their job.
During the latter, my husband was gone for a year - Oct'67-Oct'68 - heading a 12-man Strike Team, deployed into whatever was the 'hot spot' of the moment, including the Tet Offensive.
My sons were 12 & 13, daughter 5, and I taught at the Myrtle Beach AFB School, grades 1-8.
While I anticipated the attitudes of the average populace about that war,
nothing could have prepared me for that of my peers.
Nearly all were themselves military wives, and those of us whose husbands were deployed
never had support from them.
It seemed to be their active fear that if they did, the tap on the shoulder might come to THEIR door!
Thus I shouldered alone the very long and difficult year away from any family (mother deceased and father ill in another state), and with support from only two friends.
While I was strong and capable, I mourned for my children, who, blessedly, were real troopers.
The last five months, activation of Reserve Units for the Pueblo Crisis had us scrambling out of base quarters to a less-than-desirable apartment just off base in a summer Myrtle Beach economy.
Both sons (then 13 & 14) went to work at Bell's Hamburger Stand #1 by the roller coaster,
rising wonderfully to the circumstances, proud to help fill the tremendous financial gap.
The manager happened to be a retired Tech. Sgt., who waived the age requirement, gaining two fellows who outworked the older guys. When I'd come to pick them up, he always gave free food to my daughter and me, AND if at closing, 'forced' upon the boys all the leftover hamburgers and cheeseburgers and French fries on us rather than throw them away.
It reached the point where even the DOG cringed at the sack of goodies by summer's end!
Believe me, the ones left behind are hurting in every possible way, and would so welcome - and be deserving of - mere human kindness, as well as help in other small ways.
Take their children to a ball game or movie they cannot afford...make sure they have essential basic goods, preferably done anonymously.
They are willing to sacrifice to the max, and do; ask yourself if there is any small gesture you might make to lighten their load.
A few years ago, FWI, we had visited friends at Emerald Isle, and leaving,
stopped at a restaurant in Jacksonville, NC.
Seated at another table was a beautiful Marine family, with children about 7 and 10, eating.
Unlike so many civilian children, they never once fidgeted nor spoke loudly, ever aware their behavior was expected to be exemplary, not because of fear of punishment, but because of pride!
As we rose to leave, I went to their table and complimented the parents on their extraordinary children and family, and you'd have thought I had handed them a check for a million dollars, the recognition was so deeply appreciated.
As Freedom'sWorthIt suggests, it will cost you nothing but enormous satisfaction to brighten someone's life, given wholeheartedly to their country.
Now, Maxine is upset with INS and wants ALL aliens' papers checked and deport the ones who are here illegally.
My question to Maxine is, doesn't she realize that that will clean out HER district?
And didn't you love it when she said that the CIA should OPEN UP their entire operations to allow ALL RACES and ETHNIC groups inside to be trained? She obviously has forgotten that that is exactly how we GOT here.......Frank Church ruined that agency.
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