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1 posted on 09/16/2001 8:21:38 AM PDT by robnoel
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To: robnoel
rob.....Perhaps now the Federal Cowboys will turn from bashing in the doors of Americans on any whim and expend their energy on the enemies of America.
3 posted on 09/16/2001 8:26:48 AM PDT by cynicom
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To: robnoel
A big bttt^ to you, Robby.
7 posted on 09/16/2001 8:33:53 AM PDT by backhoe
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To: robnoel
Yeah, Looey. You got more to worry about from hard-working American stiffs than from some hanky-head bomb-thrower. How did you ever rise above your job as night janitor at 7-11?
8 posted on 09/16/2001 8:34:31 AM PDT by IronJack
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To: robnoel
"Indeed, Freeh told Congress that the main threat of terrorist violence comes not from foreign sources but from the overlapping constituencies of the far right..."

Speaking as one from the "far right".......Louie Freeh can kiss my lily white, Confederate flag waving @ss. Bill, Janet and Louie should all have to stand trail for their crimes.

18 posted on 09/16/2001 9:03:49 AM PDT by Godebert
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To: robnoel
"...Didn't Hillary Clinton actually embrace and kiss Arafat's wife?..."

Do you suppose that's all that happened?

And, if there was more, did she let Bill watch?

19 posted on 09/16/2001 9:03:57 AM PDT by DWSUWF
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To: robnoel
Bill Clinton and Janet Reno and their friends on Capitol Hill and in the media spoke as one voice about the home-grown threat posed by church-going Americans, protesting against partial birth abortion.

And then they demonized well-organized militia groups with - gasp - actual guns! who were complaining about Clinton's liberal agenda. They were considered suspicious because they expressed absolute disgust for our Commander in Chief.

I submit these same bearded, flannel-shirted "suspicious characters" are now running the backhoes and girder cutters in New York City, working around the clock until they drop from exhaustion, attempting to do what real Americans have always done.

21 posted on 09/16/2001 9:09:05 AM PDT by victim soul
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To: robnoel
The people the liberals in this country told us we were supposed to despise are currently hard at work cleaning up the attack site and kicking in $100+ million toward rescue and restoration.
22 posted on 09/16/2001 9:09:28 AM PDT by Tricorn
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To: robnoel
On The C(r)apitol Gang yesterday. Racial profiling was discussed. Kate O'Beirne dared,to suggest that non-citizens who fitted profiles (Islamic terrorists)should be rigorously checked. The awe of being politically corrected steadied her though. She exempted American citizens(I presume recent ones) from this. It must be obvious that an American citizenship would mean nothing to a fanatic, except as cover. Then Al Hunt joined in. Get this. He said if this is done then as to young white christian men in the militia, should they be profiled?- because they blew up Oklahoma city. I couldnt quite get whether he was tying in McVeigh and Nichols, with the above description,or he was surmising if more domestic home grown terrorism,WOULD blow up a city in future. I just cannot stop posting ,as I keep hearing about understanding, humanity,love not hate etc. All of which, of course, is not required of the terrorists.
30 posted on 09/16/2001 9:41:49 AM PDT by Peter Libra
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To: robnoel
"Freeh placed his trusted associate Robert Hanssen into his last position with the FBI as counter-intelligence director in New York City."

FBI Probes Espionage at Clinton White House - Insight Magazine
"If spies wanted to penetrate the White House, a facility widely considered the most secure in the world, how might it be done? For that matter, how might any agency or department of government be penetrated by spies?

“Actually, it’s pretty easy if you know what you’re doing,” says a retired U.S. intelligence expert who has helped (along with other government sources) to guide Insight through the many and often complicated pathways of government security and counterespionage.

Access to designs, databases, “blueprints,” memos, telephone numbers, lists of personnel and passwords all can be obtained. And from surprising sources. Several years ago this magazine was able to review from a remote site information on the supposedly secret and inaccessible White House Office Data Base, or WHODB (see “More Personal Secrets on File @ the White House,” July 15, 1996).

Despite the spending of additional millions to beef up security when the White House installed a modern $30 million computerized telephone system a few years ago, communications security remains a big problem. Whatever the level of sophistication employed, there are soft underbellies that raise significant national-security problems. And potential for espionage, such as electronic intercepting of phone calls, is very great.

Calls to or from the White House dealing with classified information are supposed to be handled on secure lines, but it doesn’t always happen. Sometimes, according to Insight’s sources, despite the existence of special phones at the White House and elsewhere to handle such calls, some don’t use them or only one side of the call does. An Insight editor recently was allowed for demonstration purposes to overhear a conversation placed over an unsecured line involving a “classified” topic.

Carelessness always has been a problem, but former and current FBI special agents say that under the Clinton administration the disregard for security has been epidemic. Many officials simply don’t like the bother of communicating on secure phones.

In another instance, Insight was provided access to virtually every telephone number within the White House, including those used by outside agencies with employees in the complex, and even the types of computers used and who uses them. Just by way of illustration, this information allowed direct access to communications instruments located in the Oval Office, the residence, bathrooms and grounds.

With such information, according to security and intelligence experts, a hacker or spy could target individual telephone lines and write software codes enabling the conversations to be forwarded in real-time for remote recording and transcribing. The White House complex contains approximately 5,800 voice, fax and modem lines.

“Having a phone number in and of itself will not necessarily gain you access for monitoring purposes,” Insight was told by a senior intelligence official with regular contact at the White House. “The systems are designed to electronically mask routes and generate secure connections.” That said, coupling a known phone number to routing sequences and trunk lines would pose a security risk, this official says.

Add to that detailed knowledge of computer codes used to move call traffic and your hacker or spy is in a very strong position. “That’s why we have so many redundancies and security devices on the systems — so we can tell if someone is trying to hack in,” says a current security official at the White House.

Shown a sampling of the hoard of data collected over just a few months of digging, the security official’s face went flush: “How the hell did you get that! This is what we are supposed to guard against. This is not supposed to be public.”

Indeed. Nor should the telephone numbers or locations of remote sites or trunk lines or other sundry telecommunications be accessible. What’s surprising is that most of this specialized information reviewed by Insight is unclassified in its separate pieces. When you put it together, the solved puzzle is considered a national-security secret. And for very good reason.

Consider the following: Insight not only was provided secure current phone numbers to the most sensitive lines in the world, but it discovered a remote telephone site in the Washington area which plugs into the White House telecommunications system.

Given national-security concerns, Insight has been asked not to divulge any telephone number, location of high-security equipment, or similar data not directly necessary for this news story.

Concerning the remote telecommunications site, Insight discovered not only its location and access telephone numbers but other information, including the existence of a secret “back door” to the computer system that had been left open for upward of two years without anyone knowing about the security lapse. This back door, common to large computer systems, is used for a variety of services, including those involving technicians, supervisors, contractors and security officers to run diagnostic checks, make repairs and review system operations.

“This is more than just a technical blunder,” says a well-placed source with detailed knowledge of White House security issues. “This is a very serious security failure with unimaginable consequences. Anyone could have accessed that [back door] and gotten into the entire White House phone system and obtained numbers and passwords that we never could track,” the source said, echoing yet another source familiar with the issue."

34 posted on 09/16/2001 9:54:43 AM PDT by Uncle Bill
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To: robnoel
The slow but constent dissolution of the US Constitution by many of our elected officials, especially X42 gave rise to citizn/patriotic backlash. The events of 9/11/01 has united America and it would be political suicide for the anti-contitutionalists to continue attaking the patriot spirit. But make no mistake, they will be back. H Clinton, C. Shumer, T. Kennedy, D. Fienstein, B. Boxer and all their ilk are the true terrorist that will continue to destroy this country from the inside. A snake is a snake and anyone who is anti-Constitution/anti-American must never be allowed to hold legilative office.
35 posted on 09/16/2001 9:57:16 AM PDT by drypowder
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To: robnoel
freeh wasn't an american. christians, patriot and militia are what keeps america free.
37 posted on 09/16/2001 10:04:39 AM PDT by Anonymous2
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To: robnoel
You provide great service in posting this. Thank you.

As a beardless, flanneless right winger I hope that everybody now understands that nearly all of us are the American people's best friends. God Bless the United States of America.
39 posted on 09/16/2001 10:10:52 AM PDT by major-pelham
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To: robnoel
Freeh shares responsibility for the WTC attacks, since his FBI missed the terrorists planning for months if not years.
41 posted on 09/16/2001 10:18:03 AM PDT by Post Toasties
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To: robnoel
Most domestic terrorism is by leftwing types, IAC.
42 posted on 09/16/2001 10:19:49 AM PDT by Post Toasties
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To: robnoel
I strongly agree that the emphasis on domestic terrorism has been politically biased during the Clinton adminsitration, at the expense of not indentifying foreign terrorists on United States soil. Even the INS has turned a blind eye to illegal aliens for political purposes. I do disagree with the claims that the FBI has ignored international terrorism. Read the FBI May 10, 2001 testimony on terrorism:

FBI Press Room - Congressional Statement - 2001 - Threat of Terrorism to the United States

Also interesting reading is the following 1998 report:

Foreign Terrorists in America: Five years after the World Trade Center An excerpt:
Presence of Foreign Terrorist Groups in the United States

Today, due to the foresight of the Congress and Executive Branch in the aftermath of the World Trade Center and Oklahoma City bombings, the FBI has an enhanced capability to track the activities of foreign terrorist organizations maintaining a presence in the United States.

There are obvious operational considerations that limit what we can discuss in an open forum about the presence of terrorist groups in the United States. I can tell you that the FBI has identified a significant and growing organizational presence here.

Palestinian Hamas, Iranian-backed Hizballah, and Egyptian-based al-Gama' at al Islamiyya each has established an active presence in the United States. The activities of the American wings of these organizations generally revolve around fund-raising and low-level intelligence gathering.

In addition, there are still significant numbers of Iranian students attending U.S. universities and technical institutions. In 1997, 419 student visas were issued to new and returning Iranian students. A significant number of these individuals are hardcore members of the pro-Iranian student organization known as the Anjoman Islamie, which is comprised almost exclusively of fanatical, anti-American, Iranian Shiite Muslims. The Iranian government relies heavily on these students studying in the United States for low-level intelligence and technical expertise. However, the Anjoman Islamie also provides a significant resource base which allows the government of Iran to maintain the capability to mount operations against the United States, if it so decided.


For further reading (which I myself want to do more of) on the FBI's prior perspective on terrorism, check the FBI website. Here's the results of a search page:

Netscape Search on for "terrorism"

43 posted on 09/16/2001 10:24:10 AM PDT by Enlightiator
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To: robnoel
I have despised Freeh for a long time.

He clearly had an agenda against the right. Ruby Ridge was a completely manufactured event against an innocent man. (He was found innocent of all the charges for which the event was conducted, only guilty of not answering a summons to appear in court.)

I recall camping in North Georgia several months after they began hunting Eric Rudolph. There were large numbers of Federal Agents still hunting him.

I couldn't help wonder this. What if a bunch of PETA nuts had sabotaged logging equipment and caused the death of a couple of loggers. Would the FBI and other agencies have devoted thousands of agents and a large part of their budgets to hunt them down? I think the answer is obvious. (They should have assigned a normal number of agents to find Rudolph and probably would have had a better chance to do so if they had).

Freeh also privately disagreed with Reno, but when push came to shove he always protected her and Clinton.

He clearly hated the Christian Right and other hard right groups and I am glad to see him gone.

46 posted on 09/16/2001 10:36:52 AM PDT by yarddog
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To: robnoel
And you Mr. Freeh, need to be the first person to have his American Citizenship REVOKED,
and you Mr. Freeh need to be DEPORTED IMMEDIATELY!
48 posted on 09/16/2001 10:42:31 AM PDT by spartan68
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To: robnoel
John Knight of the Father's Manifesto website: "And even IF it was the Palestinians--WE MUST NOT FORGET THAT WE deserved THIS for consorting with the Jews."

Michael Hoffman II: The six pointed star (Jewry's capital after Jerusalem, New York City), and the five-pointed star (Masonry's military capital, Arlington's five sided Pentagon), were shown to be symbolically and literally weak on Sept. 11....I will not be flying the Stars and Stripes this week. I will be wearing black for the America I knew once and for the Americans of the future, fated to shed ever more blood in a vicious circle of atrocity and counter-atrocity, so that a gang of Khazars and Sephardim may rape and ruin Palestine to their hearts' content.

Although, liberal types are unable to distinguish between real threats and good and decent people, I have debated those in the Christian Identity movement. I've read articles by Michael Hoffman II and David Duke concerning this attack. These people are, in fact, defending the terrorist actions and blaming our government's support of Israel for the actions. They hate the government and Jews so much, there is no regard for defending our nation, the innocent Americans whose lives were ended or any desire to stop Islamic extremists that threaten the nation. Yes, there are certain racists and anti-semites that despise this country to much that they are dangerous.

51 posted on 09/16/2001 10:52:04 AM PDT by Ol' Sparky
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To: robnoel
so the Unabomber was which; Christian, Right Wing, Militia, Pro-Life???
58 posted on 09/16/2001 11:49:41 AM PDT by packrat01
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To: robnoel
We were lead to believe that the enemy was Microsoft and the drug companies. I know it is so cause the Justice Dept. and algore told me it was.

If there was a real failure here, it wasn't American intelligence, it was the total lack of leadership coming from congress. Now all the pols are out getting TV face time saying, "Ain't it awful." To be brutally honest, I'd much rather have the planes hit the Capital than sacrifice all those innocents at the WTC. We would have lost so much less.

Richard W.

76 posted on 09/16/2001 3:53:15 PM PDT by arete (
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