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To: Sueann
The falling of the towers of Babel/Babylon was certainly a picture of Rev. 18 and it was the Will of God.  He has given the same message through many of his people for years in prophecies that it was coming (click here) but people did not have ears to hear because they chose to love the world and the things of the world and say they were Christians when the Lord said Ye CANNOT serve two masters.  They have chosen to believe false doctrines, false prophets and false leaders who are blind leaders of the blind.  The falling of the towers of Babylon is also just the beginning because Jezebel is being given a space to repent which I believe is a short time:

Re 2:21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. 22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.

That does not mean to depend upon a Sinner's Prayer said long ago followed by continuing to walk in sin.  It means hear Him and do what He says.

Heb 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: 15 Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; :16 Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.

Read all of Deut. Ch. 28.  He raises up the enemies of God's people to bring judgment on them when they refuse to obey Him.  Read also Jer. 50 & 51 and Is. 13 and Lev. 26:14-32.  Rev 18 says "Come out..."  The Lord is going to "utterly destroy" (charam) everything not "utterly devoted" (charam) to Him!  We could do a discussion of Hot, Cold and Lukewarm, however, after yesterday, there should be no Lukewarm left in the land.  Charam is from Jer 50 & 51 and means "destroy her utterly," "utterly destroyed" ... and elsewhere it means "utterly devoted" ... presenting a choice.

2763. charam
charam khaw-ram'
a primitive root; to seclude; specifically (by a ban) to devote to religious uses (especially destruction); physical and reflexive, to be blunt as to the nose:--make accursed, consecrate, (utterly) destroy, devote, forfeit, have a flat nose, utterly (slay, make away).
If that makes anyone afraid, it should instill a fear of the Lord which is the beginning:   Pr 9:10  The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. If anyone still thinks, "This cannot happen to me," then that person does not yet have a fear of the Lord or a knowledge of His will or of the Holy.

The Word of the Lord given through Scott Hofstee Sept. 3, 2001

The Word of the Lord to America

The Word of the Lord given through His servant Scott Hofstee
September 3, 2001

"So says the Lord of the Earth, this day.  The judgment that I have foretold of through My servants the prophets, is at the doorstep.  The devastation, the mourning, the death and destruction is at hand.  To the nations of the Earth I say, the day of My fierce anger is upon you,  behold what I do.  I will begin on the coasts of your lands, the gateways to your nations with cataclysmic events, the like of which has yet to be witnessed by this generation or any other.  I AM coming to the seats of power with a message of repentance the Earth has never heard before.  I will use these final days prior to My appearance to all, to press out the wine from the grape, to gather the wheat from earth and  separate and burn off the tares with unquenchable fire.  The beginning of the days of My final plea with mankind are at hand.  The striving with the powerful and mighty, who have thought higher of themselves than they should have, is here.

To the city of New York, I say, the madness of your city shall be revealed in a moment of time.  The markets of self-adulation and self-exaltation are about to be shattered.  I have sent messenger after messenger to warn you of these events, to call your people to repentance before I crush your markets with the fist of My mighty hand and yet you go on as though there will be a day of recovery and restoration to the glory of your past.  I tell you this day, what is past is past, what is to come, is at the doorstep and about to come crashing through in a moment of time.  One day you will be at ease, the next, people will be killing themselves and killing each other in response to the Rock falling on the tables of your money changers and turning them to powder.  The cry will be deafening but all that will be saved will be the souls of those who fall on their knees and repent before the Holy One of Israel.  The fire will burn up all that is temporal and of this earth but that which is eternal will survive.  Take heed New York, I will crush that lady that you have exalted above Me and drown her before your very eyes.  I will have no other gods before Me and you shall not make a graven image and worship it as God.  My fury is greater than you can imagine, My righteousness and justice purer than you can fathom.  You will encounter it when you meet the ones I send to dispense My judgments on you.

To the city of Washington D.C., I say, your might and power are about to ripped from you like a home ripped off its foundation in a mighty wind.  Your foundation is flawed, your leaders are liars and thieves and lovers of power and recognition.  Messages of judgment have been sent and not heeded, now I come with devastation and destruction.  The principalities of darkness that have been kept in check will no longer be restrained and will begin to unveil the most subtle evils and darkness the world has ever known.  Those who have not known Me will not be able to resist it.  It will make perfect sense to the carnal minded fools that have stored up treasures here on Earth and left their accounts in My Kingdom empty and unattended to.  The masses will flock to the deceptions like moths to a flame, only to be burned and destroyed.

To the president of this country I say, you have fooled many with your unassuming charms and easy going mannerisms but I see your heart and it is not toward My will.  It is toward yourself and your legacy, not My Kingdom.  Your house is ordained for destruction unless you fall on your face before Me and cry out as Abraham cried out in intercession for Sodom and Gomorrah.  Your ideas are vanity, your pride has ordained you for a fall and I AM coming to bring it to you unless you repent.  Your place and position cannot be saved, your great city cannot be spared but your soul can saved as though by fire, so says the Holy One of Israel.  To the leaders of the governments of this nation I say, when most of you read this, it will have already happened, the destruction and demolition of your seats of power and authority will be gone and you will know that all those crazy men and women whom I sent to you, were the sane ones, the ones who had indeed heard My voice and had carried the burden of the Lord to you.  You will look upon these words and others and know that My heart was toward you and that it wasn’t willing that any would perish but you in your pride and arrogance could not receive instruction from these messengers.  They didn’t look right, they didn’t sound right, they didn’t go through the proper channels.  You will mourn the day you scorned these and you will know that I reached out to you many times before I brought My perfect justice and government to you and your people.  So says the Lord of the Earth.

To the city of Los Angeles, I say, your glamour and beauty are a ruse.  I see right through the glitter and pomp of your appearance.  You have housed the filth of the fornications of all generations within your walls and have turned your eyes to it as My daughters and sons have been ravaged by the purveyors of all the imaginable filth of this world’s nakedness.  You call yourself the city of angels but your messengers have been the messengers of your father the devil, the chief of fallen angels.  You have spread your whoredoms on every shore of this earth and I AM coming to pull up your skirt and make you a shame before the people of the earth.  When I AM done the people of the earth will burn with a passion to see your destruction and a fervor to rid the earth of the plague that you have become to its people.  Your doomed, I have spoken it says the Lord of Hosts.  I call to those with ears to hear to flee the walls of this abominable place while there is yet time, for I will burn this place with unquenchable fire.  So says the Lord of Hosts.

To the cities of Seattle and San Francisco, I say, you are as Sodom and Gomorrah before Me.  Twin cities of lust, greed, perversion and sorcery.  I AM about to rain down fire and brimstone on you both in a way that has never been seen with human eyes.  The abominations that have gone on behind the walls of your cities are the works of the most vile spirits the world has ever known and yet you applaud these works with admiration and recognition.  You will be left as ashes as an act of mercy toward this world.  For to allow your continued existence would be to allow a plague of unimaginable evil to continue unabated on the innocent of this earth.  I have been long suffering toward you, I have sent you messengers time and time again who have foretold your doom and you have mocked and scoffed and killed these messengers.  Now I tell you, the day that was foretold of you is here.  The doom of your end is upon you.  To those whom have ears to hear, I say, flee the walls of these places.  I will guide you with My messengers, if you will but heed the Word of the Lord.  If you do not, you will suffer the same fate that awaits those who have loved these cities and their abominations.  So says the Great I AM.

To the people of this nation called America, I say, you have thought you were exempt from what is to come, you have seen these things in other places but now they are coming to your shores.  You don’t have the leaders to guide you through these storms, you don’t have the foundations necessary to bear the weight of the truth that is coming to you.  Your shepherds have preached to you lies in My name, telling of an escape of the things that are to come to this world.  They have spoken of an inheritance that is never fought for, never paid for and never existed in My Kingdom.  Those who will rule and reign with Me will be those who have overcome by the Word of their testimony and the blood of the Lamb.  They will be those who did not love their lives unto death.  They will be those who forsook the delicacies of this world in order to gain the knowledge of Me.  To be an overcomer will require that you know Me and die to the natural life of this world.  Hate the evil that reigns here and no longer turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the weak and forsaken of this world.  You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind and all your soul.  You must forsake this world and enter into My world, which is world of righteousness, joy and peace in the Most Holy Spirit.

I AM coming with a heavy hand against the shepherds that have led My sheep astray with half truths and the doctrines of men.  You have loved your denominations more than you have loved Me.  You have loved your salaries and accolades more than you have loved My truth.  Your hearts have failed you for fear because you have not had the heart of the Good Shepherd.  Your days of repentance will be sorrowful days, if indeed you do repent at all.  Many will flee to their father the devil and be exposed as the antichrists they have truly been all along.  This is what is to come America, this is a glimpse in part to warn you and prepare you.  Most of all, it is the Word of the Lord that will bear witness against you when these things suddenly happen and you ask why they did.  So says Jehovah, the creator of the whole Earth, the Holy One of Israel."

Lu 13:1 There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.
2 And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things?
3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
4 Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?
5 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

71 posted on 09/15/2001 3:26:21 PM PDT by 2sheep
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To: 2sheep
If what this guy (and oh, so many others) says is truly the Word of God, then where does the Bible end? Logically, we need to regard all these recent prophecies as Holy Writ.

I'm not buying it.

81 posted on 09/15/2001 6:14:25 PM PDT by Mortimer Snavely
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To: 2sheep
#71 - God is not vengeful! God is merciful and is full of lovingkindness. God will take this evil and turn it around for good.
91 posted on 09/15/2001 9:59:12 PM PDT by Sueann
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