Posted on 12/11/2024 8:29:58 PM PST by bitt
The Lying Gaslight Media and The Left-wing Commies at Woke Point...
West Point is going to get a thorough house cleaning.
From your lips to God’s ears.
“I will not lie, cheat, or steal, and I will not tolerate anyone who does” is sooooo 2019.
Nice that West Point got off on the right foot with their new leader.
What’s with Cotton’s conservative pronouncements? Compensating?
I actually do not consider this a lie per se. It is one thing if they actually knew he applied and claimed he did not. I think this a case of not checking all of the records (and probably reviewing the wrong time period).
So reporter, when did he graduate from high school? A: 2003 Well let me look at the 2003 records. Nope we have no record of him applying here.
How is the clerk supposed to know he applied a couple of years before he graduated from high school?
The term “lied” gets bandied around a lot when the actual action is not a lie.
As determined in this instance, the Academy did not check the full set of the potential records base. And nor should they have. They should have responded, it is none of your business whether we have a record of his applying to West Point.
He graduated high school in 1999. Had he attended West Point he would have graduated in 2003. Hence, West Point class of 2003.
Looks like even WEST POINT IS CORRUPT!!
Where did the original tip that Hegseth was never accepted come from ?
Somebody fed that to ProPublica. If they are trying to derail Hegseth why not just leak it to the NYT ?
When there is a leak to an overtly ideological publiation like Pro Publica or the Washington Examiner it is usually to disguise the leak source. So Dems leaking against Dems will use a right wing publication like the Examiner.
My guess (speculation alert) is that this came from Repubs on the Hill leaking to give themselves a reason to force Hegseth aside or vote against him.
Suspect the Turtle behind the scene muckraking. He needs go be gone. Yesterday.
and then they graduate.
But is THAT statement a lie?
West Point has become a Woke, DEI Infested Institution.
Heads must roll. And its mission must get back to training
our Nation’s Warriors.
She's not, because he didn't. He graduated high school in 1999, and from Princeton in 2003, The military academies don't give appointments to underclassmen anyway.
It likely wasn't a lie, but I'd bet the farm it was a reckless indifference to the truth. Whomever looked it up likely already had a crappy opinion of Hegseth, assumed Hegseth was lying about the appointment, and so did a half-ass job of checking...if they checked at all.
Still some good people at the Academies but a buttload has changed, and not for the better. Went back for my 40th at Navy recently, and some of the modifications are rather shocking. And not just tech stuff, either. An across the board lowering of discipline and intensity.
That being said, you can still go there and have a very positive experience and learn a ton if that's what you want. It's just easier to skate past a lot of the military stuff if that's your angle.
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