Posted on 12/09/2024 8:22:23 AM PST by ChicagoConservative27
“potential deployment of Western troops in Ukraine”
That’s probably a big no-no as far as the Russians are concerned.
in EU - acceptable
in NATO - nyet
Everyone is saying Ukraine isn’t coming into NATO. But they’re trying to make a deal where we flood Ukraine with NATO troops. Freaking idiots. Do they not know that Russia is famous for playing chess, and probably see this move for exactly what it is? “NATO? No, they aren’t NATO. We just have a bunch of NATO forces there and a security agreement with Ukraine!”
Zelensky needs to be deposed. He’s a flaming idiot - and I do mean flaming.
thats not ending the war
thats setting us(a) up to continue the war.
Let France and England Supply The Troops.
No U.S. Solders in YouCrayne.
One US boot on the ground over there is one too many.
This conflict ends in 6 weeks or so
Trumps already indicated the other day he intends on cutting aid the The Ukraine.
Zelenskys days are numbered. He either does an Assad or gets clipped.
Would be nice for Joe to end the war, to keep Trump from receiving any credit. The media can fawn and swoon over Joe.
Z can forget about joining NATO—not gonna happen.
Eff that grifting midget. Nice try to suck us in, Tiny Dancer. No thanks. Looking forward to you and your fake military garb disappearing into the dustbin of history in a few months.
He will end up in a nice chateau on Lake Geneva or some place like that.
I suspect he has lots on our government money squirreled away in Swiss banks.
Ukraine is not ever joining NATO. Zelensky is delusional.
There's no reason for US troops to be stationed anywhere in Europe.
Tough love is needed for the Euroweenies.
Yep. Let EU Monkeys Supply The Troops.
It seems almost impossible that, at this point, Russia would accept either Western troops in Ukraine or Ukraine in NATO. But, without either, Ukraine has no security, so they might as well fight on, even if the war turns into a gigantic guerilla war...
The Euros in that circumstance could pull from the huge amount of Euro’s they’ve committed to financial aid, to instead come up with weapons suitable for such asymmetrical warfare. Plus they still have the $300 billion of frozen Russian assets to use if they really want to get serious. Yes, the legalities there are dubious, but in war, such things as “legalities” tend to lose importance.
Good grief. Zelensky is *such* a self-serving slimebag.
Does he think he’s being clever? Go away, mincing little grifter. We’re way past being tired of you and your B.S., Zoo-lensky.
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