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Birthright Citizenship: The 14th Amendment Does Not Apply to Illegal Aliens
American Thinker ^
| Dec. 2, 2024
| S. David Sultzer
Posted on 12/02/2024 7:01:54 AM PST by libstripper
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Since the horde of illegal alien migrant invaders that that we have now is likely to procreate like cockroaches it's a good idea to look at this article and see the compelling reasons why the 14th Amendment was not meant to apply the illegal alien migrant invaders.
To: libstripper
posted on
12/02/2024 7:07:19 AM PST
Red Badger
(Homeless veterans camp in the streets while illegals are put up in 5 Star hotels....................)
To: libstripper
posted on
12/02/2024 7:12:41 AM PST
To: libstripper
Trump stated:
“As part of my plan to secure the border, on Day One of my new term in office, I will sign an executive order making clear to federal agencies that under the correct interpretation of the law, going forward, the future children of illegal aliens will not receive automatic U.S. citizenship.”
Please follow through, President Trump, please follow through.
posted on
12/02/2024 7:15:13 AM PST
Bon of Babble
(You Say You Want a Revolution?)
To: Bon of Babble
A lawsuit will follow as soon as this happens, but I think we have decent chances when it goes all the way up to the Supreme Court
My understanding about the anchor baby issue anyway is that is basically the result of another Supreme Court decision from 1982. And it was basically a footnote and that decision.
So like in so many other instances, the Supreme Court in the wrong hands can change the trajectory for the contrary in a very bad way
To: libstripper
Breaking 911Tom Homan warns mayors and governors: “Review Title 8 U.S.C. § 1324 - It’s a felony to harbor illegal aliens. Don’t cross that line.” It's ALL about USC 8...including § 1401 (a).
posted on
12/02/2024 7:24:17 AM PST
(Pride breakfasted with plenty, dined with poverty and supped with infamy. Benjamin Franklin)
To: Red Badger
One judge has already decided that the Bill of Rights does not apply to the Illegal Aliens on a case involving the Second Amendment. The Bill of Rights was written for Americans, not a bunch of foreign sh**birds in America illegally and therefore are CRIMINALS.
posted on
12/02/2024 7:24:40 AM PST
(Okay Kamala! Where the hell is the "billion and a half" bucks?)
To: libstripper
Citizenship is bestowed by Congress. Whatever we do, we need to keep the courts out of this.
posted on
12/02/2024 7:26:12 AM PST
(Heavily-medicated for your protection)
To: Red Badger
An originalist reading would show....
People is capitalized for a reason in the Preamble.
The Constitution is a contract among citizens.
The Declaration says all men have inalienable rights such as life, liberty, and property/pursuit of happiness....but only American citizens have Constitutional rights.
Non-citizens have only at will privileges.
Under contract law, the People can revoke those privileges at any time and for any or no reason.
But, what do I know and I don’t feel strongly about it.
To: Bon of Babble
the law, going forward, the future children of illegal aliens
will not receive automatic U.S. citizenship. Curious how, who is setting up the law and it's appraisal terms?
posted on
12/02/2024 7:28:15 AM PST
To: libstripper
The parents must LAWFULLY AND PERMANENTLY reside in the US for their children to become US citizens.
posted on
12/02/2024 7:28:20 AM PST
Blood of Tyrants
(Before you post a nasty, stop and think: "Would that person slap me if I said it in person?" )
To: libstripper
Note USC 8 again in INS v. Rios-Pineda...
Section 244(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (Act), 66 Stat. 214, as amended, 8 U.S.C. § 1254(a)(1)...No 14th Amendment argument at all. It's ALL about USC 8 (8 USC).
posted on
12/02/2024 7:35:02 AM PST
(Pride breakfasted with plenty, dined with poverty and supped with infamy. Benjamin Franklin)
To: libstripper
We desperately need more 14th amendment originalists.
Far too many embrace the “living and breathing” version of the 14th amendment as if that’s the real 14th.
posted on
12/02/2024 7:38:19 AM PST
(We cannot vote our way out of these problems. The only way out is to activist our way out.)
To: libstripper
If the Preamble to the Constitution is a statement of purpose for what follows, it said this:
secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity
I ask, what did the Framers mean by this? Who were they referring to as "our Posterity?"
We know that the Framers referred to themselves as "We the People," so who were they speaking about as their "Posterity?
And what was it that the Constitution did to "secure the Blessings of Liberty" to their "Posterity," if the the Preamble was a statement of purpose?
Is there anything in the Constitution that might be informed by the statement of purpose in the Preamble such as the phrase that I pointed out?
posted on
12/02/2024 7:38:42 AM PST
Political Junkie Too
( * LAAP = Left-wing Activist Agitprop Press (formerly known as the MSM))
To: libstripper
A bigger question:
Because Kamala Harris was born a citizen of Jamaica (and not the US, per terms of the 1952 Immigration Act*), can the spending legislation authorized with her Senate tie-breaker votes, be rescinded because they were not passed legally?
*See: Kamala Harris Ineligible website
To: Red Badger
Absolutely not! imho
Appointing another Constirution first and always Justice or two will help.
posted on
12/02/2024 7:42:04 AM PST
(Political incrementalism is like compound interest for liberals - every little bit adds up.)
To: libstripper
You have to look at the original intent of the authors of the Fourteenth Amendment. That intent was to protect the recently freed slaves from deprivation of the rights enumerated in the first eight amendments by the readmitted former slave states. It does say all persons born in the United States are citizens. However, you could also make the case that since the Thirteenth Amendment forbids involuntary servitude, the military draft is illegal. However, the draft existed in both World Wars and much of the Cold War era as it did during the Civil War. The courts upheld the legality of the draft. The authors of the Thirteen and Fourteenth Amendments were attempting to address the ending of slavery and the protection of the civil rights of the freedmen. They did not intend either the illegalization of the draft or establishing a rule for citizenship for immigrants, legal or not.
To: libstripper
Was not meant to apply the illegal alien migrant invaders,
Indeed good time to deport at least 50 million of them.
posted on
12/02/2024 7:50:53 AM PST
To: Blood of Tyrants
That is what Wong vs. US said. Illegals and other assorted non-citizens have no Constitutional rights. It is time we re-establish that fact.
posted on
12/02/2024 7:52:21 AM PST
(Donald John Trump. First man to be Elected to the Presidency THREE times since FDR.)
To: Bon of Babble
” future children of illegal aliens “
Future children. The 30 million already here are
posted on
12/02/2024 8:06:17 AM PST
(What would Michael Collins do?)
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