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Denver Mayor Who Threatened to Stop Deportations Folds Like a Lawn Chair After Tom Homan Threat
Red State ^
| 11/30/2024
| Bonchie
Posted on 11/30/2024 5:45:20 PM PST by SeekAndFind
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To: SeekAndFind
His mouth is writing checks his ass can’t cash.
posted on
11/30/2024 5:55:21 PM PST
(Okay Kamala! Where the hell is the "billion and a half" bucks?)
To: SeekAndFind
HOMAN: “He’s willing to go to jail. I’m willing to put him in jail.”
Yes! Go, Homan!
posted on
11/30/2024 5:56:54 PM PST
(Republicans are the party that says ‘Government doesn’t work.’ Then they get elected and prove it.)
To: SeekAndFind
...a "Tiananmen Square" moment. I presume he meant the one where a lone protester stood up to a column of tanks, not the one where the protesters were gunned down and ground to a slurry under the tank treads.
posted on
11/30/2024 5:57:28 PM PST
(It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. )
To: SeekAndFind
"...which is I don't think anyone envisioned U.S. military troops being deployed to American streets to gather up women and children." What kind of "women" is he talking about? Are these real women or men pretending to be women? He really should be more specific when he talks about genders.
posted on
11/30/2024 5:59:48 PM PST
The Duke
(Not without incident.)
To: SeekAndFind
He keeps backtracking, but I want to note the false framing being presented by Johnston.
There is worldly sorrow and then there is repentance.
your bets?
posted on
11/30/2024 6:04:06 PM PST
(Thinking Caps are not longer being issued, but there must be a warehouse full of them somewhere)
To: SeekAndFind
The backward Mayor summersaults backward.
posted on
11/30/2024 6:04:41 PM PST
To: SeekAndFind
This is what is known as "calling a bluff".
Usually our side folds.
This is quite a delightful change I must say.
posted on
11/30/2024 6:08:51 PM PST
Harmless Teddy Bear
( Not my circus. Not my monkeys. But I can pick out the clowns at 100 yards.)
To: SeekAndFind
If Colorado was still a sane state with a GOP governor and legislature, they could put the Sh!tty of Denver into receivership and fire this idiot mayor.
To: SeekAndFind
This statement by this puke makes it obvious that he hasn't a clue about military service.
There is no North High School grad who signed up to be an Army Ranger who wants to come back to his home town and round up his former high school students. No one wants to do that. So I think our purpose was to make the case that's what we want to avoid, but I certainly did not meant to stoke fear on either side of the line.
The piece of filth should be pilloried in front of the Denver City Hall for a month just for being an educated idiot.
posted on
11/30/2024 6:11:25 PM PST
(In the Shadow of The Big Chicken! )
To: SeekAndFind
Yeah, because the lawyers for the city told her there is no law to hide behind and as such, she’d be responsible for her own legal bills.
To: SeekAndFind
After clearing out the Roosevelt Hotel in NYC currently being used to house wets at the city’s expense, they could use it to imprison cementheaded mayors of sanctuary cities.
posted on
11/30/2024 6:25:48 PM PST
(They won't stop, so they'll have to be stopped)
To: FlingWingFlyer
posted on
11/30/2024 6:27:20 PM PST
(Oh boy. Can't wait. Go nuts kids)
Comment #14 Removed by Moderator
To: SeekAndFind
He is a well-spoken pansy with good hair and a respectable face. He is also ambitious. Keep an eye on him as he climbs the ladder. He is exactly the kind of smooth-talking technocrats they like.
posted on
11/30/2024 6:40:29 PM PST
To: gundog
“not the one where the protesters were gunned down and ground to a slurry under the tank treads.”
At this point I’d actually be okay with a bunch of leftists being ground into pulp.
posted on
11/30/2024 6:46:21 PM PST
( Peaceful coexistence with the Left is not possible. Stop pretending that it is.)
To: SeekAndFind
Democrats are all bluster.
Homan called his bluff, and the guy caved.
posted on
11/30/2024 6:48:24 PM PST
(He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” uitAmen. Come, Lord Jesus”)
To: SeekAndFind
If he obstructs federal immigration officials trying to enforce our immigration laws in removing aliens here illegally, arrest, book, arraign and indict the mayor.
If they can do those things to a president over bogus charges, the federal government can do the same for clear violations by a mayor of federal law(s).
posted on
11/30/2024 6:51:39 PM PST
(America's founding fathers: all armed conservatives)
To: FlingWingFlyer
posted on
11/30/2024 6:53:14 PM PST
Fai Mao
(The US government is run by pedophiles and Perverts for pedophiles and perverts)
To: SeekAndFind
posted on
11/30/2024 6:53:23 PM PST
Savage Beast
(Fight! Fight! Fight! God Bless America! Trump won because good TRiUMPhed over evil.)
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