I notice the article doesn't mention Scot Presler, who traveled to the Amish communities and spent time with the people encouraging them to vote. According to him he registered quite a number and also helped in getting them to the polls in order to cast their ballots. The election was close in PA. I think the Amish probably did make a difference.
When it comes to government, most Republicans / conservatives / libertarians just want to be left alone as much as possible. That should work for the Amish as well.
The Biden regime used police state tactics to close down an Amish dairy. The Amish are all for live and let live until this year when they realized they too have a target on their backs
For the Amish, this was payback pure and simple
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Amish Farmer Faces Fines, Prison Time for Refusing to Comply with USDA Regulations
The Amish want to be left alone, but when PA authorities repeatedly went after Amish farmer Amos Miller for selling raw milk without a permit I think many of them began to realize the PA government could come after them too.
The milk gestapo was disgusting. Government goons destroying milk and cheese.
The Amish are a cloistered group of ‘other haters’. They keep to themselves and go about their business of the nefarious crimes we can only ponder about. Weird supremacist religious tendencies coupled with generations long loyalty to their ways is SUSPICIOUS, UNAMERICAN.. We have to find a way to suppress them... Yeah, that’s it. Stop them from selling fresh milk and produce and product.
This is what Left America thinks of these wonderful people.
The left hates them because they are white and Christian.
Amish started in Europe, but ALL moved to America, to escape heavy handed government there!
They enjoyed two or three centuries of government, who left them alone, what is all what they want from government!
But now, the WOKE government here is getting after them. And there is no country, they can just move to!
So, finally, they are waking up and exercise their God given right to vote that government OUT!
And the peerless Scott Presler...
The Amish voted like they never did before. Seems raiding a milk farm with lots of guns helped them to decide.
Whenever I read about the Amish in Pennsylvania riding to the polls in 2016 and 2024 to try to preserve civilization against the statists, I can’t help but think of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxlRJsQ7p2k