Posted on 11/04/2024 1:55:14 PM PST by Signalman
Every time I read a story like this showing the insanity getting worse and worse, we say “Let’s sell.” But right now at our Idaho place it’s 39 degrees, scattered snow and cloudy. Why wife is at our Idaho place right now (she never wants to come back to CA).
But it’s 70 degrees and sunny here on the San Fran Peninsula today where I am today.
I HATE that the bastards have so ruined California that all this extreme eco crap and woke crap forces people to leave this state.
Californians deserve whatever they get.
No sympathy here.
The committee will determine that its price gouging by greedy oil companies and gas station owners.
Put a windmill on the property of anyone that votes for Harris.
Calling Captain Obvious. Big consulting fee possible.
buy a damn mirror and look at it gav one buys your shtick.
We’re not sending our brightest to Sacramento that’s for sure.
i emailed nunez when he was still in ca and asked him to light a fire under the old guy butts in sack and ask them all if they wanted to be heros or zeros
he made his choice i think to be a hero and left sac and went MAGA
( MIGHT have been cuz his families orchard was one of the ag famalies that saw their water cut so sac could piss it out into the ocean though )
I won't buy REIT's or utilities with California exposure. Too risky for the potential reward. Why invest in a Communist state?
If I had to guess, I would say that in addition to other factors, the cost of capital in California is higher than in other states; but the higher rate of return is still not worth the risk.
LOL. They don’t call him Newscum for nothing.
That would mean that California voters are the stupidest in the nation, Hard to believe when they have such strong competition from NY, MA, CT, CE, MD, IL, etc.
Lignite can be. You can see leaves within it.
Sell ‘em both and come to the Sunshine state my will never see 39 degrees again. 😁
Seems to me that California plans to shoot itself in the foot along with the rest of the country if possible.
“signed an executive order for the state to examine why the state’s electricity costs double the national average”
i can’t wait to see what kind of ridiculous spin these “examiners” will be forced to come up with ... me thinks they’ve been given an almost impossible task to avoid the actual truth ...
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