Posted on 10/27/2024 11:39:38 AM PDT by cuz1961
wonder who has stock in the new niche market...
whats in gav and piglousies stock portfolio ?
Creating a Black-market ,LOL
The EU has several member countries. The US has 50 member countries. One I avoid is California. I also moved from my original home country, “washington state”, to my new home country, Kentucky. We are a lot freer here. I love it.
A five gallon can and an extension hose. Not for packpacking of course.
In addition, get a Kelly Kettle. Makes it easy to have hot water in a few minutes by burning anything burnable. You can cook on it too but not to the extent you can on a larger stove.
I'd like to say that these canisters have many other uses besides camping. Buddy heaters are used to take the chill of many barns, shops, work spaces, tree stands, duck blinds. It is just an excuse for more government control of people's lives imo.
politicians with nothing better to do than take away citizen’s money and liberties
should be reassigned to constructive labors instead
such as digging fence posts for our southern border fence
“Not for packpacking of course.”
How long is the hose?
last time this came up, the thread was contaminated with 100 people who said they just refilled the single use ones and you can get the adapters on amazon or aliexpress.
I would probably never do this because it is is illegal to transport them after refilling, and you can buy legal cylinders that are designed to be refilled on amazon or ebay, or wherever.
I remember during covid these could not be found, but there were plenty of the slightly different ones for propane torches everywhere, I always carry one of these when camping cause they are easy to pack, and the torch head makes it super easy to start campfires even if the wood is wet.
I suppose there could be a financial component, Cuz, but I think Faith has it right: here deep behind enemy lines the legislature works tirelessly to find new ways to boss us around that make them feel good about their righteousness
..... Heck ...... Just re-label the canisters as “Small Multi-Use Propane Canisters” ......
yes, the commmie/nazi/progressive/leftists mostly exhibit a compulsive drive to stomp everybody else down under their feet (or rather, boots)
If you watch a few videos of people hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, many of the hikers use single use propane cannisters to heat their food and water.
In fact, there is a form of camp stove that screws right into cannister and allows a small pot to be heated for food or coffee.
If the State of California bans these cannisters it’s going to change long distance hiking a major way.
Here’s a write up from REI about these cannisters.
You can get different lengths. 5ft is the shortest. And they come with the proper fitting to fit stoves, lanterns, heaters, Etc. The fitting screws on where the can would normally go. And the other end fits the propane bottle fitting. You could run a camp stove for a month of regular cooking on a 5 gallon bottle.
i just detest anything that restricts free capitalism.
this law deprives the manufacture's of the 1lbs nonfefillable canistets of the ca. market
i dont want to buy their new refillable crap if its not good enough to compete on the market, ,,,they get these ecocommies pols to give them unfair advantage,,, must be big donors for the dnc
thank you for the link
“I would probably never do this because it is is illegal to transport them after refilling.”
And they would know how?
I do it all the time. Have been for years and years... The warnings are to scare you into buying new full cylinders or expensive refillable ones. It is a scam perpetuated by lobbyists. So was the OPD device on the bigger bottles.
When Kalifornia banned the 100 watt incandescent light bulb, I wrote R.I.P on one of the 100 watt bulbs and placed it on my desk at work. For months after I first put it out, it was helpful in combating the Deep State and the Environmental Globull Hoax Industry. Without mentioning political parties, I slowly but surely educated office leftists that it was not getting warmer, and that the Great Cold will return. If one of them actually seemed to be paying attention and listening, I told them that, right now, we believe that the COLD/warm pattern is about 100,000 years of COLD, and 10-15,000 years of some warming. Then, if they were still listening, I told them that without C02, all the plants would die. The REAL ‘greening of the Earth’ needs C02.
And, as Bongino notes, even if one or more are not convinced, there are others within earshot who are also listening.
Where in Kentucky? We are getting ready to resettle in the Lexington area.
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