1 posted on
10/16/2024 1:29:53 AM PDT by
To: blueplum
“The so-called Israeli state is a settler colony, and it never had the right to exist." Yeah, a "settler colony" that's 4000 years old and was here long before your Mohammed was a gleam in his dog mothers eye b**ch.
What ticks me off about these jerks and what is NEVER mentioned is that if every last Jew in Israel was Muslim, NONE of this would be happening. This is all about antisemitism.
This is Charlotte Kates BTW. May she go the way of Rachel Corrie and grease the wheels of some Israeli bulldozers.
2 posted on
10/16/2024 1:57:10 AM PDT by
(As long as Hillary Clinton remains free, the USA will never have equal justice under the law)
To: blueplum
Imagine that. A pro-terrorist group collecting money for terrorists.
3 posted on
10/16/2024 2:26:56 AM PDT by
Brooklyn Attitude
(DemocRATS have always been the Jackass party, now they are also the Hamas(s) party.)
To: blueplum
Newsflash: virtually all of the leftist groups are sham charities.
4 posted on
10/16/2024 3:07:33 AM PDT by
Tell It Right
(1 Thessalonians 5:21 -- Put everything to the test, hold fast to that which is true.)
To: blueplum
They should round up all the Pro Palestinian protestors and drop them off in Gaza preferably at a Hamas commanders known compound.
5 posted on
10/16/2024 3:12:14 AM PDT by
(The only thing systemic in America is the left's hatred of it!)
To: blueplum
Yea and its called CAIR.
Its been in the USA doing this for 30 years.
6 posted on
10/16/2024 3:46:21 AM PDT by
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