Wait, wait Heels up said there are no troops in or going to an active war zone and she doesn’t lie.
First of all, of course, Joe Biden isn't considering anything.
But second - they helped us so much in Iraq and Afghanistan, it only makes sense to return the favor.
That’s not true it’s the first time, because they had troops in Israel during the gulf war with the patriot missile system
On a side note, Biden is just itching to destroy harris.
She is still part of this administration and boy are muslims in the US gonna be mad at her over this.
Good. I hope they all to pray somewhere instead of vote on election day.
Some people will be upset that we are sending troops.
Ya know, sailors count as US military personnel, so all those ships we send to the pacific to show force for our allies in the region, those are troops we are putting directly in harm’s way.
And I’m guessing they number more than 100.
We have allies. Or interests. Or both.
Sometimes we will need to help our allies or interests.
This is one of those cases.
I’m ok with it.
They’ll be targets of opportunity. Not a good idea.
Anything to place more Americans at risk Biden’s all for it not happy with the 13 he murdered.
Rather than just (a) give Israel what it needs and (b) quit detering Israel from doing what it needs and (3) quit making excuses for Hamas and Hezbollah.
I already saw photos of deceased a few days ago. One had a US flag patch above his chevron. I forget how many stripes on the Chevron. Someone said it signified a General.
Not “considering”. On their way. At least one MSM report says THAAD and operators will arrive Tuesday Oct. 15
Netanyahu wrong to allow. Biden-Harris wrong about everything.
Dearborn and other places will not like to hear that. There go more Arab votes to “stay home” or Trump.
He wants to involve American troops so he can hand Trump a bigger mess.
Jao Bai-din isn’t placing a spoon in a pudding cup, much less stationing troops anywhere. Neither he nor Que-mala Harris are running the Executive Branch of U.S. government.