Posted on 09/19/2024 4:40:02 PM PDT by george76
How does this Disappearance fit with tampon tim’s field trips to chyna?
The Kamunist and The Timmunist...
I know where that manual is now.
Joins NG in 1981.
First trip to China in 1989.
Twenty Nine more China trips followed.
When I was working in China in Fall ‘76 - Spring ‘77, I wrote a letter to a college engineering buddy in the Army who was stationed in Germany. My letter ALONE got him a visit from Army investigators.
Just 12 years later an NG soldier gets nothing for visiting China.
Total bs. Come on! How’s this nobody gonna get that kind of info? It’s election season. Let the rats pull this crap.
Probably just a coincidence.
The time frames match closely: When it disappeared, and when it re-appeared suddenly.
/Why not just make an overnight Kinko’s Copy center run, then send the copied paper that have no fingerprints?
These multiple, decades-long association with specific places and people in Communist China are “more than troubling” - And should bar Waltz from ANY classified information then. And now.
/democrat party has no American loyalty.
Only one guess and you probably got it right.
I want to know what kind of clearance this schmuck had. And I want to see the investigations.
It’s not missing… the Chicoms have it.
Mistake number one, right there.
Ya never did before, why would you now ?
Guess where the classified nuclear manual ended up?
How did Xi know where to fly his balloon that went over the entire country last year?
Xi’s best friend is now the VP candidate for the democrats, and for China. One heartbeat away from completely selling out the country to China. Kamala better watch out.
I agree. He wasn't going to china every couple of weekends to play spy vs. spy. He was going because it freed him from his duties at the National Guard. Duties that he considered 'below' him. The Supervision part he just wasn't good at so it worked out better when he was absent.(/s)
The upgraded howitzer may be nuke capable but there’s no ammo for it to fire. Tactical nuclear weapons went away in a treaty in the 1980s & all the rounds went to PANTEX to remove the fissile material. While controlled documents going missing is a serious issue, there is little larger effect, IMO.
“[H]e wishes to remain anonymous but is willing to cooperate with the FBI.”
Talking to the FBI will do a lot of good; maybe get in touch with the Secret Service and the DNC too, for good measure. /s
Seriously, doing it in the open is the only way to be protected.
Yes. Artillery Fired Atomic Projectiles, AFAPs, were already gone during that time frame. The documents should have been destroyed or turned in by that time.
This whole article is very suspect.
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