>> The UK needs a violent and bloody revolt with heads staked on the Tower Bridge.
Yeah baby! Just like old times.
Hey, think what Labor heads on pikes would do to bring in those tourist dollars!
(Can we add migrant rapists to the heads-on-pikes???)
” Money for foreigners, rapists, groomers, and African terrorists but no money for Britons. The UK needs a violent and bloody revolt with heads staked on the Tower Bridge. All wogs and foreigners need deportation. Dump them anywhere out of Europe. Dump them way out in the Atlantic far from land.”
Totally agree . Bring back the England I first visited as a young man back in 1976 . Unfortunately , it’s not going to happen . There are not enough Brits who’ll actually stand up and fight for their survival .
Just like here, bringing in every POS illegal on planet Earth and giving them everything in welfare possible on our tax dollars, fake voting rights and other perks while our own Vets live in the street. Meanwhile these bastard feds have taken money out of my paychecks and everybody for over 5 decades like every one else to give to illegals and pork projects.
It seems we fought wars against England for nothing, George Washington is turning over in his grave. The Brits have already lost London just like we are losing cities, counties and states.
I was wondering if there wouldn’t be plenty of money for the winter fuel payment if they wouldn’t just cut out some of the garbage.