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Preliminary Report Finds Thomas Matthew Crooks Was 'Fragged,' Rifle Likely Disabled After SWAT Operator's Incredible Shot
Western Journal ^ | August 17, 2024 | Joe Saunders

Posted on 08/19/2024 6:20:18 AM PDT by george76

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To: george76

In the picture of the dead man on the roof, it did not look like his face, neck and shoulder had been “fragged.” That implies a number of wounds.

41 posted on 08/19/2024 7:58:42 AM PDT by heartwood (If you're looking for the /sarc tag, you just passed it..)
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To: Jan_Sobieski

Ok could be weeks and or years. So my your logic you let everything rot in place.

42 posted on 08/19/2024 8:18:04 AM PDT by riverrunner
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To: isthisnickcool

I do not believe the local police SWAT team shooter had any connection to what your describe.

But the Local policeman’s shooting the rifle explains why it was so far from Crooks body.

The early audio forensics noted multiple shooters, but what actually happened was Crooks was moving to different position after he shot the 1st 3 round.

The FIB knew all of this and more, but are trying to silence any further examination.

43 posted on 08/19/2024 8:31:59 AM PDT by Texas Fossil (Texas is not about where you were born, but a Free State of Heart, Mind and Attitude.)
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To: riverrunner

This was not just ANY crime scene. I would say some real transparency was needed. But instead, as usual, the Deep State™ was opaque and haughty.

44 posted on 08/19/2024 8:37:53 AM PDT by central_va (I won't be reconstructed and I do not give a damn...)
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To: george76
"And I Would Have Gotten Away With It Too, If It Weren't For You Meddling Kids Local Police Forces"
45 posted on 08/19/2024 8:41:12 AM PDT by Organic Panic (Democrats. Memories as short as Joe Biden's eyes)
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To: Mr.Unique
I can only speak for myself. I worked as a “tech” in both a SpecOps unit and a Force Recon unit. I am entitled to be a member of a Navy SpecOps society. Support personnel are a vital part of all SpecOps commands, for my part I had to go through an interview process just to be assigned to the unit. In my case our “Operators” always treated us as part of the team. While attached to the command, I wore a unit ball cap with a unit logo that included a Trident. After I retired, I stopped wearing it because of the Trident.

Army and Air Force seem a bit different, from the outside looking in, wearing the hat of a unit you were a part of seems fine. I believe the Army has tabs and pins that would further distinguish operators from support personnel. If he is only wearing the command cap, and he served in that command, I am not sure that is an issue. It is an issue to vets, if you NEVER served in any capacity in SpecOps and you wear a hat with a SOC logo. A.k.a A-Waltz.

Assigned as support personnel to Recon and a SOC was great, awesome commands, excellent senior enlisted and officers, I am proud of my time with them. Maybe that is what is going on with your coworker. Then again there are those who like to give civilians a false impression of their service.

46 posted on 08/19/2024 8:43:24 AM PDT by OldGoatCPO (No Caitiff Choir of Angels will sing for me. )
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To: TStro

Water tower?

Too many question that need a thorough independent investigation.

47 posted on 08/19/2024 8:43:36 AM PDT by Swirl
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To: 1Old Pro

No, they should be on vacation 9 months out of the year, the less they do to help us the better off we are.

48 posted on 08/19/2024 8:47:55 AM PDT by OldGoatCPO (No Caitiff Choir of Angels will sing for me. )
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To: george76

Show photos of the scene of the crime. It is mandatory to take photos from different angles and make an inventory of all the things found at the scene, just as they were at that moment.

49 posted on 08/19/2024 8:48:11 AM PDT by californian by choice (Who are those who believe in science?)
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To: riverrunner

How long to you hold onto a body and how long should you wait to clean a crime scene up.
= = =

I think it took a year to tear down the apartment in the U of Idaho student killings. And argued to keep it longer, for the trial.

50 posted on 08/19/2024 8:56:43 AM PDT by Scrambler Bob (Running Rampant, and not endorsing nonsense; My pronoun is EXIT. And I am generally full of /S)
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To: george76

Crooks, crooks, crooks.

They can repeat it all they want—it will never be true...

Start at the twenty two minute mark of this video:

The “investigations” are built on a foundation of sand.

51 posted on 08/19/2024 8:59:25 AM PDT by cgbg ("Our democracy" = Their Kleptocracy)
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To: isthisnickcool

My mistake, I miss read the description in the Congressional review. It was the buffer tube as in your photo, not the gas tube.

The buffer tube is how the stock attaches. But your photo shows the buffer spring exposed.

Dave K.

52 posted on 08/19/2024 9:05:36 AM PDT by Texas Fossil (Texas is not about where you were born, but a Free State of Heart, Mind and Attitude.)
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To: george76

Some of my questions?
1. Why did the roof-top SS anti-sniper team that was to the right of Trump appear to duck and flinch, then turn to the right (while Trump was still speaking)? Were they under fire? Why at nearly the same time did people flinch along the top row of the stand behind Trump, with one person injured, and with a visual of a projectile hit the railing? An alignment along that top row suggests shots from the tress, over the SS sniper nest, and along the top row? Impossible trajectory for a “Crooks” shot. Why did a media person announce shots were being fired from the trees?
2. Was Crooks really the shooter that was killed? Stone and others have suggested it could have been some one else?
3. What the hell were the SS team managers doing? Why the lack of updates on their investigation after the shooting?
4. What evidence do we have of sound suppressed shots? Were there as many as 20 shots? Cullen has shown a phone video that captured a projectile moving near Trump prior to the ear shot, and suggest from preliminary ballistic audio analysis that suppressed subsonic shots were being fired, even after Trump was hit.
5 Can all of the audible shots and their trajectories be accounted for without using magic bullet theory?
6. What were the Butler Police and one SS agent doing in the building below “Crooks.” What communication did the have to the SS and other police.
7. After the shooting why was everyone allowed to leave freely? Was there any screening of attendees?
8. Why was CNN attending the Trump rally? Were they tipped something might happen?
9. Many more.

53 posted on 08/19/2024 9:23:10 AM PDT by Swirl
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To: Colt1851Navy

But, but all the honorable whistleblowers!

54 posted on 08/19/2024 9:32:27 AM PDT by Bonemaker (invictus maneo Un)
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To: george76

“..fragged his face/neck/right shoulder area from the stock breaking up.”

That’s not “fragging” as I understand the term!😎

55 posted on 08/19/2024 9:35:24 AM PDT by Bonemaker (invictus maneo Un)
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To: george76

I would have thought that an INCREDIBLE shot would have been one that killed him immediately and outright.

Not impressed.

56 posted on 08/19/2024 9:39:42 AM PDT by Chickensoup
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To: george76

“It was a shot from above that killed would-be assassin Thomas Crooks...”

Where the hell was “above” in that setting?

57 posted on 08/19/2024 9:40:04 AM PDT by Bonemaker (invictus maneo Un)
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To: Swirl

My response to questions—my opinion of course:

1. The snipers that flinched were under fire—either from the water tower or trees adjacent to it.
2. Crooks was not the body we have seen. It could have been Yearick or even somebody else.
3. The SS was ordered to stand down—just like the JFK assassination. Incompetence was real but ultimately just a cover story.
4. I am keeping an open mind on this question. More investigation is needed.
5. Same as 4.
6. There is mass confusion on this point. Same as 4.
7. See number 3.
8. I do not think is an issue. Many media folks attend a lot of rallies.

What you might find interesting is the JFK discussion here:

Go to the bottom of the page and there is a long three hour video “confession” by James E. Files.

If the Deep State stuck to that basic method of operation (and I believe they did) there probably were:

—Folks with Secret Service ID or uniforms who were not really Secret Service
—Secret Service ordered to stand down
—FBI Director had full knowledge of plot and supported it
—At least two professional hitmen
—One patsy who did not fire any shots at anybody
—Cover story prepared in advance and fed to mass media
—Very high level conspirators who were not in any formal chain of command but were an informal organization—and who may have had different motivations for the assassination

and lots lots more....

58 posted on 08/19/2024 9:47:05 AM PDT by cgbg ("Our democracy" = Their Kleptocracy)
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To: george76

Another cremation before all the forensics were in.

59 posted on 08/19/2024 10:18:33 AM PDT by Eleutheria5 (Every Goliath has his David. Child in need of a CGM system. )
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To: george76

Whatever the shot was, his face was still intact. I saw the photos at least twice. He had blood coming out of nose, mouth and ears. I think the shot entered from the crown of his head and went went downward taking out the back of his head.

60 posted on 08/19/2024 10:25:38 AM PDT by mware
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