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Preliminary Report Finds Thomas Matthew Crooks Was 'Fragged,' Rifle Likely Disabled After SWAT Operator's Incredible Shot
Western Journal ^ | August 17, 2024 | Joe Saunders

Posted on 08/19/2024 6:20:18 AM PDT by george76

It was a shot from above that killed would-be assassin Thomas Crooks at a July campaign rally where he almost murdered President Donald Trump.

But it was a shot from below that took Crooks out of action first, according to a congressional report ...

And that shot, fired by a local law enforcement sniper, was incredible.


Louisiana Republican Rep. Clay Higgins... Crooks fired eight shots, killing a firefighter who attended the Butler, Pennsylvania, rally with his family, critically wounding two others, and coming within a hair’s breadth of ending the life of the 45th president.


The ninth shot fired that day came from a SWAT team member from Butler County.

It did not kill Crooks but struck the stock of his rifle and “fragged his face/neck/right shoulder area from the stock breaking up.” The shot is also believed to have disabled the rifle’s buffer tube, a critical component in the weapon’s cycling function.



The 10th shot fired that day apparently came from a Secret Service sniper from a location above Crooks. That shot put Crooks down permanently.


He has criticized the FBI, for instance, for releasing Crooks’ body for cremation before it could be thoroughly examined.

He accused the FBI of cleaning up “biological evidence” at the scene,


Butler County law enforcement had set aside radios for the Secret Service that were “were properly and perfectly arranged during the extensive pre-mission planning.” But the Secret Service never picked them up.

The American public already knows, however, that security failure abounded at the Trump rally that day.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Front Page News; Government; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: almostjfk2; assassin; banglist; butlercounty; coverup; cremation; crooks; deepstate; fbi; r; secretservice; sslies; thomascrooks; thomasmatthewcrooks; usss
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To: 2CAVTrooper
Ever think that he may have moved and THATS why the buffer tube has hit?

Sure. That would explain it. If he was alive and could move. Did the FBI recover the bullet and see if it looks like it hit the stock and the buffer tube ? Or see whose rifle it matched ?

IMHO This is really about the FBI/SS blaming the locals and now trying to fix it by proclaiming that the local was the hero of the day. Maybe he was, but where is the bullet ? Where is the rifle that Crooks used ?

81 posted on 08/22/2024 2:06:57 PM PDT by UCANSEE2 (I lost my tagline on Flight MH370 )
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