Posted on 08/06/2024 9:34:43 AM PDT by george76
NZ has tended authoritarian for many years. The NZ people are too willing to wear the yoke of Gvt. Perhaps in the fullness of time they will see the error of embracing both woke and loss of personal freedom.
Wouldn’t it be easier for NZ to just require all non-vaccinated to wear something like a yellow star of david on their clothing, so they can be identified? Maybe some serial numbers tattooed on their skin? </snark>
UN Agenda 21 , 2030 , Great Reset, ( Let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the list.)
Call it the Jim Jones Law....................
This would be the hill for me. I will not be forcibly injected by “experts”.
Governments bragged about how many they suckered into getting the fake COVID shot
Colin Powell’s last words: I thought the vaxx protected me… ?
They made the hill harder by taking guns first.
Just have them show up for their euthanasia appt.
Imagine Karens watching vaxxed people dropping like flies, knowing that they have the same poison running through their veins.
I certainly can. I have cousins who chose to submit to a single COVID jab not to lose their job. I never send them the shot complication articles because they must already feel a lot of anxiety. So far so good.
My niece who had breast cancer with 14 years cancer free had a recurrence. She’s faculty at a SUNY college and liberal. I don’t tell her either.
Not a single one of them questions if the jabs have anything to do with it. Not a single one.
If you can get the vaccine into the tattoo ink, you can forcibly vaccinate the dissenters while at the same time permanently identifying people who are not minded to blindly comply.
One good thing about not being shot is that your body organs have not been destroyed by spike proteins
There’s always been plenty of sheep in New Zealand, and now there’s a two-legged variety as well.
N a Z I forces DEPOPULATION on innocent citizens.
Graphene oxide is in dental anesthetics. - Karen Kingston..
Same here. Know a few dead too. Can’t fix stupid, and I really don’t want to save them anyway.
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